Supreme Monarch

Chapter 307 C307. Levi

Chapter 307 C307. Levi

"Well hello there. It's great to finally meet one of the seven Primordials. Oh right, I suppose you're not exactly one of them anymore are you."

Suddenly appearing in the office next to his assigned one and speaking so abruptly had taken everyone currently present inside the room by surprise. After all, his aura and even his presence had been completely erased by one of the artifacts he had on him at the moment.

As predatory beastmen that prided themselves on their senses, be it magic or otherwise, both Yeva and Wrynn could not believe their eyes as they even doubted their senses after failing to notice the appearance of such a domineering figure.

They had been waiting in this office for about a good hour now and had been growing a little impatient. So when they had heard the commotion outside earlier, they had extended their senses to try and sense the presence of the one they were seeking an audience with but came up short.

Naturally, they had assumed he was yet to arrive so his sudden appearance here had truly taken them by surprise. However, Levi didn't seem to have been surprised in the least.

Although she was unable to sense him, she could sense the emotional fluctuations of everyone around her, and thus, she knew the only the only one that could have stirred up such strong emotions of aspiration and loyalty in so many people at a time would be none other than the recently ascended Great Demon Lord himself.

Turning her gaze to meet his, Levi smiled brightly as she stood up to pay her respects to the one who had killed Mammon and taken great care of her during her stay here.

As she was no longer considered the primordial behemoth of Envy, Levi had no problems lowering her head to him which had taken the two by surprise yet again and they hurriedly followed suit, trying not to embarrass their beloved teacher.

Standing next to the trio was a beautiful woman who appeared to be in her twenties, by human standards. Her skin was light with well-defined facial features. She had long silk-like white hair that flowed down from her head like a gentle waterfall.

Wearing a full-length, silverish white colored dress with aqua-colored sleeves, she looked like a being straight out of fiction as her body appears to be semi-transparent and she was completely barefoot.

Tyler keenly remembered where he had seen this lady before as her figure was not something one could easily forget. As he recalled, she was one of the 10 High Hydraids Erin had created during her battle with the Grim Reaper, and also, she was one of the doctors working under Erin in Paragon City's hospital and the one assigned to look after Levi.

As all 10 Hydriads looked alike as though they were quintuplets, it was almost impossible to tell them apart so Tyler couldn't tell who exactly this one was or if she even had a name.

Then again, given as they were all created on the same day at the exact same time, that might actually be the case.

'Umm, that would make Erin a mother of 10, wouldn't it? Wow, that's a lot, she should really give her kids proper names. Wait, doesn't that mean I'm also— No, I'd rather not think of my undead as children for my own sanity.'

Getting that disturbing thought off his mind, Tyler nodded his head at the High Hydriad standing at the corner, and she smiled charmingly in response before bowing in respect. He then approached the standing trio and took a seat opposing them.

Making himself comfortable on the soft leather chair, he took his time studying the trio in front of him while also using divine appraisal on them.

Having found no new information about them on their status, Tyler spoke softly as he crossed his legs while casually resting his face on his left knuckles.

"There is no need to stand at attention. Please, do take a seat."

With a smile, Levi respected Tyler's wishes and sat back down without saying a word.

The predatory beastmen besides her remained standing as they took a step behind their lady. Having felt as though the beautiful hazel-colored eyes of this lord Ty had completely stripped them of all their secrets.

They felt rather uncomfortable standing before him as a wave of insecurities had washed over them the moment his gaze landed on them. It was as though they could hide nothing under his gaze as they felt completely naked before him.

Seeing as the two beastkins had no intentions of sitting down and looked rather nervous before him, Tyler decided not to force the issue as he quickly returned his attention to the Dragonkin before him.

"First off, allow me to apologize for the delay in granting your request for this meeting. I trust my subordinates have made your stay here a pleasant one."

"Fufufu... I have to admit, I haven't felt this relaxed in centuries. Please do not mind the delay, I'm well aware that you're a very busy man and you've even gone as far as having this lady treat me before we've agreed on any deals so I can't complain. Besides, I've rather enjoyed my time in this lovely city of yours."

To Yeva and Wrynn's surprise, their Lady Levi had spoken smoothly and had even gotten a bit excited but hadn't broken into her usual coughing fit even though her condition hadn't gotten better yet.

However, what they did not know was that the High Hydriad Doctor standing behind them had a passive skill to tranquilize and detoxify the air all around her causing Levi's condition to not get worse as she spoke even though it wasn't healing her.

"I see... I'm glad you feel that way. So tell me, if you were to compare this city— even in its infancy stages— to the ones of the Primordials, what would you say the major difference is?"

"A comparison. That's unexpected."

Seemingly surprised by Tyler's strange question, Levi tilted her head in confusion as his tail moved atop her lap and she gently rubbed its smooth scales.

"I just find myself a little curious seeing as I've never been to one myself. Although I do plan on making a trip there sometime in the future."

Seeing as his question had not been answered, Tyler thought it best to explain himself a little and provide a reasonable reason on why he had asked that. however—

"You plan on taking a trip to a Primordial's region. Fufufufufu... I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just didn't expect you to be so bold to that extent."


Although Tyler felt as though there was a misunderstanding here as he only planned on visiting the regions of the primordials as a traveling merchant or tourist. However, he didn't think it would be necessary to correct her as he simply moved to the main topic of their meeting today.

"Anyways, let's get back on topic."josei

In an instant, Tyler's demeanor had changed from a casual one to a rather solemn demeanor as his eyes narrowed and the air in the room suddenly froze. In a manner of speaking.

"I have been briefed on your situation and the incidents that happened on the Red Riverbank. So, do elaborate in detail, what exactly do you need from me?"

Seeing as Tyler had gone straight to the point, Levi didn't think it was right to hold anything back at this point in time. After all, without the High Hydriad behind her literally saving her life then she would probably be dead by now.

Worst of all, even death would not be the end for her as Levian would stop at nothing to attain the rest of her soul to further strengthen the powers he had stolen from her and secure himself as the one and only Primordial of Envy, with no one capable of challenging his authority left to stop him.

"Very well, as I told your current Captain of the Guards that day as well as that strange undead girl. I was formerly the one known as the Primordial Behemoth of envy, Leviathan. As you may already be aware, I am not a beastman but a Dragonkin, an actual Leviathan if you will. A distant relative of the ancient dragon race."

At the mention of her species as a descendant of the legendary Dragon race, the smile on Levi's face seems to blossom beautifully. It seems she really took great pride in that aspect of hers.

"About 800 years ago, I alongside six others challenged the authority of the great Five for our own selfish reasons, and after decades of seemingly endless battles, we became known as the seven great behemoths, and recently we've been called the seven Primordials. However, the time I spent as the Primordial behemoth of Envy wasn't long. It's a shame really, I was probably the weakest of my peers at the time."

Levi's eyes shifted away from Tyler for a moment as she seems to recall something from her past.

"I think I lasted only a century before I received my first true challenger. Up until that point, my region had never hosted a tournament of power as I had foolishly thought that everyone would be able to live together in peace without me doing anything to maintain such a fleeting concept as peace."

"That's not!—"

Raising an arm to stop Wrynn from interrupting her. Levi's expression changed from a gentle smile to a more serious and strangely melancholic expression.

"It's strange, for years after my defeat, I had believed that demons were not capable of true peace as our violent nature and strong desires would always rule over us. Yet, after living in this city for only a week, I saw something I never once believed possible. Demons, demi-humans, and lesser demons all working together for the betterment of their lives in harmony."

The thinnest of smiles blossomed in her pale face as she spoke of these concepts that almost seemed too good to be true.

"Such a thing was completely beyond even my wildest dreams. You used a high-level appraisal skill on me earlier so I'm sure you're aware but my innate ability is Envy's Embodiment. It's an ability that allows me to manipulate and control certain emotions of myself and those around me. Mainly the emotion of envy. I can also sense the emotions of everyone I see. That is why I understand the significance of what you have accomplished in this city. Without the use of brute force or tyranny, you have brought such a diverse group of people together in a strange bond that exceeded my expectations."

While Tyler disagreed with most of what she was saying, he couldn't bring himself to interrupt her words as she was clearly speaking from her heart. Besides, unlike him who could no longer relate to the common folks even if he claimed to understand them, she had been living with them for a little while now so there was certainly some truth to her words.

Understanding that, Tyler paid close attention to the words she spoke as he watched Levi continue speaking.

"Even as this city grows and expands, you've already set up a foundation that cannot be broken. I am truly envious of you."

With a longing expression, Levi stared into the distance as he said those words. A faint aura arose from within her for a moment before disappearing almost as quickly as it appeared.

"I can't say I understand your feelings but please, continue. I'd like to know more about this Levian character if you don't mind."

After hearing how she felt, Tyler could understand where this Primordial was coming from. However, there was still a lot he needed to learn from her starting with the current Behemoth of Envy known only as Levian.

"Oh right. My bad, I can't help but fall into a daze sometimes. As for the current Primordial of Envy, Levian. He was a strange man with a strange and distant air about him not unlike Mammon. Now that I think about it, you do have a similar air about you as well. Albeit vastly different but somewhat distance as though you hail from an incomprehensible distance."

'Another Reincarnate? Geez, they're everywhere these days.'

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