Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 64 64. Collapse Of World View

Chapter 64 64. Collapse Of World View

[Ding! World choice is detected...

The selection function is triggered...

Please choose the following options...

• [1] You as a villain will miss this opportunity to gather information about the Heroine. Of course not!

Task : Make her talk about her past in 24 hours.

Reward : Heart Of Compassion, Killer instincts

• [2] Why not gather all the information you can about Jake using this opportunity?

Task : Gather Intel about Jake from Rita.l in 24 hours.

Reward : Eye Of Raven

• [3] She clearly looks hurt, So have some compassion for her, Have a heart, You were human before you became the villain.

Task : Give her your shoulder to cry on, Let her express her sorrows, Now.

Reward : Feel extreme bone crushing pain]


Alex couldn't help it. What is the meaning of the system? It's reasonable at other times to make the 3rd option worse as according to situations it's reasonable.

But what about now? Will he feel extreme bone crushing pain just because he gave his shoulder to Rita for crying? Did this make sense?

He was sure that Rita would not do anything to him as her favorability was very high for that to happen, And there was no 3rd person present there to hurt him, So where is the system coming from? He didn't understand at all.

For the first time, he wanted to do some good as change and yet he not only was not going to get rewarded for it he on the contrary was going to get punished. Wasn't there something wrong with this?

He also observe the thing that, It was always the of being a good person has the worst reward and the best one always is the one being the worst person, A villain, Usually, Situations ask for it, So he didn't have any problem but now its different story, He couldn't see any reasonable reason for 3rd choice having the worst option.

'Is the system planning something behind my back?'

Alex couldn't help but doubt the system right now, Although the system is very helpful and friendly to him but he never stopped doubting the system, He is always skeptical about its intention.

After all, there is always the question of Why, What, and How? Why him? What is the real purpose of the system? How does it even work? There are many unanswered questions.

'System, Tell me the reason, Why is the 3rd option still the worst one?'

But Alex didn't go against the system right away, He still gives it the benefit of doubt, To hear its side of the story, If he is not convinced by the answer...Well right now he can't do anything about it but he should be able to figure out something later on.

[Ding! The host options rewards are determined by the risk and the effect it has on the world, Which takes into consideration everything including the templates given by the world.

You are a villain determined by the world. If you try to change that template, The heavenly will not going to like it as it will create chaos in the world. That's why the good choice for others is the worst for you as you will be punished by the world for doing good things.]

The system didn't know the effect he had on Alex, It answered him as he always did.

'...I get it, But how am I going to feel the pain here?'

Alex thought about it and figured out it is a reasonable reason. He is a villain and doing good things will definitely touch the bottom line of the world order, So he should be punished for it.

After all, How often do you see the villain doing a good thing and getting a good ending for it? never! They either sacrifice themselves or even if they did survive they still have to pay a heavy price for it.

So it makes total sense that Alex doing good things, especially for the heroines will cause the backslash from the heavenly will, His actions going to have consequences, System just showing him what they will be.

But then another question arises, The consequence of leading Rita to his shoulder is feeling extreme pain but how can that even happen? They both were alone in the metal box, As said before Rita will not harm him, So it's not possible to feel extreme pain as the system suggested.

[Ding! That because you are not alone.]

The cold mechanical voice of the system rang in his mind making him shiver in fear.

Alex was standing in the elevator with Rita, feeling an impending sense of dread as they traveled between floors. His heart raced as he suddenly became aware of a cold chill that seemed to be spreading around him. He felt very uneasy as system words kept repeating in his mind.

'You are not alone.'

The system didn't even have any emotion in its voice but he felt that its voice was gloomy warning him about something that he didn't want to believe it, So he started looking around the elevator hoping that he sees someone hiding around in the corner but every time he glanced around nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

"Are you okay Mister Death?"

Rita sensed his unease, She came to him and squeezed his arm trying to break him out of his thoughts.

But Alex was not in the condition to take care of her, His body tensed involuntarily as a thin layer of goosebumps appeared on his skin. An ominous silence filled the air as seconds seemed like hours; each tick of the clock further intensifying the fear coursing through Alex's veins. Even Rita, seeing him, became silent as she looked at him worriedly.


Just then, the most spine-tingling sound emitted from the far corner of the elevator, a shrill laugh that sent shivers down their spines.


Alex yelled looking around the Elevator but then In slow motion, Alex shifted his gaze to the corner of the elevator to find himself staring at the figure of a ghostlike entity.

Its eyes were empty but menacing, its form shrouded in shadows, its arms dangling by its side. Its mouth slowly twisted into a wide sinister smile that seemed to mimic those of horror movie villains.


Rita shrieked in terror, She clutched onto Alex even tighter, too scared to move. Her breaths were shallow and labored as she attempted to stay calm, unable to take her eyes off the phantom before them. She experienced pretty much everything in her life. There was no fear of death in her heart as her life was nothing but a dance on the edge of the blade.

Still, she couldn't help but feel fear creep into her heart as the thing she never thought about happening right in front of her, The world view of hers is about to collapse.

As if sensing this, That thing began to inch ever closer until it was only mere inches away from their face.

Both Alex and Rita could now feel its icy breath on their faces, causing their stomachs to turn with nausea.

'System!!! What is this thing?'

Alex was scared too much. His body was shaking as he looked at that disgusting face a few inches away from his face. He yelled to system his mind, He was sure the system would provide the solution for the situation, So he was ready to buy anything it was about to suggest.

[Ding! It is a ghost, Host.]

The system does not understand the severity of the situation and legit thought that Alex really wanted to ask what thing in front of them was, So as the friendly system it kindly tells what they seeing is a ghost.


Alex wanted to beat this system now, Even though it was as evil as it's thought it was clearly not able to read the room, He right now wishes that it was a system that is able to read the minds of their host, At least they are able to react quickly to help.


Alex was stupefied by the system. He wanted to say something but he wouldn't be able to say something at all as fear and frustration took over him.

But Rita as a full-fledged killer still had a clear mind. So she reacted quickly as the second elevator door opened. This time was enough for Rita. She quickly snapped out of her trance and yanked Alex out of the elevator and back into reality.



When both of them exited the elevator, Its door quickly closed without a second then there was a loud bang on the closed door from inside the elevator.

"Wait!? I needed to know more about it."

When Alex saw what happened he felt quite complicated. Though terrified, He found himself strangely captivated by the sight of that ghostly creature â€" so much so that he almost wanted to stay behind and see what would have happened had they stayed any longer.

"Why do you do tha-?"

Alex snapped out of it and yelled at Rita for pulling him out of the elevator, He wanted to see what it was, He had a system so he was not that scared, He was only stunned and afraid because of his initial fear of humans to unknown but Rita didn't give him time to study this new discovery, He still wanted to find out more about that thing.

But he suddenly stopped himself after catching his reflection on the closed aluminum door, he saw that his face was completely drained of color, and instantly knew that retreat was necessary for both their sakes.

He might get another opportunity to find out what that thing was but for now, it's best to get home and get his beauty sleep. He was not worried about Alia as she was protected by heroine halo and he also had a feeling that he was the target of whatever thing it was.

[Ding! It was a ghost, Host.]

The system came out and once again confirmed what they saw was a ghost, Which Alex obviously chose to ignore. He was not ready to accept it. He will think about it after getting a peaceful sleep.

It was more than enough for the day for these things, let's worry about it tomorrow.

"Rita, let's go home."

Alex was tired, So he didn't think about what just happened and just started walking but this time he chose the stairs to go downstairs towards the exit not the elevator.josei

"Hey, Wait for me."

Rita now feels terrified of being alone, So she also ran after him quickly and started following him to his home. The reason she even didn't know, but she knew that she didn't want to be left alone there.


"Why is it always me? Ahaha!!"

Rose helplessly said as she sat on the office chair, In front of her was big stacks of papers that she had to do in a day. It was an inhumane punishment. She felt like no matter how she tried, She would not be able to complete it.

"Does no one do their job right? Why are there so many mistakes in this work? Are they purposefully doing this to bully me?"

Rose picked up the random paper from the stack, She checked it but found out there are too many mistakes in the paper work, There are too many wrong things in it.

It had so many mistakes that it was easy to do fresh work then to solve the problems from it, So that's what she did. She took out a new blank paper and started writing new things with astonishing speed and in a matter of few seconds she was able to complete the job.

"This one too? Sister filled the whole office with incompetent workers!!"

After completing the paperwork, Rose once again picked a random paper, Which was even worse than the previous one, So she helplessly started to do it from a fresh start, Hoping not everyone of them like these ones.

Unfortunately, It will be a very long and tiring night for her.

(A/N: Too much happens in one day right? So let's take it slowly from now on.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day �.)

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