Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 871 - The Journey of Conquering (1)

Chapter 871 - The Journey of Conquering (1)

Chapter 871 The Journey of Conquering (1)

The internal space was divided into different areas featuring an area for cultivation and an area for daily living which even included a swimming pool. The top, ingeniously decorated with inscription formations, was extremely beautiful like an azure sky with the sun on it.

With the dwarf weapon refiner’s knowledge and vision, he had only developed less than one-tenth of the area when he got this treasure. Moreover, it was luxuriously decorated and looked gloomy. Ding Hao didn’t like it, so he put all the decorations away and refined the luxurious carriage again to take full control of it.

The luxurious carriage was simply an enormous mobile palace, which was incomparably convenient.

When Ding Hao entered the carriage, he first jumped into the swimming pool and took a bath comfortably. Then he put on a loose robe, went to the practice area, and began to practice.

Just now, he used the forbidden power of the Devil Saber, and the Qi of Bi Fang’s fire in the middle Dantian of his chest was almost drained. Therefore, he had to seize the time to recover all the energy he had consumed.

Fortunately, he was in the Land of Divine Grace where the Great Tao was perfect and the power tide abounded. His cultivation speed was extremely fast. With a thought, he could get abundant Qi and Spiritual Qi energy.

On the outside, there was a whirlpool of Spiritual Qi that was visible to the naked eye around the luxurious carriage, which looked astonishing.

Seeing this, the people of the Red Tiger Tribe were even more shocked.

It was said that the warriors outside the Ocean Forest did not devote themselves to cultivating their physical strength but strive to cultivate their inner Qi which could exert horrible power. However, they had never seen such a whirlpool of Qi when someone was cultivating. So they were in more awe of Ding Hao now.

1,500 kilometers was not a very far distance for the Red Tiger Tribe’s army whose average strength was at the Martial King realm.

Half a day later, the ancestral home of the Red Tiger Tribe could be seen in the distance.

The leader of the tribe did not dare to slight Ding Hao. Therefore, after getting Ding Hao’s permission, he immediately sent people to inform the tribe and asked the elders and masters who guarded the tribe to come out to greet Ding Hao. He was afraid that others would act recklessly and irritated Ding Hao and hence put all the Red Tiger Tribe to death.

After a period of clamor, hundreds of people opened the city gate to greet Ding Hao and the others from the Gaint Cyan City.

Ding Hao had been sitting in the luxurious carriage and did not show up.

This event caused a great stir in the tribe. Initially, the leader led the elite warriors in the tribe to conquer the Heavenly Wasteland Tribe. They expected that they would return with a large number of slaves and women. Who knew that they would come back with the news that the whole tribe was captured?

Some warriors of the Rea Tiger Tribe, who had never seen how powerful Ding Hao was, objected to the result. Some elders, who got used to living high on the hog, questioned the courage of the leader. The whole tribe was in a panic

At this time, the leader of the Red Tiger Tribe showed his daring and resolution.

As soon as the order was given, all the shouting warriors and elders were ruthlessly arrested and locked up, waiting for Ding Hao’s order to dispose of them.

Although being cursed heavily, the leader did not regret it at all.

Anyone who had seen the power of Ding Hao’s saber knew what would happen if they irritated Ding Hao. If the Red Tiger Tribe wanted to survive, they had better not provoke this man of massacre.

The sky was turning dark.

Smoke rose from the Gaint Cyan City.

Ding Hao finally finished his cultivation and slowly walked out of a luxurious metal carriage.

After more than half a day of cultivation, Ding Hao recovered about three-fifths of the Qi in the upper Dantian of his chest. He was very satisfied with this result. If he were in the Land of Infinity, it would take at least ten days or half a month to recover to this extent.

“The Red Tiger Tribe is indeed much stronger than the Heavenly Wasteland Tribe. Just the size of this giant city in its ancestral land is more than ten times larger than that of the Heavenly Wasteland Tribe. What’s more, this city is more solid and more magnificent...” Ding Hao got hold of everything after releasing his Divine Senses.

It was said that this tribe had a population of more than five thousand of whom over four-fifths were warriors with strong physical strength.

It was indeed a terrifying force.

“Your lord, what can I do for you?” Not far from the carriage, a young warrior of the Red Tiger Tribe immediately knelt down on one knee to greet Ding Hao when he saw him coming out.

“Get up.” Ding Hao raised his hand and said, “Ask the leader and the elders of the tribe here. I have something to discuss with them.”

“Yes, my lord.”

The young warrior left with the order.

He was one of the warriors on the campaign against the Heavenly Wasteland Tribe today. He had seen Ding Hao’s power and was in awe of him. He was concerned that Ding Hao would do harm to the Red Tiger Tribe before, but now that he felt a little relieved after seeing Ding Hao being so polite.

Soon, the leader, Shan Xiong, as well as the other elders, came to the carriage.

Everyone was a little nervous since they did not know how Ding Hao would treat the Red Tiger Tribe. josei

Ding Hao swept across each of their faces. No one dared to look at him. Finally, his eyes fell on the face of the leader, Shan Xiong. After quietly observing him for a moment, Ding Hao said, “I saw the burning ambition in your eyes.”

Shan Xiong was shocked. He summoned courage and said, “Your lord, you should be from the outside world, so you aren’t familiar with the rules in the Ocean Forest. Only by making us stronger and stronger can we survive in this environment. A hundred years ago, there were only fifty people in our tribe. We get what we have now through constant expeditions and expansion. Our campaign against Heavenly Wasteland Tribe is only for survival.”

Ding Hao nodded and said, “I won’t hold you accountable for attacking Heavenly Wasteland Tribe today.”

After a pause, Ding Hao said, “Tell me the number of the tribes similar to yours in the Ocean Forest and how strong they are.”

Shan Xiong was stunned and didn’t know why Ding Hao asked this question, but he didn’t dare to neglect it. He said, after thinking for a moment, “The Ocean Forest is boundless, and the place where we live is not the center of the forest. It is so big that no one knows how many tribes there are. As far as I know, within 100,000 miles, there are tens of thousands of tribes of all sizes. The strength of our Red Tiger Tribe is only in the lower middle. To the west, there are more than a dozen tribes, such as the Green Dragon Tribe, the Chieftain Tribe, and the Long-life Tribe. They are all extremely powerful tribes with dozens of experts at the Sage realm and tens of thousands of warriors. They had great prestige in this place.”

Ding Hao frowned.

“Is it so big? Then it’s really troublesome.

“It seems that I have to speed up the plan.” Ding Hao thought.

“Do you want to be the largest tribe in the Ocean Forest? Do you want to be the uncrowned king of this forest?” Ding Hao’s eyes, like lightning, stared at Shan Xiong.

Shan Xiong was stunned, and then he suddenly understood Ding Hao’s words.

“My Lord, you... you mean...” He was so excited that he was trembling. A tempting picture seemed to be unfolded in front of him at this moment.

“I’ll help you dominate the Ocean Forest but you need to do me a favor,” Ding Hao said slowly.

“What’s the matter?” Shan Xiong asked hesitantly. It might be an extremely challenging task since Ding Hao who had such great power even needed his help. If it was too dangerous, he had to consider it carefully. Although it was great to obtain the dominant position, it would be meaningless if he died.

But what Ding Hao said next made him relieved in an instant.

“Help me to find two children, a cat, and a dog,” Ding Hao said.

Shan Xiong and the elders of the Red Tiger Tribe are all dumbfounded.

They thought of all kinds of possibilities. It never dawned on them that his requirement was so simple. He just wanted to find a few people, which sounded not dangerous at all.

“Okay! I’m willing to be a knife in your hand and help you to control the Ocean Forest.” Shan Xiong gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement. If he missed such a good opportunity, there would be no next shop. Ding Hao’s conditions were not harsh, so he could totally accept them.

Moreover, the fate of the entire Red Tiger Tribe was in Ding Hao’s hands, so they had to agree.

Seeing that Shan Xiong agreed so quickly, Ding Hao started to think highly of this jungle hero. He thought for a while and said, “Take a rest tonight. We will start the campaign tomorrow. You can choose which tribe to start from. Tomorrow I will draw a picture of the people I want to find for you. If you can find them, you will be rewarded heavily.”

“We need to act so fast?” Shan Xiong and the others were stunned.

At first, they thought that Ding Hao would allow them to train the soldiers and reorganize troops, but they didn’t expect that they would set out on the second day. This was really beyond their imagination. If they acted in such a hurry, there would be a lot of casualties in the Red Tiger Tribe.

“I won’t let your warriors sacrifice in vain.” Ding Hao saw through Shan Xiong’s mind.

Shan Xiong could only nod his head in agreement.

Ding Hao waved his hand and returned to the carriage to practice again.

While Shan Xiong and the others began to discuss the campaign plan overnight. They were very familiar with the positions and strengths of the major tribes within a radius of ten thousand miles, so Shan Xiong had a clear idea of which tribe to start with.

He was an ambitious person and had been brewing this plan in his heart for too long, but because of the limited strength of the Red Tiger Tribe, so he could quickly carry out it. Now with Ding Hao’s help, he could start the war quickly.

The entire Red Tiger Tribe, like a delicate machine, started to work quickly.

Inside the luxurious carriage.

After cultivating for four hours, Ding Hao finally regained all the energy consumed by activating the magic sword in the daytime.

“The cultivation speed in this world is really too fast, which is absolutely good news for me. In the future, I don’t have to worry too much when I use the Devil Saber and Rusted Sword.” Ding Hao thought.

Ding Hao was in a good mood.

Slowly exhaling the turbid breath from his body, Ding Hao suddenly thought of something.

He took out the Blood Jade Ice Pot from the storage space. With his mind changed, the 24 beauties’ souls floated out and transformed into real people who had white skin, bright eyes, white teeth, and wore red palace dresses. They were noble, delicate, pure, and gentle. Each of them had her own style, which suddenly made the inside of the big carriage busy and lively.

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