Supreme Emperor of Swords

Chapter 872 - The Journey of Conquering (2)

Chapter 872 - The Journey of Conquering (2)

Chapter 872 The Journey of Conquering (2)

“Huh huh, handsome boy, why do you think of us?”

“We are stifling here. You finally think of us and let us out...”

“Handsome boy, do you want us sisters to serve you?”

“Huh huh huh, Brother Hao, it turns out that you are also a guy who likes women. Now you can choose one of our sisters to serve you. Huh huh, or do you want us to serve you together? But you might not withstand it.”

All the girls were gorgeous, making Ding Hao dazzled. The fragrance of rouge came to Ding Hao’s nostril and their white arms and legs moved around him, giving him an illusion of being in the Women’s Land.

After being teased by these beauties, Ding Hao blushed and quickly explained, “Sisters, don’t misunderstand. I’m just afraid that you will get bored by staying in the ice pot for too long, so I take you here... This is the immortal land that the people in the Land of Infinity refer to. You can have a try to see if you can restore your physical bodies with the help of the perfect Heaven Path here.”

“The immortal land?”

“You brought us to the immortal land?”

“You’re not joking, are you?”

“Brother Hao, how did you do it?”

The beauties were all stunned.

Ding Hao roughly explained the whole matter.

The twenty-four beauties were all astonished. When they were alive, they were the top masters of the major sects in the Northern Region. They had heard all kinds of legends about the immortal land. However, it never occurred to them that they came to the immortal land in such a way after their bodies were damaged. For a moment, they were speechless.

“Thank you for helping us, Mr. Ding.” A beautiful woman with white skin and a high hairpin in her hair got up, putting away her previous joking expression and making a bow, and said seriously, “I, Mo Baiyu, on behalf of my sisters, thank you for your kindness.”

“Thank you, Mr. Ding.”

The other beauties also got up and put away their previous joking expressions, showing their gratitude to Ding Hao seriously.

Just now they were teasing Ding Hao, but at this time, they were full of gratitude towards Ding Hao.

Ding Honglei was right. Ding Hao was the kind of person whom one could rely on. Besides, he was so young but he could resist the temptation of those attractive women. After all, with the Blood Jade Ice Pot in hand, Ding Hao could ask them to do anything and they couldn’t disobey even if Ding Hao required them to be naked and serve him together.

However, Ding Hao gave them dignity.

There was no contempt or disdain in his tone. He treated them like family and friends.

At this time, Ding Hao totally won the hearts of the 24 beauties.

They could move within ten kilometers of the Blood Jade Ice Pot, so they could get out of the carriage to enjoy the scenery outside. Under Ding Hao’s order, the people of the Red Tiger Tribe dared not neglect them, so they took Mo Baiyu and the others to tour around the tribe.

Shan Xiong was shocked in his heart.

Suddenly, there were 20 women in the Martial Sage Realm around Ding Hao. All of them were extremely beautiful. Where did Ding Hao come from? Why were there so many powerful and beautiful women following him?

It should be noted that any one of these women would be considered as a pearl in the heaven in any tribe in Ocean Forest. Now they followed Ding Hao together... This could only mean one thing-

Ding Hao’s background was perhaps much stronger than what he had imagined before.

Shan Xiong became more confident in Ding Hao at the thought of this.

The Ancient Wood Tribe.

This was a tribe of medium size in the Ocean Forest. There were three masters in the Sage Realm and more than 20 warriors in the Martial Grand Emperor realm. The tribe had a population of less than two thousand people and occupied an area of 500 kilometers. It was also an aggressive tribe that had once had conflicts with the Red Tiger Tribe.

In the morning, when the first ray of the sun shone on the ground, the earth suddenly shook as if some terrible beasts were rushing out from the forest.

Sharp and ear-piercing warning sounds soared into the sky.

“There are enemies attacking us!”

On the sentry post atop the black city wall, a vigilant soldier shouted at the top of his lungs.

In the distant forest, thousands of warriors in red beast-skin armor poured out like a flood, rushing toward the tribe, and the earth trembled under the feet of these tiger-like warriors.

“They are from the Red Tiger Tribe. These damned tiger brats, are they going to start a war?” On top of the city walls, an expert from the Ancient Wood Tribe sneered and said, “They are so stupid that they dare to attack our main city. We can even exhaust them to death if we don’t kill them directly.”

The strength of the Red Tiger Tribe and the Ancient Wood Tribe is almost the same. If they met in the wilderness, the Red Tiger Tribe might have a little advantage. However, if they attacked the giant city that the Ancient Wood Tribe had lived and maintained for hundreds of years, they were courting death. At any time, the attacking side would pay a greater price.

“Activate the defense formation. I will make these stupid tigers regret.” The leader of the Ancient Wood Tribe sneered.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A strange energy aura pervaded the air and huge black energy shields instantly appeared around the giant city, protecting the whole tribe and showing a strong power. With the help of the terrain and mountains, the giant city was shielded very well.

The warriors of the Red Tiger Tribe rushed forward but hit on the shield and bounced away.

“Kill!” a Martial Sage expert from the Red Tiger Tribe started to attack. However, his powerful attack only caused some ripples on the shield, instead his arm was numb and a little blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

“Huh huh huh, you overestimate your abilities. You’re simply throwing an egg against a rock. Tigers, go back to your place. It’s impossible for you to breach the giant city of my Ancient Wood Tribe...” The experts of Ancient Wood Tribe roared with laughter.

But the next moment-


A huge streak of scarlet light from a saber suddenly slashed down from a distance.

The broadsword light contained an indescribably terrible power. With a light tap, the defensive formation that the Ancient Wood Tribe was proud of broke down in an instant like a fragile eggshell.

A figure wielding an enormous red Devil Saber appeared in the air above the Ancient Wood Tribe.

“Submit, or die.”

Ding Hao’s voice, like a god’s trial, reverberated in the void.

Although the Devil Saber wasn’t activated fully, the power it released was extremely terrifying, sweeping the land like raging waves. The experts of the Ancient Wood Tribe bore the brunt of the power. They felt that they were in danger of overturning and dying at any time like a small board in a stormy sea.

The three Martial Sage experts inside the tribe were instantly locked by this terrible aura and did not dare to attack at all.

Once the defense formation was broken, the warriors of the Red Tiger Tribe, really like fierce tigers coming out of their cages, surrounded the giant city from all sides. As long as Ding Hao gave an order, they would launch an attack.

However, there was no war in the end.

The Ancient Wood Tribe was wise enough to submit.

They didn’t have the courage to fight at all when seeing Ding Hao’s power.

All the tribes in the Ocean Forest, valiant and aggressive, worshipped audacity in martial arts and the strong. Mostly they would rather die in battle than submit. However, if the strength gap between the two sides was huge, resistance would mean suicide and audacity and will would be useless. Under that circumstance, they had no choice for the sake of the tribe’s survival.

Fortunately, Ding Hao refrained the Red Tiger Tribe from slaughtering and robbing.

The phantom Ding Hao had prepared previously was sent below.josei

That was a delicate jade token inscribed with inscriptions. After it was injected into a little Qi, the vivid and lively illusions of Ding Tianshuang, Ren Woxing, Evil Moon, and Blackie would appear. Ding Hao had spent much time making them.

“Whoever could find these people would be rewarded greatly by the lord.”

Shan Xiong passed down Ding Hao’s order.

The Ancient Wood Tribe didn’t dare to be negligent.

The chief of the Ancient Wood Tribe was Mu Tianhua, a Martial Art Sage. He, together with the elders and masters in the tribe, visited Ding Hao with treasures and beauties, begging Ding Hao to be kind to the Ancient Wood Tribe and leave a bloodline for the tribe.

“I will give you freedom if you can find the people shown in the jade token,” Ding Hao said lightly.

As for the treasures and beauties, Ding Hao sent them back intact.

This surprised the people of the Ancient Wood Tribe. They had thought that what awaited them would be a cruel robbery. After all, tribes in the Ocean Forest were thirsty for people and fortune. The winner would take them away mercilessly. However, obviously, Ding Hao didn’t intend to do that.

Mu Tianhua and the others were excited and surprised.

Although Shan Xiong and the others coveted the wealth and women of the Ancient Wood Tribe, under Ding Hao’s order, they dared not disobey. However, the good part was that the Red Tiger Tribe controlled the Ancient Wood Tribe from now on. This was enough to satisfy Shan Xiong’s lust for power.

Soon, most of the forces in the Ancient Wood Tribe were dispatched to search the forest within a radius of thousands of miles for Ding Tianshuang and others.

At the same time, two hundred elite warriors in the Ancient Wood Tribe, together with the army in the Red Tiger Tribe, formed a new army. Now they were heading for another tribe called the Stone Tribe.

Ding Hao, sitting in the luxurious carriage, followed them all the way

Thousands of Puppets of War were also summoned. Like the Death Army crossing the border, they frightened those strong primeval beasts away with their magnificent aura.

In the evening, the Stone Tribe was breached.

They rarely had the power to resist Ding Hao, the Heaven-exterminating Flame Army and the joint army of the Ancient Wood Tribe and the Red Tiger Tribe, so they were conquered easily.

There was still no killing or plundering.

Ding Hao did the same. He took out two hundred elite warriors from the Stone Tribe to join the joint army. Then he passed down the jade token and ordered Shi Feng, the chief of the tribe, to send most of the soldiers to search every inch of the land within a radius of a thousand miles for the whereabouts of Ding Tianshuang and others.....


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