Supreme Monarch

Chapter 338 C338. Command Center

Chapter 338 C338. Command Center

After discussing his idea for an automatic door in a more detailed explanation than the picture he might've given Ragdek a while back, Tyler bid the excited dwarf fare ware and walked into the command center through the already opened door.

Upon entering the room, he couldn't help but be impressed by the sight before his eyes.

He had simply expected to see Erin sitting in a corner by herself awkwardly while using her powers of divination, so she could avoid a conversation with her own subordinates given how reserved she normally was.

Naturally, he had appointed some people to work under her as she couldn't be allowed to do the entire job herself and he simply didn't want her to be alone now that everyone she was comfortable around was currently busy with their duties.

However, what he was currently looking at had taken him a little by surprise. The room behind the door was a bit dark as the colored crystals on the ceilings had been dimmed and the majority of the light in the room came from the massive holographic projection at the end of the room.

Placed on a platform at the end of the room was the God Tier artifact, the Paragon Observer, and displayed above it was the massive holographic projection that displayed an insanely clear image of the bird's eye view of multiple unknown regions.

The screen appeared to be split into ten, each section displaying a completely different image than the next.

Situated on both sides of the room were miniature workstations where mini duplicates of the Paragon Observer created by the originals ability, were placed, and above them were mini holographic projections that displayed varying images from each other.

These were not still images either, they were live recordings from various parts of the demon continent as everyone here seems to be perfecting their control over the Magic artifacts before them.

They seemed to be able to control the item by hand gestures so Tyler could see all of them awkwardly waving their hands across the front of the Magic projection, and due to them being rather unskilled at the moment, they appeared rather silly doing that.

All except Erin of course, she stood seriously at the front of the massive projection as the multiple sectioned images continuously zoomed into the various areas of the unknown regions with such grace that could mesmerize anyone.

Even while her subordinate struggled to control a single image, she appears to have mastered the magic artifact as she perfectly controlled over 10 different images on the screen of the Magic item and could even control the item with her mind as she barely made any hand gestures.

Shifting his gaze to the side, Tyler was relieved to see that he wasn't the only one impressed by the flawless sight before his eyes as Cora's expression changed as she watched Erin's figure work with extreme grace and flawlessness.

'As expected of one of my generals.'

Patting himself on the back internally, Tyler walked into the hall and it didn't seem like anyone had noticed him enter. He has his presence erased by a Magic item so this was normal but it seems Cora was getting pissed off at Erin's subordinates' lack of awareness.

"Are you searching for something?"


Hearing Tyler's voice suddenly from behind them, everyone in the room immediately turned to face him. In the next moment, his unexpected arrival caused a commotion amongst Erin's twelve subordinates as they panicked and tried to show their respect by kneeling in complete fluster.

Tyler scratched his cheeks awkwardly at their overreaction and just smiled and waved his hand to put them at ease before walking straight towards Erin who had only sensed his presence after sensing the disturbance in the room.

This goes to show just how hard she had been concentrating as he didn't think her sense of awareness was any weaker than his and even if she could not sense him due to the ring on his finger, she should've been able to sense Cora's presence.

"Err... Umm, lord Ty, you're here. I mean Umm... what brings you here?"

Tyler chuckled in amusement as he voiced a very casual response to her before coming to a stop next to her.

"Yo! I just dropped by to see how you were coping with all this?"

"Y-you ca-came just to check up on-on me?"

"That's right."

Erin appeared flustered as she struggled to mouth her words but Tyler didn't try to rush her or anything like that. It was already good enough that she had found a way to work with these people even though it seemed as though she had just given them tasks to do while she minded her business.

However, she was still required to listen to their report and give feedback which should help her improve her communication skills.

What had surprised him early was that her subordinates had increased from the original six he appointed her to twice that. He remembered someone mentioning something about people volunteering to work for her but he hadn't expected her to accept them.

Then again, Erin was usually too nice for her own good so she might not be capable of denying a sincere request from anyone she cared about. Tyler smiled as he fought against the urge to tease her a little and remained focused on his objective.

"Soo... how's it going?"

Returning to the matter at hand, Tyler adopted a more serious expression as he asked the question before staring at the images on the screen in front of him.

"Huh... How's what going?"

"All this. The establishment of the command center?"

"Oh that. It's... well, we're making steady progress."

"You don't sound sure."

"Umm... well, it's just a little complicated."

Tyler tilted his head slightly in confusion as he stared at the nervous nymph who was fidgeting with her fingers and looking away. It didn't seem like she wanted to elaborate further but Tyler couldn't understand why.

Perhaps there was a rather personal reason for that and she was just too shy to say it out loud so he decided not to harp on that horn.

"Well, that's fine I guess. You seem to have gotten quite used to controlling the Paragon Observer, what do you think of it as the standard communication tool?"

"Umm. Yes, I was just in the midst of combining my clairvoyance and divination with the artifact's display, just to see if I could enhance their range with the item's worldwide tach as well as boost the item's effects against magically protected information without being noticed."

Erin's mood seem to sour as she said that, her face dropped and her fidgeting stopped as she melancholically gave her report.

"Unfortunately, so far, I've only been able to observe places that are protected with the weakest anti-magic. I'm sorry, I'll try better."

Even as she said that with such a sad and apologetic look in her eyes. Tyler was completely stunned and speechless by her achievement in mere days. If this was the result of a few days of effort, then what could she accomplish given more time?

He hadn't even thought of combining skills with the effects of Magic tools and items and yet, she had done just that on a whim and still felt as though such a thing wasn't a ridiculous achievement.

This was truly the difference between a genius and an ordinary person. Although Uriel could be considered to smartest being in existence given her access to the vast information collected in the magic library, she normally only operated independent of his thoughts on a cosmic scale that Tyler couldn't comprehend so most of the time, he was left to handle things of this nature by his own wits.

Unless he asked for her help. However, being like Erin, Z and Liz, even someone like Rain and Albert, operated on a completely different level than he does and it was only his knowledge of earth that has allowed him to survive this far without exposing himself as a fraudulent King.

The fear of being exposed was constantly weighing on his mind almost daily that he found it hard to become complacent or even enjoy the current attention he was receiving as it felt as though everything could come crashing down around him at any given second.

"Why are you apologizing? You've done far more than even I could predict. To think you've already achieved so much in such little time. I couldn't possibly have done any better myself."

Erin seemed surprised at Tyler's words for a moment before her expression returned to normal again as she appears to have thought of something.

"There's no way that's true. Lord Ty is truly amazing. You've achieved whatever you've tried with ease. I can't possibly compare to you. I do appreciate you trying to make me feel better though. If anything, I'm glad I was able to expand my divination range to span the galaxy with the aid of the artifact."

'Wait what!'

Tyler had no idea where these people were getting this ridiculous notion about him from, he didn't think he had done anything most demigods couldn't do and most of that was even because of Uriel's help.

What's worse, her last statement had completely taken him by surprise. For someone's divination to span, an entire galaxy wasn't that approaching the same level as Uriel's "World Divination".

[That assumption is accurate. With the use of Artifact, Erin's divination prowess is on the verge of being enhanced to World Divination.]

"Listen Erin."

Hearing Uriel's words, Tyler snapped out of his daze as he walked closer to Erin and grabbed her shoulders with a serious expression.

"What you've done is incredibly impressive. Do you think I'll lie to you?"

For a moment, Erin was short of words and couldn't respond but by the sheer pressure and force Tyler's gaze was placing on her, while his face was suddenly close to hers, she instinctively shook her head and timidly retreated away with a redded face.

"Then believe me when I say this. I hadn't even considered combining my skills directly with the effects of Magic tools so there's no need to be so down on yourself. Especially after the fact that you have achieved something most wouldn't even dream of. I am proud of you so hold your head high as one of my Six Great Demon Generals."


Erin's face was completely flushed as she lowered her head in an attempt to hide it. However, her attempt seems to have failed as her subordinates in the room, all of which were girls, immediately began whispering amongst themselves with a giddy expression on their faces.


"That's so freaking cute."

"Lady Erin is so adorable, I can't. My heart is gonna burst."

"I just want to hold her."

Well, their discussions went like that, with most of them just simply fawning over Erin and the others focusing on a rather strange detail instead.

Tyler sighed inwardly as he simply ignored their idle chatter before returning his attention to Erin.

"You said you were able to observe an area protected by weak anti-Magic. What were they?"

"Umm, oh, Z sent me a message from the Vermilion Rain forest in the Far East and wanted to know if I could help him locate the village of the demi-humans living there. The forest itself has no Magic barrier protecting it, rather, it's being protected by the residual essence of the spirits that live there."josei

"Oh... interesting.", 'I wonder why he's looking into demi-human villages. Didn't he leave here to investigate the secrets of the other noble families, or is this in some way connected?'

"In that case, I should probably leave you to it then. Just, try not to overwork yourself. Even if you don't get fatigued, always make it a point to rest your mind every few hours."

"Umm, okay. If that's what you wish."

That response just told Tyler that she probably hadn't even taken a break since she began her work. That was most likely why things had progressed this fast.

"Sigh... alright. Why don't you all take a break and let's have dinner together? What do you say?"


At Tyler's suggestion, an uproar broke amongst the girls in the command center as they all shrieked in both joy and excitement.

Apparently, the concept of having dinner with him was such a big deal amongst them and they were over the moon about it. He had only intended for them to take a break from work yet had ended up with this.

However, things would only escalate from here as words of his dinner would spread like wildfire across the castle as what was supposed to be a small dinner, would end up becoming a festive banquet.

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