Supreme Monarch

Chapter 335 C335. Misty

Chapter 335 C335. Misty

Having viewed the memories of Misty's entire life, Tyler was able to gain a lot of useful pieces of information such as a detailed structure of the Alcar family's operation system. That is to say, he now understood what the inner workings of one of the Great Five noble families were like.

He had also learned the faces of all the higher-ranked officers Misty had interacted with, and for someone who had been considered a lower life form, she had met most of the high-ranking nobles. Including members of the so-called pillars of the family.

While most of the more sensitive information had been sealed behind a seemingly unbreakable barrier, Tyler didn't think he would have much trouble forcing them out. However, doing such a thing would cause a backlash that would most likely kill Misty and send information about him back to the one who had placed those restrictions on her mind.

Of course, Tyler could also trace back the signal to the source and locate that person but it was highly unlikely that person would be of much value to him at the moment. There could always be layers of traps set along the way.

For now, he didn't need to be impatient. He had already achieved his main objectives and with the extra information he had on the Alcar family, Uriel would now be able to better predict their actions and come up with countermeasures against any plans they might come up with.

However, even after learning about her past and deciding to help the dark elves for Rain's sake, and because he found the messed-up ideas of the Alcar family sickening, Tyler still had no intentions of halting his current experiments.

He needed to find out the full extent of this ability so he had no choice but to risk Misty's life and mental state for his cause.

'I won't apologize for this, but do not fear death. However, hold on to that one thing you hold the most precious in the world and do not lose yourself in the abyss.'josei

As Tyler broadcast his voice deep into the depths of Misty's soul, where her consciousness was currently residing due to his intrusion into her mind. He began shaping and manipulating her memories, feelings, and thoughts.

He learned he could fabricate fake memories to help shape her personality but that was not his aim. By introducing anything new into her mind, he was able to reconstruct the very essence of her being.

If he wanted to, he could turn her into a completely different person. Of course, there were limitations to this, and due to Misty's acknowledgment of his words and attaching her consciousness to her first memory of her twin sister, the nexus of her being could not be erased without tampering with her memories.

'That should be about it.'

Although Tyler hadn't made many adjustments to her mind to avoid any abnormalities. He would be able to gain more from monitoring the subtle changes in her as time went on. After all, living beings had a great potential for evolution, which would have an effect on how he uses this ability in the future.

However, just as Tyler was pulling himself out of her mind, her body suddenly went into shock as her mind could not handle even the subtle changes he had made.

Obviously, this was the backlash he had been so afraid of. As it turns out, even making such minute changes and few alterations was too much for her already fragile mental state to handle.

Tyler silently opened his eyes back in the underground cell as he watched Misty's body convulse profusely and in the next moment, it stopped as the life slowly drained from her body.

Both Albert and Bones who had been standing outside the cell the entire time had not even moved a finger to help her and before something could be said, she had taken her last breath.

"Even changing only this much had such an effect. I suppose this wouldn't be an effective method of creating spies. I'll have to take another approach."

Thinking aloud to himself, Tyler casually wave an arm over Misty's corpse and snapped his finger as he cast a spell.


Unfortunately, this was only the 6th Tier spell for resurrecting the dead so there was a bit of a side effect as it had placed an enormous strain on her body and she had lost a lot of her soul's energy which would take a long time to recover normally.

Unfortunately, this wasn't something that could be fixed by just breaking the potential of the spell and using more mana than necessary. If this spell was to be used on a weaker person, odds are, that person's body would not be able to handle it and would be immediately reduced to dust from losing that much soul energy.

However, for those that could withstand the initial spell, losing a little soul's energy wasn't much of a side effect for the Darknar family as Erin could easily restore any lost soul energy.

In the next moment, Black Magic runes appeared all over Misty's body before suddenly glowing and being absorbed into her skin, and immediately, the life returned to her body as her eyes slowly opened.

As she had only died from her mind's shock at being altered and not the alteration itself, everything Tyler had done in her mind had remained and even her mental fortitude had increased and her mental state restored.

"Hmm... Urn... W-Wher-where am I? You're?"

Looking a little lost for words, Misty turned her head to observe her surroundings and her gaze naturally stopped at the man standing next to her bed

"Apparently, I am now called Ty Falls Darknar. But everyone here calls me Ty, Lord Ty to be precise."

"Lord Ty?"

Raising her head to further observe her surroundings, she noticed she was in a somewhat dark room being a set of bars where an undead monster and what seemed to be a noble's butler stood behind as they silently watched her.

"A cell? Did I fail a mission, why am I here?"

A series of questions came at Tyler as it seems she was beginning to regain her memories. He hadn't erased any of her memories, to begin with, so the reason why she couldn't remember everything at once was that her mind was still recovering from the shock it sustained earlier.

"You seem to be miss understanding something. This is not the castle of the Alcar family. Now then, I'll need you to remember everything that just happened for me."

As he spoke those words, his eyes suddenly glowed in a red hue as Misty's soul shivered and her body went stiff, the words that she was about to retort were seemingly stuck in her throat.

"Now then, do answer my questions sincerely. What is your name?"

Misty's face changed as she suddenly remembered the tortures she had been forced to endure from that undead so far.

While her natural instinct would've been to remain silent as she had been trained. For some reason, she had opened her mouth and began to speak before she had even realized what was happening.

"The dark elves do not have names. I am known by my allocated designation of Misty."

Hearing her speak without hesitation, a faint smile crossed Tyler's lips as he muttered to himself in a not-so-quiet tone.

"So it worked. Your instincts right now would be to always answer my questions truthfully and without hesitation."

Of course, this was only one aspect of what he had done to her mind as Misty could not bring herself to hate what had been done to her.

Misty instead remained silent after answering Tyler's question, not finding anything weird in the reason why she felt so willing to obey this man.

"So, do you hate your sister?"

"No, If you're referring to my Rain then the answer is no. love my younger sister. Although I did harbor hostility towards her friend I had been projecting my insecurities onto her and blamed her for stealing my sister. However, I remember clearly that I was the one who made that decision myself and forgot it for a while now."

"Would you like to be closer to your little sister?"

"I cannot. I still belong to the Alcar Family and cannot risk endangering my sister by exposing her to the family's wrath."

"Is that right?"


"Now I'll ask you one last time so look at me clearly when I ask this. Do you want to be with your sister again?"

"...that's not possible... if I can... yes I would."

As Misty began to rattle off answers, eye eyes firmly met Tyler's gaze, and her heart almost melted away. It was as though his eyes had swallowed up all her fears and reservations.

"In that case. Swear your absolute fealty to me and you shall attain your wish."

Misty's eyes widened at that bold and confident declaration. This was unlike anything she had ever experienced before and she could barely comprehend what was happening.

The only thing she know about such was that the demon before her was the furthest thing from ordinary. His presence could not be felt yet she felt as though his mere figure was enveloping her. His hazy eyes pierced deep into her soul and her mind almost went completely blank.

However, I single memory suddenly flashed past her and her left hand felt her heart. A pained expression on her face as she struggled to mouth the words out of her lips.

"I-I can't. My heart, it's—"

"I'm aware."

Misty's heart suddenly skipped a beat as her entire person become flushed while Tyler crouched before her and placed an arm on her chest, right above her racing heart.

"I have seen the chains of slavery that have been placed around your heart and it is of no concern to me. If death cannot stop me, then what do you think will?"

Misty's eyes widened as she realized the meaning of Tyler's words having understood that he had already invaded her heart once before. There was no reason why he wouldn't be able to do it again.

She had no idea why she was so willing and eager to be Luce after everything this man had said but her mind was completely free of doubt as she eagerly accepted her fate.

"Yes. I accept, I'll swear my entire existence to you if that's what you want."

"Very well."


As Tyler acknowledged Misty's response to his declaration, a slight chuckle escaped his mouth as he swiftly made his move and in the next moment, his hand bore a hole straight through Misty's chest as it pulled out her heart.

The process was so fast that it had taken her a few seconds to even feel the pain. Even her brain had not been able to keep up with that speed. However, it was only a matter of time before those things would catch up with her missing heart and she would end up dead ones more.

However, with the current state of her soul, if she were to end up dead, resurrection would be out of the question as her body would be turned to ash if it was used on her before she had recovered her soul energy.

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