Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 378

Chapter 378

Chapter 378

Chapter 378 Larissa’s sleep quality improved significantly. Nearly every night around 11 pm, she would begin to feel drowsy, and within a couple of minutes cl closing her eyes, she would fall into a deep, dreamless slumber. She would wake up to the warm glow of daylight, lealing refreshed and rejuvenated. Yet, there were moments when she experienced an odd soreness in her body. At first, she suspected that someone might have violated her while she was unconscious. However, with Kewan’s bodyguards stationed outs de the ward and Kevan himsel in a vegetative state. such an assumption couldn’t hold true. She could only attribute it to her own exhaustion and desire. After all she was approaching her thirties. Once Kevan’s condtion stabilized to some extent. Larissa returned to work at the hotel. On her first day back, Edmund paid her a visit, but this time he didn’t approach her forcefully. Instead, he inquired about Kevan’s condition. “My brothe” and are genuinely concerned about Kevan. The situation was incredibly critical that day, and before we could react his group of bodyguards had already whisked him away. We went to the hospital aberward but the guards wouldn’t allow us inside.” His voice carried a hint of resentment. “So how is Kevan do ng?”

– She recalled the words Dylan had deliberately emphasted to her the day before and wore a sorrowful expression, trying to appear devastated. Keven.. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she didn’t need to pretend because the emotions were already gh. “He hasn’t regained consciousness yeL” Edmund’s eyes widened in astonishment, “What?” He seemed unable to believe it, “Is he seriously injured?” She binked, allowing tears to stream down her cheers. “Yes.” She reached for a paper towel to dab at the corners of her eyes, shifted twice, and choked up as she spoke. “The doctor sad there’s a

possibility that he may never make up again.” Edmund pondered this news for a moment, pursing his libs, and offered her gentle consolation. “Don’t be too upset. He’ll surely wake up. Good things happen to good people.” She mustered a Iorced, bitter smile. “I hope so.” She rarely utilized her privilege as a department manager. However, this time, she made sure not to schedule herset for any night shifts for the entire upcoming month. Regardless of whether her work was completed or not, she would leave the hotel at precisely 6:30 pm and head straight to the matary hospital. She wildly remembered how Kevan had a penchart for cleanliness. So, she would mellculously wipe his body every night with a wet towel. Every few days, she would a bo convince Dylan to assist in washing Revan’s halt, ensuring his comfort when he eventually regained. consciousness. On this particular day, she headed to the hospital as usual after finishing her work. But before she reached the ward, she was greeted by at cacophony of shrill cries. “Move aside! I want to go in and see Kevant do you even know who I am? How dare you stop me? Kevant Kevan! I’m here to see you! Kevan, it’s me. Huby! Can you let me in, please? The voice belonged to Ruby, and Larissa couln’t help but feel annoyed. She didn’t want to confront Ruby directly, but her voice was simply too loud. She was concerned about d’sluiting other patients on the same four, and so, she reluctantly made her way loward the commotion despite the discomfort in her heart.

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