Supreme Monarch

Chapter 306 C306. Levian

Chapter 306 C306. Levian

During the week Tyler had been out of commission while recovering from negative corruption, it seems the two predatory beastmen that accompanied the previous Primordial Behemoth of Envy had grown rather impatient after waiting to gain an audience with him for so long but was constantly being denied.

Frustrated by his appeent lack of a conscience for her dire confirmation, they had tried convincing their lady to leave so they may find another alternative before it was too late but she had firmly denied their request.

Throughout their stay in the city, she had made sure they had helped out wherever they could. Making sure to assist the residents in their work as much as they were able to even without anyone asking that of her.

As they were considered Tyler's guest, nothing had been required of them for the duration of their stay but staying still was not something their lady was good at.

Perhaps it was because she was known as the behemoth of the emotion envy, as it seems she was rather envious of the free-spirited lives of the commoners who seemed to be enjoying their lives as they procured their hearts into building a new home for themselves.

Part of her had always wanted to live a simple life but that was never her fate, as she had only opposed the Great Five for the sake of those who had placed their fate in her.

Still, even in her current state, she hadn't lost hope in her dreams and seamlessly got along with those around her as most were naturally curious about her dragon like features.

Her cheerful attitude despite her worsening state had warned her the favor of most of the city's residents, especially the elderly who— much like her— could not be as helpful as they would like.

Even so, her aides, Yeva and Wrynn could not bear to watch her die so easily. Even if it seemed as though she was having fun living peacefully for the first time in a really long time.

As someone that was constantly under the pursuit of the current Behemoth of Envy, Levian. There was never a moment when she wouldn't be cautious and watching over her shoulders.

After all, a free of the freemen settlement that had taken her in had been completely obligated by Levian's troops making it impossible to have a moments rest.

However, even the great Levian wasn't foolish enough to attack this place after the witnessing the display of master Ty and his subordinates during the undead war.

With such an overwhelming might it was understandable why Mammon hadn't stood a chance and Levian hasn't restless enough to attack this place without a plan so the past few weeks had brought with it a semblance of peace that they knew their lady hadn't felt before.

While they both wanted nothing more than to see their lady happy, it was still an impossible task for them to just sit back and watch had die without doing the best they could, even if that meant leaving behind the peace their lady had sort out for her entire life.

Luckily, the resident's love for her had caught Z's attention so he had decided to provide some assistance until his master was ready for her.

For the next few days, she was then forced into admission in the newly build hospital operated by one of the Six Great Demon Generals, the Water Goddess, Erin, and her Hydriads who served as the hospital doctors.

Of course, as the building was massive, a lot of workers had also been hired to manage its operations, including the nurses who were mainly just healers in training.

As Erin had been busy at the time taking care of the unconscious Tyler and the girls, the hospital had been ran solely by the 10 Hydraids she had created. Hence why Z had assigned one of them to take a look at Levi's condition.

While she was unable to fully help the Dragonkin regain the energy she had lost from losing parts of her soul. The doctor was able to further prolong her life which was enough to calm those two down as they found an opportunity to pamper their lady who had been confined to her bed by force.

Now however, she had been released from the hospital as her audience with Tyler had been scheduled and had been escorted to a room inside the Lord's Mansion.



After entering the City's Lords nansion that was both the residents of Hecate and Tarka, as well as their workplace, as the massive mansion was divided in several sections conducive for various activities.

They were greeted by a massive luxurious hall that was modeled after the halls in his castle as even the Magic runes on the walls had been perfectly replicated.

With the spatial runes that Tyler transcribed for Darren with the help of Uriel, the hall could somehow contain more than 20,000 people at a time without feeling cramped. It was a convenient ability that saved them on the time and effort in creating that large a hall.

However, such powerful tunes could not be used so easily as it collarpse the space around it if drawn on inferior materials. It was why t the walls in the hall were lazed with high quality metals like Duranium.josei

As this hall would not be used until later, they were escorted to the side as they walked casually through the main corridor.

The ones who had escorted them while showing them around was the Assistant Mayor of Oaragon city, the dragon wrought Kobold, Tarka.

As she was a lot more used to Tyler than Hecate was, she acted more freely and her wings flapped about in excitement as she floated around and proudly explained the most basic things to him.

Although Tyler already knew most of this as he had Uriel to help him out, he found her enthusiasm and carefreeness quiet refreshing in comparison to the suffocating feeling he had felt all the way here.

Just like Hecate, Tarka was born as the daughter of the Kobold cheif and has had great expectations placed on her shoulders from an early age. Not unlike the hobgoblins, she had been groomed to become the next chief whether she wanted to or not. No one had ever as their opinions.

Their entire lives had been planned out for them and they had accepted their responsibilities as their fate. However, without warning, they had suddenly been tossed into the role after the tragic deaths of their parents.

In the midst of such a drastic turn of events, there was no room for hesitation or complaint as the lives of everyone they knew and loved was suddenly place in their hands so they had to embrace their destiny.

Tyler didn't put the both of them together simply because they had experience with the job he had in mind as he would feel uncomfortable making them do something they didn't really want.

There were other candidates he could've chosen yet he still went with them. The reason was simple. After Z had Analyze the minds of everyone he gave his last last name to, he noticed something about this two and had reported it to Tyler.

While the both of them had been living the life set out for them as though they lack any will, goals or aspirations of their own. They didn't have any regrets in their heart and only wanted to protect and lead their people.

The only sorrow they felt was the loneliness that came with being in their shoes. As such, Tyler had decided to pair them together and although he didn't know Hecate well enough to know if it helped her, he was happy just to see how much more Tarka had loosen up since then.

Besides, there was no reason why they couldn't have aspirations and hobbies even while serving as mayors for his city. After all, all work and no play, makes John a dull boy.

'Or was it Jack? Why did I just say John?'

Moving on—

After exploring the entire mansion, Tarka finally calmed down a bit and showed Tyler to his office. Naturally, an office had been prepared for him here as well. It didn't matter to them if he would ever use the office or not.

However, Tyler actually had a need for this office today as there were a lot of people that had requested an audience with him.

Besides, the former Primordial Behemoth of Envy, Leviathan, there were still the leaders of the various freemen settlement that had settle in the city and needed to meet with him.

There was also those representatives from various small demon noble families accross the continent that needed to meet with him personally in order for them to make the decision whether to side with him or the Great Five.

Of course, most of them had no intentions of siding with the Great Five but simply wanted to confirm if he had the qualities of the demon king of Destruction as their allegiance still remained with him.

Entering his office, Tyler was impressed to say the least. Although the city was a long ways from being done, it appears his subordinates had taken a lot of time and effort in building an designing this office as it almost rivaled the one in the castle.

There were two demoness dressed in maids garb awaiting inside the office with their heads bow. Their presence there had caused Cora's brows to twitch as the guards that were standing next to her slowly shifted further to the side.

The maids that vowed in his office wer both demons but their Tiers was below Cora so they had both hesitated when Cora's brows had twitched. However, there purpose there was not just to attend to him but his guest as well, as Cora was not expected to do that.

Preparing some refreshments for everyone, Tyler understood Hecate's reasoning as he walked over to take a seat in the lounge section of the office and Rain followed suit and sat next to him.

Jarret was busy with maintaining the security as the residents were currently being entertained in the massive hall he had seen earlier so the only ones here were Tarka, Hecate and a few others working under them, including the bug girl Loriel.

With Tarka leading the way in their conversation, Tyler received more details on the notable people he was about to meet and the discussions they've had with them already.

A compiled list of documents were given to him by one of the demon maids which made Cora furrowed her brows a little, causing the temperature in the room to drop by a few degrees.

After going through all the information he was given, Tyler was finally ready to start something he had never been comfortable with to begin with even as a human, the politics of negotiations.

However, he still had to deal with the situation with Leviathan before starting any other meeting and as he had order her be brought to the office next to his, he quickly teleported in there before Rain could suggest accompanying him.

Naturally, he had set up a barrier around the room the moment he had appeared there to prevent eavesdropping or intruders as there was a lot he would like to know about these so called Primordial Behemoths.

"Well hello, it's great to finally meet one of the seven Primodials. Oh right, I guess you're not exactly one of them anymore are you."

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