Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 830 - You Really Want to Go

Chapter 830 - You Really Want to Go

Chapter 830 You Really Want to Go

The hunter boy was born introverted and couldn’t mingle with others freely. Such social intercourse was more difficult for Zhang Fan to deal with than cultivating Qi. He could only bite the bullet and talk with these people. Fortunately, Li Lan was tactful and helped Zhang Fan out again and again.

After Ding Hao returned, he didn’t want to show up at first. However, when he found Li Lan was so busy, he finally appeared at the banquet.

Revitalizing the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect was Li Jianyi’s and Qi Qingshan’s lifelong wish. Now Li Lan had to shoulder this burden. Although she got rid of the shadow in her childhood, she still could not get rid of the doomed responsibilities. This might be the biggest bond in her life.

As her husband, Ding Hao must always stand by her side.

After almost four hours, the banquet gradually came to an end.

Some big shots from top sects in the Northern Region stayed. They had to reach some substantial agreements with Swordsmanship-seeking Sect and established a camp. Li Lan had to spare some time to deal with them, while Ding Hao disappeared into the crowd with the excuse of meditation.

Looking at Li Lan’s busy figure, Ding Hao felt a little distressed.

Li Lan’s talent and aptitude were definitely at the top level among the nominal disciples of that year. Even disciples like Lin Xin, Ren Xiaoyao, Lyu Kuang were inferior to Li Lan at that time. However, in the past three years, she had devoted most of her energy to the development of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect. As a result, she had less time to cultivate. Now, as the head of the sect, Li Lan could barely enter the Martial King Realm. Compared with disciples like Ren Xiaoyao, she already fell behind.

Sometimes Ding Hao was wondering if it was good for Li Lan to take place of him as the head of the sect.

However, seeing that Li Lan dealt with these affairs with a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment, Ding Hao realized that it was more rejoicing for her to push the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect to be the top sect in the Northern Region than promoting her strength.

Everyone had their own pursuits. josei

Some pursued martial arts, while others pursued power.

Obviously, Li Lan was taking on the heavy responsibility and pursuing to meet the expectations of countless Swordsmanship-seeking Sect disciples on the earth and heaven.

Thinking of that, Ding Hao felt relieved.

Anyway, no matter how powerful Li Lan was, as long as Zhang Fan, Ximen Qianxue, Wang Juefeng, Wang Xiaoqi, and he were there, they would never allow anyone to challenge Li Lan’s position.

The back garden of the Swordsmanship-seeking Villa was much quieter.

Ding Hao wandered in it, contemplating freely.

Admittedly, Ding Hao indeed posed a big problem for him. He was thinking whether he should try his luck by using the Sky-fleeing Stone Key to activate the chessboard transmission formation to enter the immortal land.

This was the true immortal fate.

Anyone who entered the immortal land would have a chance to become an immortal.

But could he still return to the Land of Infinity after he entered the immortal land?

If he couldn’t return, Ding Hao would rather give up this opportunity to become immortal. There were too many things in this world that Ding Hao couldn’t abandon. If he couldn’t become immortals with those he cared about, what fun would it be to be an immortal?

That was what Ding Hao hesitated about.

If the chessboard transmission formation for god-level masters was a killing formation or a trap, he would probably die if he entered it. Once he died, the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect, which had just risen, would collapse and be destroyed soon.

He was burdened with so many responsibilities!

“Maybe I should refuse Ding Honglei?” Ding Hao thought.

Ding Hao was a little hesitant when this idea flashed.

In the mysterious cave at the back of the mountain, he was reborn in the milky-white liquid, and then he met the two old men Saber Master and Sword Master. From then on, his fate had changed. The mysterious cave was his root in some way and had a lot of bonds with him. What’s more, in the Great Abyss of the back mountain, he found his father Ding Shengtan’s armguard. All these clues pointed to the chessboard transmission formation.

“For tens of thousands of years, where on earth did the couple chased by deities go?”

“Was it possible for them to enter the chessboard transmission formation?” Ding Hao thought.

Thinking of that, Ding Hao had some expectations for opening the chessboard formation.

Ding Hao was struggling in a dilemma. He was not an indecisive person, but he couldn’t make up his mind for a while.

“Daddy, Daddy...” A childish voice rang out.

Ding Hao turned around and saw his baby daughter Ding Tianshuang holding Li Yiruo’s hand skipping toward him. When she saw Ding Hao, the little fellow opened her arms, rushed over, and jumped into Ding Hao’s arms.

“Daddy, why are you here? I’ve been looking for you for a long time with little Mum!” The little girl pouted and kissed Ding Hao on the cheek.

Ding Hao suddenly felt that he was nearly melted by happiness.

But he quickly realized something and asked in surprise, “Little mum? Who is the little mum?”

Ding Tianshuang suddenly laughed and said, “Daddy, you are so stupid. Little mum is Mum Yiruo. I always call her little mum. She takes good care of me. When you are not here and Mom is too busy to take care of me, little mum often plays with me and teaches me kung fu, so Mom asks me to call her little mum.”

Mum Yiruo?

Ding Hao was stunned and looked up at Li Yiruo.

The first beauty of the five academies showed a proud smile.

Ding Hao knew something.

What a Li Lan!

“It turns out that you have known everything secretly and have done a lot of things silently. By doing this, you have admitted some things, haven’t you?” Ding Hao thought.

“What’s the matter with you and Mum Yiruo?” Ding Hao pinched the little girl’s cheeks.

“I missed you,” The little fellow said with great dissatisfaction. “Can’t I meet you if I don’t have something urgent?”

Ding Hao was speechless as this little girl was too clever.

Holding the little girl in his arms, Ding Hao came to Li Yiruo and quietly sat next to her on the marble steps in the garden. It was freezing and raining outside. In the contrast, the back garden of the villa had a pleasant climate since it was protected boundary formation. The luxuriant vegetation and bright flowers in it formed a picture of spring. The breeze with the fragrance of soil and flowers blew gently.

Ding Tianshuang chased after the butterflies in the grass like a happy elf with her silvery laughter echoing in the air.

Ding Hao gently held Li Yiruo’s soft waist. The rosemary fragrance of her hair came to his nostril, and then he closed his eyes slightly. Slowly, he wasn’t anxious about the transmission formation and calmed down.

Li Yiruo gently leaned her head on Ding Hao’s shoulder. At this time, the silence was better than words.

Ding Hao recalled the past and the day when he first met this beautiful girl, he smiled slightly. Then he thought of the day when he ended his nominal disciple career and what Tianyin and Qingtan said to him. He felt a little guilty.

He was now famous all over the world, but the woman who had done many things silently beside him might not be looking forward to the great glory but the gentle and quiet moment like this.

Then a name popped up in Ding Hao’s mind again.

Fang Tianyi.

The young man with extraordinary swordsmanship talent was his best friend. He, like Wang Xiaoqi and Zhang Fan, always stood beside him without asking for a reason. But now he disappeared. Thinking of the weak and slim figure of Tianyin in front of the snow cliff of the sect that day, Ding Hao felt even more guilty.

Thinking back to what Ding Honglei said that day, Ding Hao vaguely speculated that Fang Tianyi’s disappearance was probably related to the Six Immortal Gates and the chessboard transmission formation. Otherwise, Ding Hao could at least find Fang Tianyi or his corpse. Maybe something beyond common sense happened and drew Fang Tianyi into the crack of the immortal land.

Although Ding Hao was not good at physiognomy, he was sure that Fang Tianyi would not die young.

In the past three years, Li Lan had once spent a huge cost inviting the mysterious Divine Design Valley to calculate Fang Tianyi’s whereabouts. The result was that he was no longer in this world, but he did not die. This contradictory statement once puzzled people, but if there were other worlds outside the Land of Infinity, it seemed to make sense.

Ding Hao thought of the chaotic situation in the Land of Infinity, therefore, the immortal land was an opportunity but also a great danger for any race.

Because no matter which race obtained the fate of immortal, the balance of the number of the god-level experts would be broken immediately, which was a calamity for the other races who didn’t get the fate.

When a bird’s nest was overturned, no egg could remain intact.

“If I refuse Ding Honglei, I might be able to stay with my family for some time. However, the time would probably be very short since the things I cherish would be turned into ashes overnight once disaster comes. If I am not strong enough, I can’t protect everything I cherish at all.”

“If I have the power that even those god-level masters are frightened.” Ding Hao thought.

Ding Hao was hesitant.

“What are you thinking about?” Li Yiruo raised her hand to fix her hair messed up by the wind.

Ding Hao looked at her and smiled slightly. “It’s a very bothersome matter.” He didn’t hide told her everything Ding Honglei told to him and some of his speculations about Fang Tianyi. He said, “What do you think of it? How should I choose?”

Li Yiruo was obviously shocked by Ding Hao’s words.

In the end, she gently leaned her head on Ding Hao’s shoulder. After a little hesitation, she said, “Brother Hao, go ahead.”

“Well? You think I should go, right? Do you think this is an opportunity?” Ding Hao was a little curious. He just wanted to find a person to talk to. Maybe he would be easier after saying it out loud, but he didn’t expect that Li Yiruo would give such a firm answer.

“I don’t know if it’s an opportunity. From the tone you spoke just now, I just feel that you want to go” Li Yiruo said softly.

Her words stunned Ding Hao.

“Do I want to go?” Ding Hao asked himself.

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