Supreme Monarch

Chapter 305 C305. Public Appearance

Chapter 305 C305. Public Appearance

Hearing the whispers of so many people excitedly proclaiming him the demon king, Tyler couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. It was a good thing he hadn't opened the carriage's window as he was already panicking at the immersed pressure brought about by their high expectations.

However, before his rising emotions could go berserk, they suddenly disappeared completely due to the automatic use of the Placate spell, causing Tyler to almost forget why he had been so anxious in the first place as he was able to maintain his composure.

This feature of Uriel's ability was the reason he hadn't yet succumbed to the weight of the pressure brought about by so many ridiculously high expectations as she always knew the right time to use the spell. Giving him the ability to maintain a clear and calculating mind at all times.

Still, for an occasion such as this, riding in on a palanquin or an open carriage would've been a more traditional way to make his first appearance to his citizens. However, Tyler had chosen not to do this for obvious reasons.

Luckily for him, the question never once crossed the spectators' minds as they were already overexcited from the visage of the luxurious carriage drawn by two majestic magic beasts. They could also feel the grand presence of a superior being that transcended their comprehension.

However, the people's excitement was not born from his presence alone as quite a bit of them seems to have been drawn in by the slender figure driving the carriage.

She was a young beastgirl with a tanned skin tone and a pair of black dog ears that rested at the top of her hair, styled lazily in a single large braid.

Adorned by an exquisite set of magic form-fitting armor, she smiled confidently as her almost none existent chest puffed out proudly while subconsciously attracting most of the males' attention with her racial skill, Cutesy.

*Phew... 'That was close.'

Seeing a lot of the attention being redirected towards Nadine, Tyler sighed heavily as he felt a lot lighter just from that.

"Is something the matter?"

A melodious and fruity voice rang from beside him as Tyler shifted his gaze to the world-class beauty that sat beside him. She was currently dressed formerly in a gorgeous form-fitting purplish-black dress, with short black hair and dark skin.

Her body was adorned with a constellation of jewelry, giving her the radiance of a true noble. However, the childlike gleam in her glistening green eyes told of how free-spirited she truly was.

Tyler hadn't expected her to take anything seriously but she was genuinely excited to accompany him to such a former occasion and had even taken the time to prepare so he had no choice but to bring her along.

Then again, she was probably just taking advantage of Liz's absence once again which may end up causing some problems for him down the line.

There were also two others seated in the carriage with them, namely, his personal maid, Cora, and one of his shadow rogues, Zelda.

As he had left Maeve behind in the castle to contact him in case of an emergency that restricted normal means of communication, Zelda was the only shadow rogue with him currently as Kali and Flare were hidden somewhere in the city investigating on Liz's request.

Nessi was also busy aiding Z with his investigations on the various noble families in the demon continent.josei

Perhaps due to the absence of her peers, Zelda had decided not to hide in his shadows for this occasion which wasn't really a bad thing as her existence was not meant to be a secret.

Tyler figured she would probably be bored without the others around so he didn't mind her hanging around as long as it was what she wanted and maybe see if she would be able to have fun. Not that he could tell whether she was having fun at all as her expression rarely ever changes, to begin with.

'That's kind of amusing.'

Chuckling softly to himself after taking a glance at Zelda's face, Tyler composed himself before returning his attention to Rain and answered.

"Not at all, there's nothing wrong. I'm fine."

"I see, I'm glad."

Seeing Tyler smile faintly at her, Rain accepted his answer without questions as she nodded and smiled back. Their slow trip through the south side of the city to the Central mansion no longer felt long as Nadine drew most of the attention to herself and she seemed to enjoy it.

However, to Tyler's dismay, there were a lot more people surrounding the entrance to the city's Lord's mansion, awaiting his arrival alongside all the city's current officials. A red carpet had also been laid out for him which had only made the situation worse for his nerves.

'I shouldn't have listened to Albert.'

Tyler thought as he sensed the expectations of the masses waiting to gaze on his majestic visage. He could not help but fear that they would only face disappointment the moment they laid eyes on him and he would end up embarrassing himself by making a silly mistake.

Tyler's mind suddenly got clouded again as countless negative scenarios played repeatedly in his head, causing his mind to hesitate for a while even after the carriage had come to a stop.

"Hmm, Lord Ty."

Feeling Rain's hands suddenly take a hold of him, Tyler promptly snapped back to reality as he turned his gaze once again to meet hers.

"I know I can be a little too excited sometimes and maybe unreliable to you but please, if something is weighing on your mind you can be confined in me. I may not be able to help someone like you but I'd do anything to support you whenever you need me to."

Surprised to see Rain be so serious and also the voice of reason all of a sudden. Tyler could not help but forget all his worries. The only reason he was so anxious was because of the number of people that would be staring straight at him but there was really no need to worry.

He had made it this far without messing up too badly so why would he start now. Even if he made a mistake, he was always fast enough to react in order to rectify it on time. All he needed now was to be a bit more confident in himself and have faith in the ones closest to him.

'I really I'm silly.'

Tyler chuckled at his silliness as he reassured Rain that he was fine. As a gentleman, he couldn't let a girl keep worrying about him so he needed to step up, reaching his fingers out to gently graze over her cheeks, Tyler answered.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to worry you for no reason but I'm glad you're by my side right now so don't worry. All you have to do is stay close and I'll be fine."

Hearing his direct words caused Rain to suddenly retreat in an uncharacteristic show of bashfulness that surprised Tyler.

The carriage came to an abrupt halt in front of the red carpet as its doors slowly swung open, the first to exit the carriage was Zelda as she was acting as his bodyguard and was required to protect him in case of an assassination attack.

Not that any attacks could take him by surprise at this point but Tyler was advised to maintain a semblance of noble culture so he had no choice.

Next wad his maid Cora, who quickly moved to the side to await her master. Although Nadine still attracted a lot of the men's attention as the carriage came to a halt, Zelda's cold demeanor and deadly beauty had practically broken her spell on them as they all cheered excitedly.

Cora was also considered quite pretty although not at the same level as Zelda but her maid's outfit had captivated the hearts of many. Earned her a small fan base of her own.

However, the entire city had ground to a halt the moment Rain had exited the carriage in her gorgeous dress. Hers was a beauty that could not be described by words and it was only made more pronounced by the constellations of jewelry that adorn her perfect figure.

In the next moment, the entire city had erupted in an uproar as this was their first encounter with such divinity. Apparently, as a demigod, her appearance had been even more enhanced in the eyes of mortals, and not even the ladies could bring themselves to feel envy or jealousy in the face of such perfection.

Rain simply smiled proudly as she stepped aside and awaited her beloved. Unbeknownst to her that the crowds' insane reaction to her appearance had made her entrance a tough act to follow for Tyler.

'This is just unfair. Why wasn't I blessed with amazing beauty.'

[Master can always just adjust his appearance if you deem it unsatisfactory.]

'Oh, my dear Uriel. The fact that you said that doesn't help me at all.'


Tyler couldn't get mad at the hardworking A. I that was only trying to help him, but the fact that she thought he needed to adjust his appearance only serve in hurting his pride.

'Well fuck it, let's just get this over with.'

Steeling himself to whatever was to come of this, Tyler no longer hesitated as he swiftly exited the carriage in as dignified a motion as he could.

Unsurprisingly, his appearance hadn't caused an uproar and he was beginning to think his fears had come true. However, the opposite was the case as in a fluid motion, everyone drop down to a knee and stared at him with awe-struck eyes.

Everyone that came out to greet him, led by Hecate and Tarka, who were both dressed in stylish former wears. Everyone including the dwarf, Darren. They had all gone down on one knee as they welcomed in their Great Demon Lord of the Darknar Family.

'Huh, that's unexpected.'


Things after that went as smoothly as one could imagine as Tyler had simply walked passed the prostrating crowd with Rain by his side as they entered the mansion.

This action would later start a rumor about his supposed wife and would end up causing him a shit load of problems but Tyler was too distracted to realize that.

The crowd of more than 10,000 residents remained gathered around the city's lords mansion as Tyler entered the mansion itself.

Besides getting aquatinted with his citizens and making a public appearance, there would also be an event held later that night and everyone was invited. That was where he would be required to address them all.

Until then, there were a few individuals he had almost forgotten about that he needed to talk to as they had waited patiently to meet him for a while now and he had decided to finally get to them.

Of course, Tyler was talking about the seemingly dying, previous Primordial Behemoth of Envy that had tagged along with Jarret's and Nadine's group a while back during their retrieval of the Raven settlement.

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