Supreme Emperor of Mist

Chapter 221

Chapter 221: Bashan Village

"Chi-Lan Marquis, will that be fine for such a small group to accompany you on your way past the border?" a soldier politely asked Qin Lan as his group.

As long as Qin Lan travels close to five miles from this border, he will enter a border-free zone where his Shuiyue County is located.

"I'm sure of it. Please inform the city lord that this marquis is grateful for the care he's been showing me for these few days. If there's a chance, this marquis will return with some local gift for him in the future." Qin Lan cupped his hand together before steering his horse outward.

"Let's move! We'll get to Shuiyue County before nightfall!" said Qin Lan while pointing his hand in the direction of his land.


With around fifty Crimson Mist soldiers following him, Qin Lan made his way out from the city. There was a mix of feelings in the soldiers taking care of the garrison between the Wu-Shu border.

"What do you think? To send a young marquis like him to the wild barbaric land?" one of the soldiers casually talked about the king's decision to send Qin Lan out to handle the small county.

Even right now, the Shuiyue Country was not included in the Country of Wu's map. It fell into the hand of the country less than three months ago. And in the previous three months, this land is said to be struck by several disasters.

First of all, there's a famine happening here. This is why the county surrendered after fighting against the Country of Wu for close to three years. And secondly, there's an outbreak of an unknown disease here.

Right now, this place can be said to be abandoned by both Wu and Shu.

Perhaps, that's the reason why the soldiers were discussing this after Qin Lan left. In their opinion, the land is not as attractive as they thought.



"My liege, we're getting close to the first village in the Shuiyue County. Based on the information we get from the locals that moved out of this place, it's called Bashan Village." one of the soldiers immediately reported.

"Good. Send a scout there and check the place before my arrival. Make sure you approached them calmly and tell them that the person handling the land is here. Get the person in charge to come out and greet me upon my arrival." Qin Lan said.

"Your subordinate understood! I'll get it done right now! You three, follow me!" the soldier cupped his fists together at Qin Lan before taking three soldiers with him.

Making his way to the Bashan Village first, there's no obstruction as the soldier entered the village and made his way straight to the elder's house. It took him close to fifteen minutes to get the idea that a new landowner is passing the village.

By the time Qin Lan arrived with his forty-five soldiers, the villagers had gathered at the entrance to the village.

"Ma - Marquis Chi-Lan... The Bashan Village welcomes you. We're happy for your - Your humble arrival in this rural village. Please allow us to host you a banquet before you continue on your way." the village chief stuttered as he invited Qin Lan to his shabby accommodation.

"Village chief, please stop right there. Is this all the people you have in the village?" Qin Lan asked. Although the number might be inaccurate, he remembered that in the list of the household registrar, it was said that the Bashan Village had about a thousand villagers, from young to old.

But there are only about three hundred people here. To a marquis who expected to settle and build his influence in this place, missing seven hundred people in his first visit is a big problem.josei

"We... We have more people, but they're sick right now... Please forgive them for not coming to greet noble sir. We've prepared some food, women, and wine to great sir, so please don't be angry." the village chief quickly tries to mediate this matter. From his speech, he's worried that Qin Lan will feel offended due to their absence.

'Heaven bless us... Heaven blesses us... Please don't let this noble get angry...' some female villagers whispered. Because they had almost little to no cultivation at all, they failed to notice that the fifty people here had an acute sense of hearing.

"Bring me to the sick people and let me have a look. Take this Qiankun Pouch and prepare some food to feed the villagers. If anyone has something for my concern, bring it up to my officer here." Qin Lan said as he gets down from his horse.

"Village chief, please!" Qin Lan urge him to move instead of standing right with his unbelieving expression.

"I'm sure all of you have many things to say, but let's leave them to later. I have limited time here in the Bashan Village, so I hope everyone would cooperate with me. Bring the sick people together, so I have to travel less around the village."

"For the women that healthy enough to cook, please support my men in case the food they cook might not suit the local's flavor. As for meat, vegetables, and grains, there's plenty inside the pouch in their hand, so feel free to use them to feed a thousand people."

Qin Lan finished what he had to say in a flash. Looking around at the confused villagers, he had to show some of his Foundation Qi to bring them back to their attention.

"Let's not waste our time. Get things done right now." Qin Lan smiled as he invites the village chief to take the lead.

"At - At once! Milord!" the village chief immediately took Qin Lan into one of the houses where an entire family of four is struck by the illness.

They were shivering cold, although their face is flustered. From Qin Lan's initial diagnosis, it seems that they're some sickness related to the parasite growing inside their body.

"The problem likely came from the water they're drinking. The village chief, please get a few locals to bring my men to where the village's water came from. They'll know what to do." Qin Lan said.

"Milord, is there a problem with our water source? Won't this contaminate the food the villagers are cooking now?" the chief asked.

"Don't worry. The problem can be easily solved by applying some Spiritual Qi into the water to kill the parasite. Please prepare some place for the people to relieve themselves after taking medicine and gathered the people together."

"I'll be preparing the cure for this illness now," said Qin Lan.

"N - Now?" the village chief asked.

"Yes. Now." Qin Lan smiled and nodded at the chief.





The villagers of Bashan Village will not forget the kindness milord had shown us." the village chief and close to eight hundred villagers kneeled before Qin Lan. It only took Qin Lan a single afternoon for him to solve the problem that's been plaguing the village for months.

"Please rise, fellow villagers. I am only doing what a landowner should have done to his people. Unfortunately, I can only spend a short time here before making my way to another place." Qin Lan waved his hand across the villagers.

Through the preciseness of Spiritual Qi usage, Qin Lan effortlessly brings the villagers up from their knees.

And at this moment, a banquet finally started. This was just the first day here in the land bestowed by the King of Wu to him, but he already successfully obtained the support of the entire village behind him.

Speaking with the village chief also gave Qin Lan a rough idea about the resources available around the Bashan Village. To Qin Lan, information like this was more precious than anything else he can ask for.

With the banquet as a pretense, Qin Lan allowed his men to relax for the night. Since most of his men were single, he finds no reason to stop them from finding a soul partner amongst the single ladies here if both sides were willing.

"Milord, we've solved the problem. The nest of Carrion Lizard Beast was taken care of. There's indeed a track that this was done on purpose by someone." the officer came to Qin Lan's side and whispered beside his ears.

"Is there anything else left around the source where the water came from?" Qin Lan asked. Using his finger to poke a hole in the jar of wine in his hand, Qin Lan poured himself a cup of Plum Flower Fragrance to moisten his throat.

"Yes. We found a few medicinal bottles littered around that place. From the craftmanship on the pottery, it should be a product from the Shu." the officer continued as he placed a broken medicinal bottle on Qin Lan's table.

"Have you check if there are any suspicious individuals in this village?" Qin Lan continued as he poured himself another cup.

"So far, no suspicious individuals found in the village. I've asked the villagers for suspicious individuals that came three months ago. But weirdly, their answer was no. They hardly have visitors because you'll have to climb through an elevated slope before arriving at this village."

"Also, there's an interesting finding from the villagers. It seems that the first few people that died from this illness were actually the village hooligans that often gathered around the riverbank." the officer said.

"Then, it's likely done by a fellow villager by promising them some benefit. What they have no idea were that little wealth comes with the cost of their own life." Qin Lan chuckled.

*Knock - Knock - Knock*

"Milord, have you fall asleep?" the village chief's voice can be heard from the outside.

"I'm still awake. Please come in if there's anything you need." Qin Lan waved his hand and opened the door. What was unexpected is the village chief is coming into the house with close to ten young maidens dressed to impress.

"What's the meaning of this?" Qin Lan asked.

"Milord... They're the most beautiful girl in our village. I brought them here because they would like to personally thank milord for your kindness." the village chief used a roundabout way to express his gratitude.

"Village chief, you're too generous. But unfortunately..." Qin Lan shook his head.

"Unfortunately?" Qin Lan's behavior puzzled the village chief.

"I'm a married man. It won't be good for people to be seen associating myself with unwed maidens at night. Please bring them away." Qin Lan politely rejected the village chief's offer for companionship from any of the young maidens he brought.

"Then... Then..." the village chief scratched his head from not knowing what to do.

"I have more to do tomorrow. If there's nothing else, please rest early. Beauties, thank you for coming here to express your gratitude in person."

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