Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 219

Chapter 219: Aftermath (1)

"Young master!" Lu Yi and Huo Zunjie were the first to arrives at where Yi Feng is standing. Barehandedly, the two of them quickly removes the soil around Qin Lan to release him from the earth.

Qin Lan was still unconscious when he was taken out and put on the ground. This made everyone anxious as it was their first time not having Qin Lan's advising them. Furthermore, with Lu Qing Yun is out of the picture, the males are all having issues with what to do.

"Fed this pill to your young master. Whether he lives or dies will be depending on his own will." Elder Yang Wen tossed a medicinal bottle at Lu Yi's hand and told him what to do.

"Thank you, elder!" Lu Yi immediately fed the pill into Qin Lan's mouth. Everyone was in a panic as there's no one else to lead them.

Moments later, the three princes arrived after Qin Lan was rescued from the land erosion. They're also in confusion as they look at Qin Lan's current condition. But for him to be still alive after getting hit by a half-step Spiritual Root expert is considered a miracle.

"Can he be saved?" Sun Wu Jian was the one with the most worries among the three princes.

"We're not sure yet... But the young master is still breathing. His Foundation Qi seems to be blocked and broken, and it would take some time before he can fully recover. As for his other injuries, we're not sure because Qing Yun is not around us..." said Huo Zunjie.

He's the only one capable of diagnosing this right now since Lu Qing Yun wasn't by their side. If they have to depend on Lu Yi, perhaps that brute will be bringing Qin Lan back to the Demon Mountain Fort in a rash decision.

"Let me take a look." not feeling excited or whatsoever on his expression, Leng Ching popped up between them and asked to be given a space beside Qin Lan.

"Senior brother Leng!" Shan Xiong Xin arrived next, along with Sun Chen Long and Sun Ding Tian. They were going to speak, but Sun Wu Jian's hand in the middle of his lips tells them to keep quiet while Leng Ching tried to do something.

'Not good... The flow of his Qi is going upside down. If we don't quickly do something, junior brother's cultivation is going to be decreasing one level at a time until there's nothing left.' Leng Ching said.

With the bag of acupuncture needles in his hand, he started the treatment on Qin Lan as soon as possible. But the percentage of success made even Leng Ching sigh...



"Peng Shuang Hui? Does the (Hui) in my name mean regret? Why... Why would you name me like this?" Peng Yan fell into her father's arm as she cried. It was already devastating for her to cause so much torture to the man she loves. And it was yet to finish.

To think that her mother was, in fact, not the one married to her father...

To think that her father was actually someone not as perfect as she assumes...

This made her partially agree that she shouldn't be born into this world. Perhaps without her, Cao Wu Shuang won't have to live her life this way.

But what she can't understand is why Cao Wu Shuang took her as her disciple and shower her with care if all she's going to do is to kill her right now?

"Why would you be named like this? It's because I regret it! I regret bringing you home and introduce you to my family and my younger sister at that time!"

"I regret surrendering my body to you, although I know you had your eyes on both of us! I regret that I give up my marriage for the sake of my sister, and what I regret the most is why would I fall in love with you!" the Evil abbess tossed her sword at Peng Likun.

The sword was deflected before it reaches the general. But it hurts his heart, nevertheless from the Evil abbess's words as sharp as multiple swords.

"Why won't you come forward to talk to me at that time? All this time, I thought you're the one unwilling to be with me because you hate the fact I've taken your sister in as my wife!" Peng Likun said.

"If you... If you just said that word, I would marry you immediately even if the Peng and Cao family rejected my proposal!" he added.

"If? How dare you tell me that? From the day you've to rape us sisters, my heart was broken. I have no other wish from that moment onwards, except for the destruction of both families!"

"Now, we're the only few left. As long you're gone, I will follow you too. And our daughter, you've found her a companion, don't you?" the Evil abbess pointed at where Qin Lan is lying down. Although he's still breathing, based on his condition, it won't be long before he breathes his last.

"Let all of us go down there and lived as a family." the Evil abbess attacked. This time, her attack seems to be much sharper as each blow is made to kill. Forced to defend against the Evil abbess while moving around to protect his daughter, Peng Likun is forced to an edge.

"Cao Wu Shuang! Stop all these maniacal acts right now! We can still go back to before!" Peng Likun said. Looking around for people to protect Peng Yan in his hand, he finally found someone that possibly can be dependable.

"The two of you! Protect my..." Peng Likun was going to send Peng Yan to the two peak-level Bone expert females following him around. But never in his wildest dream that these two were no longer by his side.josei

Before he managed to let Peng Yan go, the two stabbed the dagger in their hand into Peng Likun's chest.

"You two! Why? Why?" Peng Likun asked.

But he soon gets his answer from their void eyes. They've been under Cao Wu Shuang's puppeteering technique for a long time ago. Just like Peng Yan when she tried to attacked Qin Lan, tears were coming from the corner of their eyes.

"It's fine... It's fine..." Peng Likun gently pushed both of them away as he knocked them unconscious.

"Hehehe... You're so heartless and poisonous... To this that... Urgh..." Peng Likun looked at Cao Wu Shuang and chuckled. He realized something else after taking two dagger attacks into his flesh.

"Looks like... There's no way for a retreat today..." Peng Likun throws Peng Yan a few meters away after he gave her a hug. At the same time, the intimate action between a father and his child made the spectators failed to see what he stuffed into her chest pocket.

"I want you to give your life to your young lady. Can you do that?" Peng Likun asked. But nobody is answering his question. As if there's no other way around, Peng Likun removes the two daggers still stabbed in his chest and push his Foundation Qi to the limit.

"Come! Cao Wu Shuang! Today, we'll die together!" he charged into where Cao Wu Shuang is in his act of last struggle. The two powerful cultivators immediately engaged in a fight to the death as Foundation Qi explodes all over the battlefield.

Perhaps right now, only Elder Yang Wen is qualified to interrupt their battle. But there's no reason for him to do so as this was not only a conspiracy between countries. There are also many hidden factors behind it.

One of the hints can be found from the two daggers used to injured Peng Likun. On the dagger itself, there's an emblem of "Wei" on its hilt. This means... the two weapons came from the royal family.


"He'll survive..." Leng Ching said as he fell to the ground. From the sweat as large as a bead around his forehead, it is evident that he expended a considerable part of his life and qi to rescue Qin Lan.

"Young Master!" Lu Yi, Huo Zunjie, and the others immediately attended to Qin Lan, while Shan Xiong Xin and Sun Chen Long came to Leng Ching's side.

"Senior brother, thank you." Sun Wu Jian bowed properly to Leng Ching. His movement was full of respect as he can be regarded as Qin Lan's lifesaver right now.

"He's still weak. Quickly fed him the Blood Genesis Pill right now." Leng Ching said as his hand was shaking while taking out something.

A few minutes later, the light finally returned to Qin Lan as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Young Master, you're awake..." the crowd immediately asked if Qin Lan can recognize them.

"Stop fooling around... How's Qing Yun?" Qin Lan immediately asked.

"She's fine. As long she gets treated a little more, I'm sure that there will be no scar left on her." the female elder that appeared out of nowhere said with Lu Qing Yun placed behind a half-step Spiritual Root Yao Beast.

"Sister Xinya," the elder Yang Wen cupped his hands together after seeing the female elder.

"This elder is?" Qin Lan asked.

"Cloud Plucking Sect's Inner Sect elder, Yang Xinya." she introduced herself.

"This junior thanked the elder for rescuing the life of a family of his. If there's a possibility in the future, this junior will make sure he remembers this favor." Qin Lan said.

"Don't need. I'll be taking this girl into the Inner Sect after today. As for you, there's more to happen. As for my arrival here, I'm just giving you people the chance to see her for the last time before she follows me." the elder said before leaving.

"Where's Peng Yan?" Qin Lan kept asking. But it seems that Peng Yan was missing from this place, quietly.

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