Supreme Monarch

Chapter 339 C339. Mental Block

Chapter 339 C339. Mental Block

'Ahh... Hmm... Damn, I can't believe they ended up turning my dinner into another party.'

As the first rays of the mourning sun peaked in through the cloudy skies and illuminated a slim portion of his room. Tyler opened his eyes as he stared at the ceiling while his body simulated the feeling of a hangover.

Of course, he wasn't actually hungover, and even if he allowed himself to get drunk by negating his poison resistances, his body would still automatically repair itself by mourning so the drowsiness that he was currently feeling was all in his still human mind.

After spending another couple of minutes being lazy in his bed, Tyler decided it best to wash up so he tried to get out of bed.

'Why do I feel unusually heavy right now?'

His first and casual attempt to sit up on his bed — while still feeling groggy from his mental exhaustion from last night — had failed due to him just now noticing the extra weight on his body the entire time.

Looking down, the first thing Tyler saw was the figure of an absolutely perfect beauty with blonde hair laying next to him with her head placed on his chest as she slept soundly with a satisfied and peaceful expression on her face.

'Hmm... How does this even keep happening without my knowledge.'


Tyler didn't remember the moment he had lost all rights to his privacy but there was a reason why he hadn't instructed Cora to prevent everyone from disturbing him while in his chambers.

He currently didn't have access to the Magic library so he felt now was the best time to eliminate the presence of the magic library being in his chambers from the minds of all those around him.

Not that he didn't trust them but rather as a precaution to any magical investigations that involve mind reading or dream walking. He also wanted his subordinates including the impulsive Rain, to take his orders seriously when the library becomes accessible again.

While there wasn't really much of a need to keep the library a secret at this point, he still wasn't ready to let anyone find out about it as it was still his ultimate trump card and apparently, the only place where he could be alone if he ever gets overwhelmed by all this attention he was receiving.

Somehow, seeing the almost limitless and vast knowledge stored in the Boundless Void Library, which contains secrets to magic and probably the knowledge of the universe, always tends to humble him while also improving his confidence.

With that in mind, Tyler gently shifted Liz— who was laying naked on top of him— and gently placed her on his bed while adjusting the covers on her, as he shifted his attention to the door after sensing movements from outside.

*Knock. Knock. Knock.

A polite knock was placed on the door and Tyler already knew who it was.


"The door was slowly opened as a short pink-haired and pretty bunny girl, dressed in a combat maid's outfit walked into the room.

Obviously, it was Cora who had waited outside his door the entire night while focusing her senses inside the room actively monitoring Tyler's movements in case he needed something.

This was the fastest she had ever sensed him awake so it seems she was steadily getting better with her Magic perception racial skill of a beastman.

After failing to convince her not to do that so many times, Tyler had given up as this was even better than her original idea of standing next to his bed the entire night. She even sounded enthusiastic about the idea which was a bit weird.

Hopefully, she hadn't developed any sort of weird kinks from most of the other beastgirls.

"Good mourning Lord Ty. Would you prefer your breakfast be brought to you at once or would you rather I run you a bath first?"

Her mannerisms also seem to be getting better after meeting the two maids at the Lord's mansion the other day. Her growth, beit her magical aptitude or character-wise, was immersing and Tyler was starting to feel like her talent was being wasted on him.

"I'll have my bath, there's no need for breakfast this mourning so prepare my outfit for my trip and have someone set up my carriage."


After what had happened yesterday over a simple dinner, Tyler decided it was best to skip breakfast today even though he genuinely enjoyed the food the cooks have been able to create lately.

He had used his skill •Nensha• to print out the recipes (with pictures and everything) for a lot of foods from earth so the cooks could attempt to recreate them and they were also discovering new dishes along the way that was blowing his mind.

However, sacrifices had to be made to keep the peace else he'd be accused of showing favoritism if he didn't have breakfast with everybody.

'Damn, I may have brought this on myself. Perhaps I might've spoiled them a little.'

Tyler felt like a father who had pampered his children all their lives and had now set a certain standard he could not keep up with.

'Such high maintenance kids.'

He sighed internally as he could only laugh at himself for causing his own misfortune. He quickly had his bath and got dressed in a very familiar outfit, similar to the one he had first worn as the VIP merchant known only as Lix.

"L-lord Ty, you're leaving already."

Tyler suddenly froze as he was about to walk out the door after getting dressed by Cora who insisted that dressing him was her duty. The one who had spoken to him was Liz, having finally woken up in her natural bathing suit.

Tyler figured the high workload she had might've been too much of a burden for her if she was that exhausted that she didn't wake up even after he had left her side.

Liz groggily sat up on the bed with a lazy expression as she looked at Tyler with a longing expression that was impossible for anyone to resist.

"Hmm, yes I am."

Liz seemed a little surprised by his answer that it took her a second to process his words as she slightly tilted her head and her eyes blinked rapidly before she was finally able to answer.

"Th-that's not fair."


Tyler was completely at a loss for words as he saw Liz hurriedly sit up on the bed with a priceless expression on her face as her body gently bounced up on the soft mattress.

"You spent the whole day with Rain yesterday and even went as far as seeing her off personally. So I thought we'll get to spend some time together before you leave. Even if it was only for a few hours, you're not being fair."

Faced with such illogical logic that left no room for argument, Tyler was rendered speechless as he simply scratched his head as he thought of a solution for this.

"I suppose you have a point. However, I'm afraid I can't alter my plans at the moment. Still, I should be back in about a week or two. I'm counting on you to take care of everything while I'm gone, you're the only one I can trust with this you see."

This was the solution presented to him by Uriel so Tyler decided to follow it to the letter, however—

Liz didn't seem pleased by Tyler's answer even after he had tried to boost her morale with that line about trust. She slowly balled herself on the bed as she pouted, a sight Tyler believe would even be able to melt the heart of the old Demon king himself.

Again, Tyler was defeated by his lack of proper experience with women as he never fully had the time for them so he had no choice but to give in to the pressure as he walked back to his bed, patting her on the head before offering a compromise as per Uriel's follow up suggestion which he hadn't wanted to resort to.

"How bout this, when I get back, I'll make time to spend a day with just the two of us somewhere away from the castle. Is that fine?"

Liz's face instantly brighten up with excitement and she jumped up and hugged him, seeming to be genuinely excited which was something Tyler was yet to understand.

"Then... before you leave, I also want something right now."

As Tyler's mind wandered off, he was soon dragged back to reality as Liz let go of him while making a request, suddenly seeming shy for a completely different reason other than the fact that she was still naked.

"And what's that?"

"I want you to, do the same thing you did with Rain yesterday, to me~"

"The same thing?"

Tyler struggled to remember what she meant for a moment before seeing Liz's face turn red as she avoided eye contact with him. He suddenly remembered the event that unfolded in the castle's courtyard before Rain's departure and immediately turned back to look at Cora.

Her expression was off innocence as she clearly hadn't revealed the information to Liz so obviously, Liz had witnessed that scene herself and Tyler had been too distracted to notice. This explains why she had been so bold recently as she didn't want to feel left out.

'Why did I think I was over such awkward requests.'

Tyler thought for a moment, it would be weird if he took too long to answer but he also didn't want a repeat of the situation. Still, there really was nothing to a kiss for him which was why he had done it but apparently, him initiating it instead meant a lot to the girls.

'Oh well.'

He didn't think he would get away without doing this so it was best he didn't show any weaknesses. Tyler sighed inwardly but smiled on the outside.

There wasn't a man alive that would be able to resist such a request from God Tier beauties like Liz and Rain yet Tyler did feel a bit hesitant. There seem to still remain some unresolved issues inside him that were holding him back from indulging in his most primal desires. Hence why his libido was almost completely, still non-existent.

According to Uriel, this was a result of a mental block he had placed on himself willingly during his transformation into the demon race which had taken centuries to complete. As such, he could not simply remove it with skills as his resistance would work against him.josei

Feeling anxious after making her request, Liz was about to say something in an attempt to escape this awkward situation when her lips suddenly met with Tyler's, her eyes widened and her heart almost seem to stop.

Neither of them seems to have expected Tyler to go through with their request but as he would be leaving for a while, Tyler felt as though he had no choice in the matter.

Besides, he was still a guy. And even with his libido being at an all-time low despite being amongst so many beauties. Still, that didn't mean his desires were completely suppressed.

After pulling away from the dumbfounded Liz with a completely flushed expression, Tyler gently caressed her cheeks before subtly patting her hair as he spoke.

"There. Do take care of yourself while I'm gone and try not to overwork yourself. Everyone needs to rest their minds daily so remember to stick to the schedule I gave you, alright?"

Hearing to lose words of genuine concern from Tyler was the last straw as steam practically erupted from Liz's head as she immediately retreated under the covers in complete embarrassment.

Her head then slightly peeked from under the covers as an almost slilent whisper escaped her plumbed lips.


Tyler couldn't help but get captivated by how cute Liz was, hiding under the covers as he smiled inwardly as he watched her now being shy after acting so bold earlier.

With her body completely under the covers, Tyler finally found the chance to leave the room.

After saying his goodbyes to Liz, he quickly walked out of the room with Cora accompanying him down to the castle's stables where a Magic carriage pulled by the six-eyed bulls and being driven by Nadine was waiting for him.

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