Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 831 - Preaching Martial Arts

Chapter 831 - Preaching Martial Arts

Chapter 831 Preaching Martial Arts

“Could it be that I subconsciously was planning to enter the chessboard formation to investigate?”

“Even I didn’t notice it, but the smart woman beside me was keenly aware of my intention.”

After a while, Ding Hao took a long breath and said, “Thank you, Yiruo.”

Only a woman like Li Yiruo, who loved him wholeheartedly, could clearly read his mind in such a short time. Even Ding Hao himself couldn’t make it clear. However, the few words she said seemed to have made everything simple.

Li Yiruo smiled and said nothing.

“Daddy, guess what I found! It’s so interesting.” In the distance, Ding Tianshuang caught a fat mouse from nowhere and held it by its tail.

Ding Hao covered his face with his hands because he did not want to see this embarrassing scene.

“My daughter is really a tough girl. Shouldn’t girls scream when they see mice? Why is she so excited?” Ding Hao wondered.

Then, at the next moment, a scream that seemed to pierce one’s eardrums rang out. “Aaaaaaah...a mouse! Oh my god, just throw it away! It’s too scary! How does the silly Huang Rong manage the villa? Why does the scary mouse show up here?”

Evil Moon screamed like a pig being butchered. It trembled with fear. Later, it turned into a flowing light and disappeared into the distant horizon like a stray dog.

Looking at each other, Ding Hao and Li Yiruo laughed coincidentally.

The Demon King–Evil Moon was afraid of mice?

How could a cat be so scared of a mouse?

It was too embarrassing. After all, its strength was at the level of the Martial Grand Emperor. Even if it encountered the Demon Emperor, it would not be so afraid. However, now it was frightened by an ordinary mouse? It was too incredible.

“Eh? Evil Moon is afraid of mice! Haha, interesting! Let’s see if it will mess things up.” Ding Tianshuang was stunned. He looked at the little white mouse in his hand and then carefully put it away as if he thought of something.

Seeing the arrogant smile on Li Yiruo’s face, Ding Hao suddenly had deep sympathy for Evil Moon.

All of a sudden, two busy days had passed.

Since Ding Hao had made up his mind, he no longer hesitated.

These days, he did not proceed to practice but wandered around the villa.

Ding Tianshuang and Ren Woxing followed Ding Hao all the time as if they were his tail. Ding Hao had made painful efforts to lay a solid foundation for the way of martial arts for them. He even taught them rare cultivation methods like the Invincible Fighting Method. Since Ding Tianshuang was his daughter and Ren Woxing was his first disciple, he could treat neither of them badly.

Ding Hao also gave his natural treasures to the two kids. He injected the remaining milky mysterious liquid into their bodies with magic skills. When they grew up, if they mastered the power of the mysterious liquid and got through inner transformation, they would become rare martial arts geniuses. However, it was hard to say whether they would be another Saintly Being of Saber and Sword.

In addition, Ding Hao took the time to accompany Li Yiruo, Ximen Qianxue, and Li Lan.

Ding Hao had intended to officially make Li Lan his wife before entering the chessboard formation and hold a wedding publicly. After all, they were already husband and wife in the real sense.

However, he was also thinking about whether he should marry Li Yiruo and Ximen Qianxue. Because he had also built a conjugal relationship with each of them respectively. Ding Hao was afraid that if he could not get out of the chessboard transmission formation successfully, the lives of these two extraordinary women would be ruined.

What’s more, his relation with Xie Jieyu was emotionally a hard story.

In addition, Ding Hao also met the young man named Jin at the Swordsmanship-seeking Villa. He taught Jin a saber technique and accepted him as a disciple of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect, which made others envious very much. Jin himself also felt surreal as if walking on clouds. Since Ding Hao had taught Jin a saber technique, Jin was now a nominal disciple of Ding Hao. This was the great opportunity and the luck that countless young warriors dared not to dream of.

Following Ding Hao’s suggestion, the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect finally eased the terms of their recruitment. Many people older than the required age now had the opportunity to become outside disciples of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect and could be regarded as a member of the sect.

All of a sudden, tens of thousands of people were recruited as outside disciples of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect.

Of course, if these outside disciples wanted to wear the robes that represented the identity of the disciples of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect, they had to pass many tests. The talent for martial arts talent was not the primary benchmark. Instead, moral quality was the most important standard for Ding Hao, and it was also the focus of the assessment in the future.

In addition, Ding Hao established a Drill Hall independent of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect.

In the Drill Hall, in addition to Taixuan Sword-seeking Scripture, the unique skill of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect, many advanced martial arts skills in the sect could be taught to rogue cultivators and disciples of other sects. Among them, there were some advanced Qi mental cultivation methods and magic skills that numerous had dreamt of. Ding Hao personally engraved a total of 99 stone tablets, each of which was engraved with a mental cultivation method and a combat skill. The stone tablets were set up in the inner court of the Drill Hall. Those rogue cultivators who passed the primary test could practice the skills on the tablets.

What Ding Hao had done had completely shocked the entire Snow Province and even the Northern Region.

It was the first time that the Human Clan had publicized cultivation methods and combat skills of martial arts in history. In particular, many advanced cultivation methods and combat skills were almost the same as those collected by many of the major sects in the Northern Region. In the past, if any sect got such a cultivation method, they would keep it secret.

However, today, Ding Hao generously made those cultivation methods and combat skills public.

In the beginning, some people did not believe it.

However, more and more people saw the complete cultivation methods and combat skills on the martial arts tablets in the inner court of the Drill Hall. After their primary cultivation and demonstration, they found there weren’t any flaws or traps in practicing these cultivation methods and combat skills. Since then, Drill Hall was crowded with disciples.

“Inconceivable! Is it true?”

“Oh, the Magic Turtle Technique is a rare cultivation method at the upper earth level, which is regarded as the magical weapon by many small sects. Is it made public now?”

“‘Miaoyu Fragrance Technique, a top-grade earth level cultivation method...”

“Earth-shattering Saber Technique, a semi-Heaven-Level saber technique...”

“Long-for-Love Sabre Skills...

“It’s incredible. Now we can choose any cultivation methods that we had dreamt of. Why did Ding Hao, the Saber and Sword Addict do this?”

The crowd was shocked.

The 99 cultivation methods on the martial arts tablets were not as powerful as those of the middle heavenly level, and they were not too important to many masters above the Great Grandmaster Realm. However, they were precious magic skills for countless rogue cultivators and disciples of small sects and academies. If they got one of them, their fate could be changed...

“Why did Ding Hao make these cultivation methods public?”

“Why did he do it for free?”

Countless people asked themselves.

Some disciples of medium-sized or supreme sects also came to the Drill Hall to investigate. In the end, many of them took out their swords and pens and began to copy the unique skills on the martial arts tablets. They were trying to copy the whole tablet.

Seeing this, Ding Hao did not stop them. josei

When the news spread, more and more warriors of the Human Clan rushed to the Drill Hall to observe the magical combat skills on the martial arts tablets. Many of them came with doubts, but later they stayed in the Drill Hall and observed the martial arts on them.

Some disciples of the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect were keeping order.

Now the Swordsmanship-seeking Sect was so powerful that few people dared to do anything aggressive in the Drill Hall.

Finally, even some masters of the Demon Clan were also stunned by this scene. They took the risk to transform into human beings and came to the Drill Hall to verify it. In the end, they were deeply shocked by what they saw. Unfortunately, the cultivation methods of the Human Clan were of little significance to the Demon Clan. Even if they were recorded by the experts of the Demon Clan, they would not be of benefit.

“Is he going to preach the martial arts?” An Absolute Superior of the Demon Clan sighed and said, “First, it was the Seven Black Cut. Now, there are 99 martial arts tablets in the Drill Hall. If he goes on like this, the average strength of people of the Human Clan in the Northern Region will be doubled in less than 50 years. It’s kind of scary!”

“Preaching martial arts to the world? How ambitious! Ding Hao is a hero of the generation. I’m afraid it won’t be long before all the people of the Human Clan in the Northern Region surrender to Ding Hao.” Netherworld Demon Saint also sighed.

He had seen Ding Hao’s strength, but now he was also shocked by Ding Hao’s generosity.

He had a hunch that the trend would be a big disadvantage for the Demon Clan.

A senior Demon Saint of the Heavenly Demon Temple said thoughtfully, “What a bold move! Ding Hao may become a Martial Emperor in the future. If we don’t kill this man, he will become a disaster for our Demon Clan!”

At the same time, there was also a heated discussion among the crowd of forces of the Human Clan.

“What is Ding Hao doing? It’s unconventional to make so many magical skills public. He has gone against the rules. This was simply the behavior of a lunatic!” the head of the Purple Spirit Sect said hatefully.

“Rules? Which rules? Isn’t it good for the Human Clan’s martial arts to flourish?” A senior Martial Sage refuted disdainfully, “In my opinion, if someone had the courage and resolution like Ding Hao to publicize these cultivation methods before, the Human Clan would not stoop so low. However, people from small sects like you intend to keep the cultivation methods secret for fear that others would know it. What a joke!”

Someone said worriedly, “But if so many cultivation methods of the Human Clan are made public, I’m afraid that the Demon Clan will get them in the end. If the Demon Clan successfully studies the cultivation methods of the Human Clan, I’m afraid that the harm will be even greater...”

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