Supreme Monarch

Chapter 334 C334. Mind Manipulation

Chapter 334 C334. Mind Manipulation

Tyler's skill, 'Mind Manipulation' was a Divine Tier skill that possessed several subsidiary skills such as 'Mind Guidance'— the skill Z had used in his battle against the representatives from the Zorak family.

However, that was only a fraction of the skill's abilities as it also possesses other subsidiary skills that could practically dominate the minds of others, provided certain conditions are met.

Altogether, the skill's powers allowed the user to manipulate the mind, the mechanism of processing information, and the set of immaterial facilities that are linked to it.

The user of this skill could create, control, customize, negate, and otherwise fashion parts and functions of the mind such as perception, desires, thoughts, beliefs, memories, attention, personality, behavior, and intelligence in a variety of ways.

Beneficially, this ability could be used to unlock one's inner potential, (not to be mistaken for one's Magic potential), with precise manipulation of the target's mind, the user could essentially bestow talents, and mental abilities, as well as improve the target's mental capacity.

Destructively, this power could be used to shatter minds, grant a diversity of mental disorders, and take over the mind completely. Either way, anyone capable of wielding this skill masterfully would possess an outstanding power that makes them a force to be reckoned with.

However, everything had its limits and even for Tyler who was also yet to master the skill, one couldn't use this skill on a target equal or superior to them in status or someone with adequate mind-altering resistance.

That alone would not be much of a problem but there were also countless spells and tools capable of shielding even weaker opponents' minds from the skill's influence and interferences of any kind would lead to a rather harsh backlash at the user's own mental state.

Hence, limiting the abilities of the skill to mostly reading surface thoughts and creating mental cues in most cases.

With so many restrictions in place, one could not easily showcase the full capabilities of this skill until they had successfully broken through the opponent's mental defenses.

However, if Tyler wanted to bypass such a tedious process, all he needed to do was dominate weaker targets first with his Domination Demonic eyes before using mind manipulation on them.

Still, if he recklessly tries to break through an opponent's mental defenses by force, there was a high chance his eyes would completely destroy the minds of his target, completely turning them into a shell of themselves. Hence why he had left this Dark elf in Albert's care until now.

Even though Rain had said she didn't care about her sister and he was free to do with her as he saw fit, Tyler had still felt bad for subjecting this girl to such mental torture over the last few weeks just to satisfy his curiosity.

And aside from that, he would also be using her mind in experimenting with the limits of his skill's ability, which could just as easily destroy her mind and send her into a vegetative state.

The sub-skills of Mind Manipulation include; Mind Weaver, Mind Guidance, Mental Cues, and Mind Barriers, which was a defensive ability that protected Tyler's mind against mental interference with several multi-layered barriers.

There were also; Mind Break, Mind Restoration, Mind Imprisonment, and finally, Mind walker.

The latter was the skill Tyler was currently using as he place his left hand on Misty's head and palmed her entire head in his hand. Her consciousness fell deeper into her soul as Tyler invaded her mind world and assert control over her entire being, gaining full access to her weakened mind.

In the span of mere seconds, he went through hundreds of years of memories as he learned everything she had locked within her mind. Even things she had forgotten and chosen to bury deep within her mind.

Although he had aimed to learn about Rain's past as well as the layout of the Alcar family's territories while identifying their key members for his plans. What he saw both disturbed and disgusted him to the core.

The fact that the Alcar family were fanatics worshipers of the demon god had come as a surprise to him. This was something Rain and Liz hadn't taken seriously because they had barely been exposed to the true nature of these so-called saviors of the demon race.josei

He hadn't been fond of Misty himself as any sibling that could watch their younger ones being tortured and experimented on was not someone he could get along with.

Liz had pleaded with him to convert Misty to his side and he had his reservations and came into this with as much an open mind as he could muster. However, nothing could've prepared him for what he saw in her head.

From the day she was born, she was bred and raised as nothing more than a life stock whose lives belonged to the Alcar family. As if that was not enough, from a very young age she had been passed around in the beds of the so-called higher-ups of the Alcar family.

She couldn't even remember when she had lost her virginity but Tyler had seen it all, his stomach turning at the sight before his eyes.

'What kind of sickos would do this to a child.'

The scene before him was of the room of one of the six Great pillars of the Alcar family. On the luxurious canopy bed were the figures of two young girls no older than 11 or 12. Their bodies were covered in bruises and cuts that could even be found on their faces.

One of these girls was obviously a younger version of Misty, and the other was apparently her twin sister, Windy. She laid motionless beside Misty with a look of terror permanently frozen on her face as the demon noble rammed his tool in between her bleeding legs and continued to ravage her body even now.

Misty's eyes were bruised and tears could no longer even be produced from them. Her vision was almost gone and her consciousness was fading rapidly.

However, her bleeding heart could not let her pass out as she held on tightly to her sister's still warm hands. She could no longer react to the pain of the man atop her as he punched, slapped, and bit her chest in lustful bliss even after her heart had stopped completely.

That's correct. Her twin sister had died right in front of her and she was most likely going to be next. However, as fate would have it, that demon had reached its climax inside the body of the dead child and was no longer needed for her.

Her body was then sent back to the dark elf legion without care if she had lived or died, as high-ranking demons could control their bodies at Unparalleled levels, they were able to control the reproductive essence of their seeds and as they saw the dark elf race as nothing more than tools, they generally wouldn't impregnate them to prevent their linage from being tainted. Only using their bodies to satisfy their carnal desires.

As such, they would specifically breed the dark elves with each other to maintain their numbers at an acceptable limit. This was why they didn't care if one or two of them died as a result of the noble's twisted fetishes.

However, Misty had survived thanks to the timely healing she had received from her older brother who barely showed any emotions towards her near-death state and the disappearance of her twin sister.

For the next few years until she had outgrown that certain pillar's desired fetish, she was forced into his bed and brutally beaten and violated for years.

However, unlike her twin sister, she refused to give up. This was because, she knew the pain of losing a sister, and after gaining a younger sister of her own, she did not want Rain to experience such a thing.

Her desire to protect her younger sister seemed to have been answered by a higher power as she was then chosen to be the bodyguard of the Alcar family's disgrace, exempting her from the family's cursed fate.

Misty could not be happier. She eventually grew numb to the pain after the possibility that Rain would be that demon's next target was out of the way.

Her mind instinctively began to blur the details of those traumatic events and soon she would forget them altogether. Although she had outgrown that demon noble, there were still other demon nobles that desired her body and as such, she slowly began to grow jealous of the sister that had been spared from such a fate.

Even then, her love for her sister never waned but those feelings of jealousy kept growing. And soon, they would be directed a the girl who she believed had taken her place in the life of her sister.

As she could barely see her sister to resolve this matter, those Complicated feelings continued to swell inside of her and because of that she could not approach or speak to Rain on the few occasions when they had met. Hence why she had never developed a relationship with Rain.

Tyler fell silent for a while as he just blankly stared at the flashing memories before him. These were all the memories that had been locked or hidden and they were all submitting themselves to his gaze.

His eyes soon focused on the face of the man who had raped Misty's sister to death and had even harbored an interest in Rain. If she hadn't been chosen to be with Liz, the same thing that happened to her would've been done to Rain.

It seems Liz had been more aware of the situation in the castle than the carefree Rain who was intelligent but also simple-minded. That was probably why she wanted him to give her another chance at life.

'Very well. I've seen enough.'

As Tyler had already gotten the information he needed, he dismissed the memories before him and completely unlocked them for Misty. Although he was about to make some major alterations to her mind, he still felt as though it was best if she understood where those dark feelings she felt had originated from for her to heal and for her mind to function properly under his skill.

As for the Alcar Family who looked down on all races and kept an entire clan of Dark Elves as though they were pets, Tyler now had a beef with them that had now rivaled the one with the Brimstone family.

If he hadn't met the Vampire lord of the Morningstar family himself, he was beginning to think every one of the so-called Great Five families was degenerate. However, the affairs of the remaining three families were not his concern and his only targets now were both the Brimstone family and the Alcar family.

Both families have now directly opposed him and could not be allowed to exist. As Tyler thought to this point, his mind returned to the face of the man he had just watched in Misty's memories and he immediately felt sick to the stomach.

"The pillar of Fire; Eddard Dryden, congratulations, you've become my enemy."

With a single motion, Tyler stretched forth his arm as though reaching for something. In the next moment, a single image of the demon noble known as the pillar of fire appeared before him.

Next, a complicated and intricate Magic circle appeared in front of Tyler and was compressed to the size of a mere golf ball before slowly disappearing into the floating image with the distortion in space and time.

"Soul Curse."

On this day, a similar Magic circle appeared in the lower back of Eddard Dryden who was currently resting in one of his mansions located on the other side of the continent. Laying sideways on a familiar canopy bed with the bruised body of a young Dark elf laying motionlessly next to him.

In the next moment, the cursed mark was slowly being absorbed into his body as it merged with the core of his mana body and fed off his aura until it became completely docile without leaving a single trace behind.

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