Supreme Villain: Seducing the Heroines

Chapter 2 2

Chapter 2 2: The Novice Villain Makes Plans!

Amon's body began to fidget, the filthy black ooze filled with sticky tar-like fluid and pieces of vile, foul-smelling chunks like rancid cat food now covering his entire body, causing his nose to twitch violently as his body shot up, heaving and almost vomiting.

"Uehhhh...!" He began to heave with a distorted face.

Quickly struggling to his feet, ignoring the information that suddenly appeared in his mind as if he'd been practising things for decades and rushing into his en suite bathroom, throwing his body violently into the shower and dousing his body, desperate to remove that vile smell, praying it didn't stain his carpet.

Swish! The shower began to pour down as he stood with both elbows against the wall.

"Fuck.... it stinks.... like... ueh...!"

A few minutes later, the scent began to fade, his eyes closed and pushing his forehead against the cold wall, warm water violently cascading over his perfect body; Amon began to try to collect his fragmented and dense thoughts.

'I am a villain... The villain used as a stepping stone, losing all I loved because of some stupid person's idea of a fun story...'

He thought he would feel angry, but despite the initial anger, it soon became a cold, calm and collected feeling. Amon didn't feel any irresponsible hatred towards the woman who killed him; suddenly, the past feelings he had moments ago; the initial feelings began to fade now he wasn't affected by the novel's plot or the Author's control, so speak.

"Haa..." He began to fill his body with expensive body foam, the scent close to cedar and light hints of orange zest.

Many things were now in his mind, but the most important were key issues that he couldn't agree with.

Firstly, he detested the idea that all those women who suffered, were wronged or died alone would never be saved and forced to relive that horrific life just because the Author wanted drama or a way to build hype.

'The current time is about a month before the story, right... Ethan's first girlfriend is about to go through troubles that a mere delivery driver cannot help fix... So she will turn to a rich man for help, not giving her body, but Ethan will judge her as though she did.'

"Then she will end up dying alone, treated like a slut, and I imagine the readers loved it..."

Suddenly he felt a strange tingle in his body, his violet eyes opening as a strange blue box hovered in his vision; when he tried to touch it, something like a video game appeared and confused him.

'Didn't I reject the damn system?'

[Strong Desire Detected!]

- Quest Gained: Save Rebecca Lily Mayer

Rebecca is the current girlfriend of Ethan and has just learned her mother's treatment will cost far more than she can manage. She will seek help from him, and despite the novel claiming his love for her was deep and passionate, Ethan will not help pay for the treatment and will brush the issue under the rug.josei

[You showed great desire to save this woman from her fate; the quest is entirely optional and given only because of your desire.]

'But I rejected the damn system!'

[Apologies, you are the 'damn' system. I am just an automated voice left by the original system's creator.]

'I won't do things I don't want, nor will I randomly go against the protagonist.'

[Do not worry, as my creator wishes only for you to have a happy ending this time, the quests and rewards are all that you desire deep in your mind and heart, you know you want to save her, so you can believe me, right?]

'I'm not sure; although I want to save her and the others that seem just to vanish, why did I never find it strange that someone I interacted with almost daily suddenly stopped appearing? Not even a single line asking where she went...?'

[That is the nature of the novel's Author, forgotten characters, missed plotlines and plotholes. You didn't notice or say anything because the Author didn't put much importance on anybody but the heroines and Ethan, even you... many things were dropped and left half-finished.]

'True... I feel embarrassed for myself in the novel.' I remember each time, why would I become a drooling mess around those women ignoring their sneaky movements or becoming some idiot the moment Ethan appeared?

[Do you want to accept the quest?]

[EVERYTHING is your choice, Lord Winchester]

Amon didn't plan to get involved with the main plot too much because he still felt the pain and loss of what the women did to him in his past life.

However, knowing they aren't the same person, he couldn't just forgive them and act as if it didn't happen, but neither would he become some drivelling idiot swearing revenge on these women that were just like him and under complete control.

'If there is no downside or punishment, then sure... Otherwise, what if I become like the [Author] and forget my newly earned freedom?'

[Understood, would you like to choose the reward type or pick random?]

'Wait... give me a minute.' He asked, turning the shower up two notches; the burning feeling on his skin used to feel bland and dull in his memories from the novel, likely not described by the Author, but now it was comforting to feel the slight burn and tingle filling his body.

"Are you able to help me arrange my thoughts? Objectively... there was so much shit added that I don't know what is me and what isn't anymore..." Amon whispered the showers hiss fading as he stepped out of the shower, only wrapping a towel around his waist and letting his hair drip dry.

A soothing cold sensation instantly greeted his body while the heated flooring began to help modulate his body.


He sat down with a loud sound, the bed bouncing under his weight, a trail of wet footsteps slowly fading into the warmed carpet.

"Haaa... so much rubbish... why should I get revenge? There's no proof it's the same guy."

Amon threw his body back onto the soft bedding, his hair cascading and covering the quilt, his violet eyes slowly closing, immersing himself in the countless things that appeared after that damn jolt of lightning.

'Let's ignore how my body is now like a living god... I was confident before; why am I suddenly like a 20,000-dollar gaming computer playing Tetris...'

[My creator likes big...]

'Shush! I was big before... now it's a bit too... although no man would complain... even doing it myself would be an effort now...'


'Weren't you just an automated voice?'


He began to think that this damn system was cheating him, or rather that woman who spoke before he fainted; it was likely directly linked to her, but why was she so kind to him... what did he do for her?

'Forget it... what is the deal with these fighting techniques and cultivation... I was supposed to be a villain only during the mortal part of the novel. Cultivation only started after 1,000 chapters...'

[The creator didn't wish for you to waste too long messing with getting enough strength to protect yourself or constantly worrying about inane and boring shit... Ahem! Pardon my language; my creator is a little.... forward.]

[Shall I display information about them in real-time? That might be easier to adjust.]

'Do it, also, remind me each morning when I wake up about that girl; I'll forget otherwise.'


[Reminder created]

- Black Dragon's Descent [Cultivation Technique] (Supreme Level) - Stage 1

This technique involves taking in the blood of a demonic dragon to enhance the user's charm, beauty, and passion while granting them immense power and a dominant aura that overpowers the weak.

For each scale activated, the technique grants increased control over the demonic dragon's power, transforming the cultivator into a humanoid dragon that exudes charm, beauty and power.

Their skin takes on a faint sheen of beautiful dragon scales, and their eyes gleam with vibrance and fiery intensity, gaining fluid and smooth movements like a dragon.

Those who encounter the user are drawn to their beauty and charm but not necessarily enamoured with them.

Instead, the user must use their charm and wits to earn the affection and loyalty of those they desire.

However, the cost of this power is they become consumed by the fiery passion and possessiveness within them, resembling more of a demon than a human, tolerating nothing but dedication; even the gods must submit before the might of a Black dragon!

- Dragon Fury Fist [Combat Technique] (Master Level) - Stage 1

A powerful strike that channels the fury of a dragon into the user's fist. As you strike, it causes your fist to glow fiery qi, roaring through the air.

The force of the punches can shatter even the most robust defences, but mistiming the strike can leave the user vulnerable to counterattacks.

Hence, It requires great skill and precision to use effectively and can also be used to break through barriers and destroy obstacles.

- Blink Dragon Step [Movement Technique] (Master Level) - Stage 1

The user focuses their qi into their legs and steps forward, bursting into flames.

They reappear a few meters away in the blink of an eye, surprising their opponents and creating an opening for a surprise attack.

The technique requires great skill and control to use effectively, as the sudden teleportation can disorient the user if they are not careful.

[These are your skills, all at the base level; otherwise, you would have exploded.]

'Yeah yeah... cultivation nonsense...'

Amon swiped his hand, the information disappearing as he knew how to cultivate the techniques, His Dragon's Descent needed the help of females to breakthrough, but to reach the limit, he could just let the qi flow along the dragon tattoo that began to form on his back slowly, then flow passively through his newly created dragon veins, but right now, there was something more important to do.

He leaned out towards the dark brown bedside cabinet, knocking over the alarm and lamp before grabbing his phone, and sliding over the screen, annoyed by the stupid Davesung accidental protection crap.

'Mother... why did I take you for granted in the last life? Does the Author not love his mother... damn, I won't let her die for my sake!'

[Immense emotion detected!]

- Quest Granted: A Mother's Love is eternal

You learned of the horrible fate of your mother in the previous world; even if it might not happen, your passion and desire to protect and keep her safe have surpassed all other thoughts in your mind.

Reward: Mother's Lifespan + 30 Years, Everlasting Youth, Top Tier passive cultivation technique

Amon began to dial after getting into the phone, ignoring the image of the ice beauty Alice completely, without even frowning.

0127 - M0M - I5 - B3ST

Brrr! Brr! Brrr! brr!

The phone began to dial; he wasn't sure if she was in a meeting at her company; this city was called Eclipse City named because of its highly prevalent nightlife and businesses that ran into late evenings and was a large part of the Kingdom of Lumina's trade income and imports located in the Central continent named Luthis.

Beep beep!


"Hello? Darling? It's rare for you to call me... did you finally miss your mommy?"

Despite his memories fusing with the old him, they were just memories.

They didn't affect him much emotionally, except for one... a memory that gripped his chest, making it hard to breathe as he listened to the dialling tone.

'It's okay, Amon Winchester! There's time to save my mother... relax... take deep breaths!'

That memory was the death of his mother, found dead after going missing for almost a week in an abandoned warehouse.

She was originally a mortal woman unable to cultivate. Still, after he was injured, she began to forcibly cultivate despite being 38 and fought desperately, only to be mercilessly killed as a villainess by Ethan in the dark.

He covered his eyes and nose, trying to avoid letting his feelings overwhelm him, a mixture of seeing her a few days ago and her dying years ago fusing as he listened to her bright and cheerful voice.

"Mother... are you... well?"

"Oh? Amon? Your voice sounds so sexy on the phone! Don't be charming too many girls... you have to marry the Murdock girl! Don't forget you will be meeting this afternoon for a meal together!! Mother wants to see some grandchildren!"

Amon felt a little blindsided that this was his mother; no matter how cold or unfeeling he was in the novel, she was warm and gently touched him with her loving and optimistic nature.

"Mother... You sound like the most beautiful woman; how can I think of other women? Sorry for the sudden call, but I wanted to ask you for a favour."

It seemed his mother moved the phone from her lips as she whispered to herself, but his newly enhanced boy heard them, feeling a bit of shame about his mother's vulgar words; since his father died, his mother had taken control of all the family business even splitting the main companies and giving them to his father's family to shut them up.

"What a waste; you're so handsome; why didn't you knock some random girl up in college? I've read so many gossip stories of rich men doing so...!"

"A favour... go on, if you want money, then use your card; I'll up the limit to 100,000 dollars, okay?"

He quickly interjected.

"No, Mother, I was hoping you would let me take control of the family's pharmaceutical factory and business..."

"Oh?" Her voice became stern, not motherly rather the voice she used for business and work.

"Amon, why do you wish for those things? Although they are failing and worth less than the rest of our assets, they are still worth close to 1,000,000 dollars overall."

He listened to her voice, nodding and loving his mother and how she would always act with the right mind and attitude, even if it were him asking.

"Mother, I cannot explain how I know these things, but I can promise that if you trust me this once, I will listen to whatever demands you have and won't refuse or resist."


"Amon, you know mommy is a businesswoman... Such things as promise and trust are hard without prior achievements and success... But..."

She took a moment, the sound of nails tapping the desk filling his ears and her cute sighs and groans as she whispered numbers seeming to calculate various things like a magician.

'Sorry, mother... adding to your stress.'

"Who made you my son... You're a big boy now. Let me see, how about I appoint you as the President? I will let you choose your secretary from anyone in the group... if you manage to make any profit, I will transfer 30% of the pharmaceutical shares to you."


Here came her terms, Amon sitting with his body tight, wondering what kind of spartan thing his mother might ask of him.

"You must make sure to meet with that Alice Murdock girl and try to make things work out, I am not forcing you, but the mother wants a cute grandchild or two... If it doesn't work with her, find another woman... even the maids will do...."


"Amon... I know you won't do anything stupid... or illegal, but can you tell Mother what you plan to do with our failing industry?" His mother asked with an interested and half-serious voice.

He took a deep breath, then decided to open up and be honest, not like those novels he wrote or the past him that never told her anything and then missed her moment of death, leaving her to bleed out alone in a dark, deserted warehouse.

"Mother, I plan to cultivate and sell elixirs that help boost cultivation."

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