Supreme Master In The Apocalypse

Chapter 4 Meeting Goddess Thalia

Chapter 4 Meeting Goddess Thalia

The bright and dazzling light greeted Hugo. His eyes were now fully open as the vast white color was unending.

p "Huh? Where am I?" The man couldn't help but ask.

Standing up, Hugo took a step, walking all over. He was lost in this place— A place that didn't have any direction and time. What kind of place did he end up in?

'Did the experiment failed? Am I dead already?'

Hugo looked around, but his view didn't change at all. His eyes glanced over at his clothes. He was still wearing the same hospital clothes as before.


The man shouted countless times, but his efforts were put in vain when no one answered. He tried walking a few steps and noticed that there was no floor on the ground.

'Is this a dream?' Hugo felt a pang of pain in his wrists when he tried to pinch them. That's when he confirmed that it was not a dream, but reality.

Without anything to do, Hugo continued walking. He didn't know how long he has been walking, but he didn't feel any tiredness. He was walking nonstop until he saw a gate.

A gate that was covered with white smoke.

The man immediately ran. The gate automatically opened, revealing a luxurious castle in the middle. The castle was covered with shining crystals and colorful stones outside.

Hugo didn't hesitate to enter. He looked all over and saw that there were no other people in the place. The inside of the castle was extravagant, and just like the outside, there were shining crystals on the walls.

"What Should I do here, then?" Hugo whispered in the air. He walked around with curiosity laced in his mind. 'How did I even get here?'

The man walked upstairs. He was greeted by numerous rooms inside with transparent doors. His eyes widened when he saw that there were people inside the different rooms.

A smile rose up on Hugo's lips as he tried to enter one of the rooms, but he was shocked when he got blocked by a barrier that couldn't be seen by his naked eyes. He tried the other doors, but it seems like he was not meant for it.

That's when Hugo decided to stroll more. He proceeded to pass by the 2nd floor until he saw a staircase on the side that was hidden in the very corner. There were no rooms on this side of the castle, which made him confused.

'What's the use of these stairs, then?'

It piqued his interest. Hugo ran over the stairs and, without second thinking, he climbed them.


The man couldn't stop himself from admiring the wonderful view. The stairs lead him to the rooftop of the place. He could see the overall view of the castle. That's when he noticed that there was a room in the middle.

The room's door was covered by a thick fog. There was a shining crystal in the middle top of the word, forming a word, "Thalia".

'That sounds familiar,' Hugo murmured to himself as he walked near the door. He tried knocking on it, but no one answered his calls. That's when he decided to enter, even if his mind was full of doubts.

As the door made a sound, Hugo saw a woman sleeping on the bed. It was no other than Goddess Thalia. The woman has silky white hair. She was wearing a blue dress with white in the middle.

Thalia was also known as the kindest goddess that once lived on Earth. Although the people said that it was all just a legend since the government couldn't give them enough proof that the woman did really live here.

"Who are you, young man?" Thalia's voice sounded. She opened her eyes, revealing a pair of blue eyes that looks like the deepest shade of the sea.

Hugo blinked repeatedly. His body froze into place when he noticed how revealing the Goddess's clothes were. But when he noticed that the woman was staring at him deeply, he immediately looked away.

"I went here as I thought that this room was vacant," Hugo answered sincerely.

Thalia stood up and smiled sweetly. "You are the first human who visited my chambers after 500 years. I'm pleased to meet you… Hugo."

Hugo's brows shot up in surprise. "How did you know me?" He questioned the woman before staring at her face. 'She seemed familiar,'

That's when he realized that the woman standing right in front of him was the same person whom he saw in the painting at Julius's place.

"Y-You… You are Goddess Thalia!" The man stuttered as he bowed his head down. "I'm sorry for barging into your room." Hugo apologized. After all, it was not a good thing that he just barged into someone's room.

'Shit, why am I here?' Hugo swallowed hard when he heard the woman's glamorous laugh.

"Oh, poor you. Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to go to one of the rooms downstairs?" The woman grinned before she went closer to Hugo. She glanced over at the man before closing her eyes to see what had happened.

That's when Thalia saw how Hugo was mercilessly killed. 'What a pity,' the woman tilted her head to the side. She saw how those people used Hugo's body and after they succeed with what they wanted, they injected poison into his veins.

This caused him to instantly die and be in her place. A castle where they sort the dead to go into their last trial before they can enter heaven.

"I couldn't enter any of the doors earlier, so I thought that they weren't meant for me. That's when I noticed that there was a stair leading here." Hugo answered without leaving any details.

Thalia nodded, but what made her puzzled was the fact that the man saw the stairs leading into her chambers. As far as she knows, only she and some of her trusted angels can see them.

She placed a special spell on it so that no one could ever come in her place and bother her sleep.

Hugo took a step down as Thalia walked closer to him. 'What is she doing?' The man couldn't help but swallow dryly. He closed his eyes when he felt a soft thing touching his head.

"You are in my castle. And do you know what that means?"


"You're already dead." Thalia dropped like a bomb.

"H-Huh?! How can that be? I even heard that the Doctors were cheering loudly because the experiment went successful!" Hugo opened his eyes. He refused to believe the woman.josei

Thalia laughed as if the man in front of her said a very funny joke. The woman's eyes glowed in white as she showed Hugo what truly happened to him when he was unconscious.

"N-No!" Hugo's eyes watered with tears. He saw how he was killed by one of the doctors. The man saw how Julius smiled in joy after they announced his death. How they celebrated with the money that was supposed to be for him!

Hugo's jaw clenched. His heart was filled with rage as he looked at Thalia with pure angriness. But he realized... he was gone already. How can he get back at those people who killed him when he's dead?

The Goddess felt awe at what happened to Hugo. He saw that the man was a good person. And that he joined the experiment for his family. Thalia stared at Hugo in pity. A smile rose up to her lips.

"Since you found my place, what is your wish, young man?" She asked in a sweet voice.

Hope raised into Hugo's body as he looked at the woman with pure determination in his eyes. "I want to live again and take revenge on those who have wronged me!"

"Are you sure?"

Hugo quickly nodded. 'I can't let them be happy when I'm here dead already!'

Thalia chuckled. She ordered the man to close his eyes, and Hugo followed her obediently. Thalia raised her hand and swayed it on the man's head. She muttered some words before giving Hugo a kiss on the forehead.

'May you succeed, young one."

When Hugo felt that a soft thing brushed on his forehead, he quickly opened his eyes and saw the woman close to his face. He felt his skin slowly burning. That's when he realized that there was gray smoke coming out from his body.

Thalia nodded as she waved her hands at Hugo. When the man was devoured by gray smokes, she smiled widely before walking towards her bed to rest once again.

"That was so easy!" The woman exclaimed before leaning against the wall. She granted Hugo's wish in just a minute. Yet, she instantly stood up when she realized something.

'The smoke was supposed to be white and not gray. Don't tell me…' the woman's eyes widened in pure horror.


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