Supreme Master In The Apocalypse

Chapter 3 The Experiment

Chapter 3 The Experiment

"Where are you going, Brother? It's Saturday today. Aren't we supposed to just stay in the house?" Hailey innocently looked at her brother who was looking in the mirror.

Hugo glanced over at his sister. He knelt on the ground so they would be at the same height. "Brother will just try to look for work. Tell mother that I just went to the library, alright?"

Hailey nodded and smiled. "Will you buy me some lollipops, brother?" The little girl asked which made Hugo laugh.

"Of course. Now can you give your brother a kiss on the cheeks?" The man stared at his sister. His eyes watered as his sister kissed his cheeks. He couldn't help but hug Hailey tightly.

Hailey was just 7 years old when their father left. Now that she was 10, Hugo knows that although she doesn't show it, his sister truly misses their father. After all, the girl was known to be their father's princess.

When the little girl noticed that her brother was hugging her for too long, she slowly backed away. "You should go now brother, or else you'll be late!" Hailey encouraged the man.

Hugo nodded and stood up. He secretly wiped the tears in his eyes before placing a smile. "Wait for me, alright? Brother will give you lots of lollipops later." The man uttered before bidding his goodbye.

After Hugo left their house, he couldn't help but sob lightly. 'I don't know what will happen to me in this experiment, but I will assure you that I will come back home.'

The man glanced over at their house one more time before walking away. Hugo rode a cab after fixing himself. He opened the envelope in his hands and told the driver the address.

"To Crimsom Winterville, Sir."

When Hugo opened the envelope yesterday, he found out that the inside contained a paper and a little bit of money. As he read the letter, he saw an address on the very bottom.

Although, the letter just contained the words that Julius had uttered yesterday. There was no extra information on the envelope. He didn't even know what was the medicine that they were creating.

It took a 20-minute drive before Hugo went to the location written in the letter. He paid the cab with the money he got from the envelope and left.

Hugo stared at the tall gate in front of him. There were bodyguards at the entrance and when they saw Hugo, they immediately went closer to him.

"Civilians are not allowed here," the acting like a leader in the middle looked at Hugo. His arms were crossed tightly across his chest.

​ Hugo warily smiled. "I got an offer from Mr. Julius. Here is the letter." He showed the black envelope in his hands.

The three bodyguards laughed when they saw the invite in the man's hands. "So, you're one of them, huh?" the man in the middle, glanced over at his right side. "Fernan, assist this boy."

Fernan nodded like a good sheep. He couldn't afford to disrespect their leader since he got the most power out of all of them.

"What is your name, young man?" Fernan asked Hugo when it was just the two of them alone.

"Hugo, you can call me Hugo," He answered. He looked around and saw that there was a large mansion inside the gate. No this is not a mansion; the place can already be called a castle looking at how humongous it was.

As they entered the inside, Hugo saw that some of the furniture inside was already old, as if it hadn't been used. What caught his attention was the large painting in the middle.

"Who was that?" Hugo dared to ask Fernan as they climb up the stairs.

When Fernan looked at what Hugo was portraying too, he chuckled. "That was Goddess Thalia."

'Goddess Thalia? Who was that?' Hugo's curiosity bubbled up, but he chose to remain quiet.

"We are here now," Fernan announced as they stood up in front of a large wooden door. "I will take my leave now. Good luck, Hugo." The man added in as he bid goodbye.

Hugo nodded as he knocked on the door from the inside. He was surprised to see the same man from yesterday opening it.

"Hi, Hugo! I am pleased to meet you." Julius greeted enthusiastically. He opened the door widely and let the man enter.

"I came here to accept your offer," Hugo announced, which made Julius smile widely.

Julius quickly took a paper from his desk and gave it to Hugo. "This is our contract that states that we would give you 600,000$ after the experiment is done."

"I will just need to sign this right?" Hugo questioned as he accepted it together with a black pen. When he saw Julius's confirmation, he quickly signed the paper without reading it. He was already desperate enough for the money.

"Let's begin immediately, then," Julius announced that shocked Hugo.

With his widened eyes, Hugo quickly stood up and look at Julius. "Now?! Isn't that too quick?"

Julius shook his head. "This will take us less than 4 hours. After that, you can already get home and take the money that we promised." He stated that made Hugo think.

'Just 4 hours? And I can already have my pay.' Hugo took a deep breath and firmly nodded. "Alright." He agreed upon.

Since it wouldn't take long, Hugo thought that this would be better. After this experiment, he would have the means to pay their debt. And what's more, was he could keep that 100,000$ by himself.

They will get rich at this point. His mother does not have to work 2 jobs a day anymore.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Hugo's doubt surfaced when he remembered that it was a large sum of money that they were talking about.

Julius laughed loudly. "Of course. This medicine is already in the 3rd phase of its trial. We are just making sure that it's safe before releasing it to the market." The man uttered that made Hugo assured.

'Since it was already on the third phase, I think this is safe.' He thought as they went into a secluded room.

Hugo looked around. There was only a bed in the middle with medical equipment surrounding it. Three doctors and one scientist greeted them. They were wearing their usual white coat and a mask on their faces.

Julius whispered something into one of the Doctor's ears. They immediately set everything up before giving Hugo a pair of hospital clothes.

"Do I really need to wear this?" He asked as he looked over at the clothes in his hands.

Julius nodded. "If you want it to be faster, then yes."

Without a choice, Hugo changed his clothes in the bathroom inside the room. He removed the necklace on his neck and held it closer to his heart. 'I am doing this for you, Mother and Sister."

With determination in his mind, Hugo sighed in relief and went out. The doctor ordered him to lay down on the bed, and he followed them thoroughly.

They asked a lot of questions and Hugo answered them carefully, one by one. When it was done, he filled up a form containing his information. The past disease that he had or if he was not feeling well these past few days,

When the Doctors told him that they can start already, Hugo laid down on the bed and stared at the white ceiling. He felt a slight pain in his arms and saw that one of the Doctors injected something into him.

"Testing Subject XXXIV will begin"

After an unknown voice rang out, the other doctors together with the head scientist started moving. They brought out the machine that they have just recently invented.

Needles after needles, various liquids flow into Hugo's veins. His sanity was slowly drawing away as they injected more into the various parts of his body.

"His heartbeat is stable so far…"

That was the last thing that Hugo heard as darkness slowly ate his consciousness.

Even though the man has been already unconscious, the testing continued. No one in the room cared about what will happen to Hugo's body. All they want was for this experiment to produce a good result.

"How much did you offer this man?" The head scientist asked Julius as they watched the experiment being done.

Julius grinned. "$600,000"

The head scientist chuckled. "And you're giving him that money?" he asked, knowing how despicable Julius was.

The man laughed loudly and looked at his friend as if he said something funny. "Do you think I would even give that guy that much money? After this experiment is done, you know what to do to him." Julius smiled widely before tapping the man's shoulder.

Julius left the room to go into his office. He looked at the piece of paper on his desk. He couldn't help but burst out of laughter. He grabbed a goblet on the side and poured a wine inside it.

'This is why I love poor people. They are willing to do anything when there's money at stake.'

The man mischievously smiled and took the contract on his table. 'Poor man, he wouldn't even get the money offered.' He tilted his head and slowly tore the paper into pieces before placing them in the trash bin beside his table.

'This is why we directly go to those people who are desperate for money. They are willing to do anything for it. They won't have the ability to think clearly once problems after problems started to show up in their life."

On the other side, the experiment was almost done. The three doctors with the help of the head scientist got the results that they have been wanting for so long.

"It was a success!"

With all the liquids and medicine that they have injected into the man's body, they cheered loudly when the machine showed that Hugo's condition was still stable. There were no signs of problems or complications in his body.

It was their first success after almost half a year of experimenting.

The other two doctors left in pure joy, leaving the remaining one in the same room with the head scientist all alone.

The head scientist, Rome, nodded his head and looked at the person beside him. "You know what to do."josei

The remaining doctor nodded after understanding what the man had said. He took out a small injection in his pocket and pierced it through Hugo's unconscious body.

Rome left the room with a wide smile on his face. He directly went inside Julius's office to deliver the good news.

"The experiment was successful," He announced as he went closer to Julius to congratulate the man on his success.

Julius laughed as he took a sip on his goblet. "And him?" he raised his eyebrows before glancing at Rome, who was still standing on his side.

"I already finished it. The testing subject has been killed."

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