Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 63 63. Supernatural

Chapter 63 63. Supernatural

"How long are you going to keep pretending Rita?"

As they were alone in the elevator, Alex just put Rita down on the elevator floor and looked at her with amusement.

It's not even that hard to guess that she was pretending, This woman is a killer, Who is trained to handle extreme torture, Compared to that Alia just pinched her, This woman was conscious all the time, She was just acting like this to avoid escalating things.


Rita did not react at all, She was laying on the cold elevator floor the way he put her without any moment to move to a comfortable position.

"Your full name is Rita as you don't know your surname, You are an orphan who was later adopted by the dragon gate organization and turned into a cold-hearted killer for them but you actually just wanted a place to call home, You did dirty deeds for them fearing to lose this home, You wanted them to accept you as a family, But they never did, And you know it. You are just pawns they can use and sacrifice anytime they want, Don't you Rita?"

Alex saw that she didn't listen in a normal way, So he decided to hit where it hurt the most.

Rita doesn't have any family or someone to care for her anymore, Since she remembered she was living in a broken orphanage of some 3rd world war ridden country, Which explains what happened to her parents.

Later when she turned the age of 5, She was adopted by that time's dragon king, The master of protagonist Jake. The Dragon gate organization thinks of itself as some higher-up force, above everyone, they think they are doing something special, They convince themselves as the chosen ones.

But in reality, they are nothing but some psychopaths playing pretending to be with a dash of a god complex.


Even Alex said this sensitive information only very few higher-ups in the organization knew about Rita still didn't move at all. It shows that the training she received was not ordinary. No normal person was able to stay calm when the information they thought was secret was spoken by a stranger to them.

Alex actually was quite impressed. She as a killer should find out all the information she can about a target before she makes a move. Like now, She seems to be just acting to avoid talking but in fact, she is gathering information.

Her eyes might close but her other senses are working on the extreme level to give her all the information that she needs. She uses touch to feel where she is, She uses smell to determine the conditions surrounding her, and Her ears listen to figure out how many people are present.

Just by doing this, She throws off lots of killers as unlike most of them, She is still calm and follows protocol even in a situation like this one.

"Ohh, You are indeed trained well by them, Well that given after all on their order you even killed the one you loved, What her name was? Jenny or some- ."

"Keep her name out of your damn mouth- Acghk"

Alex decided to go even more forward and use the thing that he knows will actually work. This is her sensitive point, and the regret of her life.

So as he spoke about this thing, Rita wasn't able to stay calm. She was wondering about how Alex knew so much about her before but the moment he said this, All that worry was thrown out of the window.

She moved at superspeed to stand up, Then she Stretched out her hand like a claw, and aimed at his throat. Her action was so quick that he wasn't even able to react but that didn't stop his body from reacting on instinct.

He ducked quickly avoiding the claw headed for his neck then he turned his foot on ground with force carrying momentum of it in his hips then he shifted that momentum into his fist hitting in her abdomen with force.

Rita didn't know what even happened, She only found herself laying on the same cold floor she was laying on second before. It's the third time this has happened today. She does not understand what is happening to her, Why she suddenly became so unlucky to encounter strong people like this one.

"What do you wan-!!!"

Realizing she was not an opponent of his, She decided to compromise first to stall for some time, Elevator will reach the upper floor any moment now. She just has to find an opportunity to escape.

But the words she was supposed to say didn't come out of her mouth. Her brain blanked out as she looked at the figure standing in front of her stupidly.

'How could he have fallen?'

That was the only thing in her mind now, She was stunned looking at his beauty. There are no words in her vocabulary. No matter how many or whichever words she used to describe his beauty, It would still be nothing but an insult to him.

A blasphemy, As the words of mortals, can't describe the beauty of the divine, All of her other emotions vanished as she only felt pity for him, Pity that he fell into this dirty world, Tainting him in the filth of this world.

"Are you an angel or death?"

Rita couldn't help but ask, She can only think of those two when she looked at the man standing in front of her. He knew things about her that not even the organization knew about, So he should be higher being come for her.

He came to her to give her salvation. Finally the pain of her, the constant struggle in her mind would stop now, She can be free, She was ready to end this cursed life of hers, All she wants now is peace which she yearned for her whole life.

"I can understand why you call me an angel but why death?"

Alex finally gets an appropriate reaction from someone on his looks. The people are used to seeing him as he was already handsome before the increase in charm, And on top of that those heroines have protection from the world, So they are not that much bothered by his charm.

But it is the first time he received the reaction one should have after seeing his charms, Rita is the first heroine to actually feel the full effect of his charm.josei

"Wasn't Death supposed to be a handsome man named Mister Death? I heard that he is a very good-looking man, Who comes to people at the end of their life and takes them to the afterlife. Our caretaker used to tell this story to us."

Rita, who is supposed to be tight-lipped, spoke like a parrot and said things without thinking, Her eyes glued on his face. She tried several times to look away from him but she just wasn't able to do it. Her heart started racing as her face was burning hot because of shame and embarrassment.

[Ding! +50 Favorability of Rita increased for the host (Current : 80 Only One)]

System notification came as expected, once again showing his charm's power. It's only first meeting there was +50 increase in favorability, Alex was quite satisfied with this effect.

"Mister Death huh? Well, it's quite a good villain name for me, Dangerous and elegant, I love it."

Hearing the reason why Rita called him death, Alex was quite intrigued by it. Why do only protagonists and Heroines get cool code names? Like Alia has a black rose, and Jake has a dragon lord. He also needs one, And this one is perfect for him.

"So you are death?"

Rita still couldn't figure out what Alex was talking about. She really thought that Alex was some divine being who came to bring her salvation from her miserable life.

She is fed up with this life of dancing on the edge of a knife. It's even hard to remember the real reason she was doing all these things. She doesn't even know when or how she will die. Does anyone even care if she died?

The only person who used to care about her Jenny was dead. Her friend from the orphanage. They were two for each other. She was her one and only family. She was like a sister to her. They always used to stick together even on missions they used to go together, But one day the organization sent them on a mission like always.

They were supposed to kill the leader of some small terrorist group in their hiding place. It's their everyday job, and They both were proud of it. They were doing some good things for the world by eliminating these tumors for humanity. So they easily sneaked in the camp.

But as it turns out, They were dead wrong. It was no small group of terrorists but the main headquarters of some hidden organization. They realized that the information they received was wrong, So both of them decided to sneak out and inform the organization about it, As two of them were not enough to take care of this group.

Both were very careful and they pretty much escaped from the jaws of death as they successfully exited from the camp. Both of them were very happy that they wanted to celebrate.


Rita wanted to hug Jenny in happiness but as she was about to do it, One bullet ripped through Jenny's chest and headed towards her.

Everything in Rita's vision became slow motion, All other sounds of surrounding became inaudible, She wanted to move her body and catch the falling body of Jenny, She wanted to ask if she was okay but no words came out of her mouth.

She didn't come back to her senses until the bullet hit her body, Stretching her skin back to prevent the bullet from piercing into her body thanks to her superpower. As she came back to her senses, She moved fast and hugged falling Jenny in her arms, Then started running as fast as she could.

She didn't even take a look back to see if he was being followed. She ran until she didn't have any strength to run anymore.

Rita collapse with Jenny in her arms protecting her even when she was falling, With the last bit of remaining strength, Rita checked on Jenny but it was too late, She bleed too much, She was not breathing, Rita wanted to cry and try to save her but she didn't have any strength left, She just collapses and fall unconscious with the Jenny in her arms.

Later organizations came and saved her, When she opened her eyes, She was laying in the medical facility of their dragon gate's base, That was a moment she had time to cry but she couldn't, Crying is a sign of weakness in the organization, If she did that she will lose her job, She not able to bring the change in this world that she always wanted, The change that there will be no children have to live in orphanage became of this stupid wars.

She wanted a world where each and everyone got a place to call home, Although it's too big of a vision for someone like her but she was doing what she can for the greater good. She was doing a good thing, She knows it, Jenny did not die for some dumb reason, Her death was for a noble cause. So there is no need to cry, Only smile to show those fallen that their sacrifice was not in vain.

Now it's her time to rest in peace, Someone will take her place and carry forward her fantasy of the world.

"Hello!? Are you done with your back story? Hehe, I always wanted to say that."

Alex looked at her staring at him with lots of emotions passing by in her eyes, He couldn't help but say these words. As he understands as in the novel logic this moment should be the one, Where she will be thinking about her backstory.

Well, it's the real world. It does not make much sense to say it but it's still quite fun though to do it, At least he gets the joke of it.

"*Phew* I am ready."

Rita came back to her senses. She looked at him with lots of complicated emotions and then closed her eyes to be put out of misery. She did all she could do, Now she just hoped it would be enough.

"Huh ready for what?"

Alex just looked at her stupidly as he didn't understand what she was talking about for a second as she was acting weird all of a sudden, Which now Alex decided to ignore.

He now puts all heroines on the variable list of his, He will never use the same logic he uses on others to calculate the heroines.

"Aren't you here to reape my soul? Or I am already dead?"

Rita confusedly opened her eyes and stared at him with a doubtful gaze. She didn't understand why she was still alive as she still thinks of Alex being the Death.

It was not her fault though as it's rather easy to think of Alex as some supernatural being than to think he is just a very handsome man, His 190 charm is not for show.

"No, I just need to know about Jak- "


Alex wanted to say something but like always, System cut him off with system notification.

(A/N : Feel bad for Rita? Also, there will be a bonus chapter later today or tomorrow morning

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day �.)

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