Supreme Monarch

Chapter 304 C304. Grand Entrance

Chapter 304 C304. Grand Entrance

The distance from the Darknar Castle to Paragon city was roughly around 10-15 minutes on a carriage, or riding on horseback and depending on the speed of the mount one used.

Normally, the castle of the Lord would be built in the center of said Lord's capital city, or in this case where the castle was built first, the city would be built around the castle.

However, the demon king's castle was a different story.

Even in the past, the castle had existed outside the fallen Darknar city. This was because the castle was the demon king's residence as well as a treasure trove of insanely valuable wealth and Magic knowledge and resources.

Thus, not only was the castle a prime target for his enemies, but it was also the one place where he would be the most vulnerable. As the demob king was someone that could use all manner of magic, it was reasonable to assume that the castle would contain the most comprehensive collection of Magic knowledge known to man.

As magic books or tools were not things that could be easily destroyed, there was a high chance of an area bombardment from those desperate to bring him down.

In order to prevent the city from being collateral damage and going through the process of rebuilding it over and over again, the demon king had decided to build his castle a few meters away from the city.

After all, back then, there was no Five or six-layered barrier protecting the castle from any sudden attacks, especially from a God Tier artifact.

So having opted on building his city in the ruins of Darknar city, Tyler had chosen to keep the city separate from the castle just like his predecessor. The only connection it had was the paved road that led directly from the main gate of the Darknar castle to a special gate at one end of the city.

The trip had taken less than 10 minutes due to the speed of the silver wolves even though they had not even been running the entire time.

Arriving before his private entrance to the city, (which was the massive gate by the south end of the city,) Tyler's mouth almost went agape as he took in the entire city with his magic sense.

This was no longer the little town he had been in just two weeks ago as they were currently in front of a massive pitch black gate, more than 20 ft tall.

The gate itself seems to have been made from a high-quality metal like Orichalcum or Duranium, maybe even something as ridiculously rare as Tritanium.

As they now had access to the mines at the Darkin mountain range, getting their hands on valuable metals like those was not as difficult as it once was.

Besides, the fact that Tyler couldn't tell by a single glance meant that the gate was probably also enchanted by Magic. The most likely scenario was that basic or intermediate Magic runes were engraved on its surface.

[Answer: Paragon City's gates were created by the combined efforts of the Master Blacksmiths, Ragdek, and Bungo the Eccentric. The gates were created using elements from metals like Orichalcum, Duranium, Tritanium, and also magic metals like Runite. The Gates have also been enchanted with intermediate defensive Magic runes.]

'Oh, wow, they really went all out for this, didn't they. How many gates are there again?'

[There are three gates at various ends of the city. The main entrance is located at the east end, the master's private entrance is located at the south end and the service entrance is located at the western end. There are no entrances at the northern end.]

'I see. But isn't having so many entrances bad?'


'That's a quick response.'

Frankly, the massive oppressive-looking gate wasn't the only thing that had surprised him as a lot of the city had changed since the last time he was here. After all, the last time he was here, this place could barely be called a town and only hand wooden walls protecting its borders.

Now, however, the city had esplanaded its territory by more than 10 folds and although most of the land inside was still empty, from the walls alone, Tyler could tell that this city was insanely large, spanning over 5,000 square meters.

'Why the fuck is it so large.'

[The city was built to encompass the fallen city of Darknar and nothing more.]

'Or really.'

Tyler was at a loss for words as he kept his eyes closed while observing the city from within his carriage.

To complement the sturdy-looking gate was tall and thick brick walls that stretched as far as the eyes could see. He was actually genuinely surprised to see that they had already if she'd building the walls over such a massive area of land in the snow but it seems that the Kobolds and Azure dragonflies' abilities made such work easier.

The carriage they were in was completely covered so Tyler had been using his magic sense to look around. Rain on the other hand didn't bother as she was still focused on something else.

He had left the dwarves Darren in charge of the city's construction based on the blueprint he approved of but had underestimated the scaling of the city. Math really was never his strong suit.

'I probably should've asked Uriel for help shouldn't I?'


'Hehe... my bad, my bad.'

Tyler felt Uriel rolling her non-existent eyes at him in his head as he mentally Strachey the back of his head.

Stationed atop the walls were the city's sentries assigned by Jarret. Even though most of them had never met him, they could accurately see where the carriage had come from and immediately opened up the gate without asking any questions.

After all, this gate was made specifically for his use.

As the massive gates parted ways like the Red Sea, their carriage moved into the city that was currently still under construction.

Tyler could sense large buildings being constructed in different sections of the city as well as other residential bourses. Even though most of the residents here didn't have any experience with construction, Darren was doing a good job supervising them and the Magic tools made by Ragdek made their work easier.

There were still massive tents pitched in the open space all around the city and only a handful of houses had been completed. However, amongst these houses, was a mansion at the center of the city.

Naturally, this was the city's lord's mansion where Hecate and Tarka had made their residents. The mansion was only partly completed at the moment. Its style and design were a lot different from the other buildings around as it almost resembled a palace.

All the major roads in the city had already been paved and Magic lamps were neatly placed on both sides of the roads. The red river that had been diverted to run through the city as its water supply was masterfully done as it played into the design of the city and was aesthetically pleasing to behold.

With the basic structure of the city already in place, even at such an early stage in its construction, the city was already looking like a proper metropolitan city.

The red River was also made to run through the city's main entrance at the eastern end of the city. A wide stone bridge was created to connect the city to the other side. This was done to control the direction from which the city's traffic flows.

The gate at the western end of the city was made to face the darknar forest as it would be used in transporting materials in and out of the city. Using that gate would require special permission so only authorized personnel would be able to.

Of course, Loriel's dragonflies could simply fly over the city's wall but Tyler planned to set up some aerial defense spells across the entire city, however, that would require a lot of manpower and mana to maintain. He also couldn't remain in the city constantly.

Then again, creating a clone of himself would accomplish the task but his clone probably couldn't maintain the barrier for long as it was 30% weaker than his original self.

Besides, the effects of the aerial defensive spells he knew could not last forever so he would need to provide a constant source of immerse energy for the spell to cover such a wide range and even 10 of the high-grade magic crystals with him would not last a day.

The only exception to this rule he knew of was the barrier constantly surrounding the castle.

It was a mystery how the demon king was able to maintain such a powerful spell for a thousand years as the source of its energy was yet to be discovered and the only place Tyler could think it would be was behind the throne room.

However, Tyler didn't have the time right now to satisfy his curiosity so he had kept that in the back of his mind. Focusing back on protecting his city.

He had already tasked Ragdek with creating a device for that but currently, the city was burning through the scrolls he had given them. He also doesn't want the Great Five keeping taps on their progress so he had no choice but to sacrifice those precious scrolls.

He would have to restock when he goes back to Winged City.

Entering the city, Tyler saw some of the residents crowding by the sides of the roads as though they had been expecting him.

Even though he was riding on an enclosed carriage through the open road, they were all cheering with excitement as the kids waved at the passing carriage.

As most of this city's residents were once freemen struggling to survive amongst the dangers of the Darknar region and the demon continent as a whole. It was understandable why they would be so excited to see the one who had practically saved them from that and was even building a city where they could all live in peace on such a chaotic continent.

Naturally, there were those whose excitement had crossed the limit as they desired to see their leader even just a little and had forgotten themselves.

The newly appointed city's guards were doing their jobs as they kept those residents in check and the streets cleared.

After all, Tyler was now considered a Great Demon Lord at the very least and any show of respect even if it was born of excitement would be met with harsh punishment. Naturally, Tyler didn't know about this law.

The carriage moved slowly down the street and Tyler felt more embarrassed with each passing second as he couldn't to even bring himself to wave at his subordinates even through the windows as he could clearly hear the chatters going on within the crowds.

"Wow, what a majestic carriage."

"Look at those mounts. Are they Alpha wolves? Oh my lord! This is amazing."

"Shit is that really him. I can barely even breathe from looking at the carriage alone what pressure. I'm getting goosebumps."

"I've never seen him before but I heard that he Single-handedly destroyed over one million shadow Monsters with a single spell."

"Holy unholy Crap, that's insane! Shit shouldn't we be bowing right now."

"Wait isn't that all exaggerated though."

"Exaggerated or not. It's a fact that Lord Ty has more than ten demon lord-level of even stronger subordinates under him. There's no way our leader is weaker than even the great five demob lords."

"Of course not. Don't you know where we are, this is the demon king's region? There's no way our king will be weaker than those bastards that think themselves royalty."josei

"You're totally right. Haven't the Great Five been trying to access the Darknar castle for centuries now, yet Lord Ty can simply pass through the barrier and allows anyone he wants in? If that's not the only proof we need that our king's return then to hell with anyone who can't see that!"

"Exactly! Lord Ty is our Demon King no matter what the world says! King live your majesty."

"Long live his majesty!!!"

A chant slowly broke out within the crowd all the way to the Lord's mansion as Tyler almost sank in his seat from embarrassment.

'Oh Albert, what the hell have you been spreading about me.'

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