Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 220

Chapter 220: Aftermath (2) End of Volume 4

"What? Peng Yan is no longer at where the general left her?" Qin Lan quickly scanned that area but noticed that he no longer have any Spiritual Qi or Foundation Qi in his core. It was like exhausted from all the fighting.

Qin Lan immediately swallowed a few pills to recuperate. Since it was still absorbable by his body, that means his cultivation is still there.

Perhaps he will need to take at least a month or two to get himself back to his top condition. But right now, his attention is not about his wellbeing, but Peng Yan.

The fact she's missing from the spot made Qin Lan somewhat worried for her. But from the Genius General of Warfare's expression, it seems that everything is going as planned.

Another half an hour later, the outcome of the battle is finally out.

The Evil abbess was struck by a fist coming from Peng Likun in exchange for a palm strike on his chest. But this daring bet allowed him to overcome Cao Wu Shuang. Taking her as a captive also rolled the curtain down on this battlefield.

Not long after the battle ended, an announcement came from the other guardians representing the Country of Wu.

"Because the battle is interrupted by a half-step Spiritual Root Cultivator, the winner for this war will go to the side of the Country of Wu. From today onwards, a third of the Kuanglei Province, including its capital, will be included in the Yunshan Province map."

"If there's any protest, then both countries shall solve it via their own skirmishes. This was all. This location is now under the supervision of the Royal Guards. Those irrelevant to this battle shall leave voluntarily right now!" the guardian said.

Qin Lan closed his eyes after that announcement.




A week later.

"He's awake." Hu Jia came out from the room she's living with Qin Lan and announced the good news to everyone waiting impatiently in the courtyard.

"Young master is awake?" Lu Yi immediately approached Hu Jia to confirm her words.

"Yes. Husband said that he's a little weak right now, so he won't be talking to all of you. Everyone shall take care of yourselves until he came out from his seclusion a month later. Unless there's something essential, you'll go through them with me, noted?" Hu Jia relay Qin Lan's word.

"At least let us... Ahhh!!!" Lu Yi wanted to interrupt but got his ear pinched by Huo Zunjie as he already guessed what the insensitive brute tried to say.

"Then... We'll leave first. Please tell the young master we'll be around all the time." Huo Zunjie said. Forcefully pulling Lu Yi away with him, only Yi Feng and his brothers, the two little lasses, and the two elder siblings were left in the courtyard.

"Sister-In-Law, please take care of our third bother properly. We'll return to the Cloud Plucking Sect first." Qin Fan and Qin Chan excused themselves after hearing that Qin Lan is awake.

"Can we go in and take a look at the teacher?" the two lasses asked. Luckily, Yi Feng and the others were still around. With their help, the four quickly disturbed the two lasses as they pulled the girls away from disturbing Qin Lan and Hu Jia.

After the door into the room was closed, Hu Jia exhaled a mouthful of air and went to the bedside.

In fact, except for the word about Qin Lan is awake, everything else was a lie. He was not in the condition to give any order to them right now.

"They left." Hu Jia said and sat by the bed where Qin Lan rested his head down. Using a hand of hers to touch his forehead, Hu Jia struggles to take care of her man using her own body without a hint of Spiritual Qi.

Her palms were supposed to be as smooth as an infant's buttcheek was full of blisters and wounds now, from cleaning Qin Lan daily. But there's not even a word of complaint from her as she knew what Qin Lan needed the most right now.

"Has Zhou Mei really left?" Qin Lan asked.

"En... We've tried to stop her master, but it was useless. She should be arriving at the Ice Maiden Temple by now." Hu Jia replied. Her gaze landed on a written letter placed on top of the table. From the expression she had, it's likely a handwritten letter from Zhou Mei before she was forcefully taken away.

"What about Peng Yan? Had they found her?" Qin Lan continued.

"No. But since there's no funeral held in the Genius General of Warfare's camp, she's either still missing or safely reaches the general's side." Hu Jia replied to Qin Lan's second question.

"What about Qing Yun?" Qin Lan closed his eyes as he asked his third question.

"She sent a letter back. She's now studying under the Inner Sect elder called Yang Xinya. Qing Yun said that she will be waiting for everyone to come to the inner sect." Hu Jia continued to answer Qin Lan's questions.

"Beloved wife... Do you think that I'm pathetic?" Qin Lan laughed at himself for being someone that hardly capable of protecting his own interest.

His legitimate wife was crippled from cultivation due to the previous battle. As for Zhou Mei, his soon-to-be second wife, ended up forcefully taken away by her master due to the Ice Maiden Sect's rules. 

It was said that the disciples from the Ice Maiden Temple were forbidden to be in a romantic relationship with outsiders.

Then, the woman who was in a romantic come-and-go relationship with him ended up missing right now. Worst of all, it looks like things would be irreparable between them even if Qin Lan were to found her back in the future.

And now, even his closest member, Lu Qing Yun, was forcefully separate from them due to her talent.

"Pathetic? You? I'm sorry, husband... But you're too unqualified to be someone pathetic." Hu Jia chuckled after listening to what Qin Lan just said.

"If you think that they're not being reasonable... Just challenge them. It's not like we're out of time like they do. Had the Qin Lan I knew died after getting buried by the soil? Did someone take over my husband's body?" Hu Jia continued.

"Jia-Jia, what you're saying is ridiculous. How is that possible..." Qin Lan was going to say something, but there was a knock on the door.josei

"Who is that?" Hu Jia answered the door.

"This is the delegate from the Royal Capital. I represent the King of Wu to come here with a mandate addressed to Qin Lan, the young patriarch of the Qin Family." a government official in his ceremonial robe arrived outside of Qin Lan's room.

Standing beside him were four peak-level Bone Reconstruction Experts. Even the delegate himself was a half-step Spiritual Root cultivator.

"Qin Lan present. This citizen of Wu is honored with the delegate's visit." he immediately changed and kneeled on both knees before the delegate.

"Then... I shall read out what his majesty ordered..." the delegate nodded at Qin Lan's gesture as he's getting ready to receive the king's mandate.

"Penned by his majesty personally, the country is proud to have a brave general like Qin Lan in this war. As a king, our majesty was stunned by the number of praises coming from the experts."

"His majesty believes that a proper reward shouldn't be missed. Considering Qin Lan's contribution in this battle, it was only fair if the country promised Qin Lan that he will be groomed with what the nation has."

"Hence, as stated in this king's mandate. Qin Lan, the third child of the Qin Family, shall be granted the honorary title of Crimson Mist Marquis! He will also be entitled to his own land."

"Additionally, the king has also added a mysterious gift that Chi-Lan Marquis might needs."

"If the Marquis of Crimson Mist has no question, please step forward to receive what his majesty prepared for you." the delegates said.

"Chi-Lan Marquis thanked his majesty for such a grand reward. Long live the King of Wu and everlasting reign to the Country of Wu!" Qin Lan stepped forward as he accepted the four boxes given to him by the four imperial guards.

"Chi-Lan Hou... I have another word from his majesty to be delivered to you." the delegates said.

"This marquis is listening." Qin Lan closed his eyes and allowed the delegate to come to the side of his ears.

"I am not satisfied with just a third of the Kuanglei Province. As a marquis, I hope you can do as well as your father-in-law, Peng Likun." the delegates whispered beside Qin Lan before he placed a tiger tally into Qin Lan's hand.

"Have a great day, Marquis." the delegates excused himself without waiting for Qin Lan's reply. And just like this, Qin Lan was given a noble rank that almost everyone wishes for.

But what was whispered beside his ears told him that it was not that simple to give him a noble rank, military rights, and rewards. It seems the King of Wu is looking forward to seeing if Qin Lan capable of becoming another figure like Peng Likun.

"Beloved husband... Where did the land given to you is located?" Hu Jia asked. In her heart is both happy and worry.

"Let me take a look..." Qin Lan placed the boxes on the table one by one and selected the one with a map. It was the same one as the one seen in the Wood Dragon Army's camp.

A marker is crossed far west from the capital of Wu. This place is considered a nomadic county unrelated to the three provinces under the government of the Country of Wu.

"This place... Is known as Shuiyue County?"

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This marks the end of Volume 4


From the start of the next chapter, we'll have more stories about Qin Lan's personal development. If you have some expectations, let me know in the comment.

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