Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Chapter 379

Chapter 379 “Ms. Cole, Larissa called out to Ruby. Ruby turned around, looking surprised, “Larissa? What are you doing here?” Larissa chuckled at the question. “My husband is lying inside, so why wouldn’t be here?” “What “husband”?” Ruby glanced at her with disdain and said, “Kevan told me that you two are just in a contractual marriage, using each other for your own purposes!” Larissa was taken aback by Ruby’s words. Although she was somewhat surprised, she didn’t find it entirely unexpected. Of course. Kevan had to clarity their relationship to Ruby, otherwise, he risked misunderstandings jeopardizing his chances with his dream girl However, even though Kevan’s heart was no longer hers, Larissa couldn’t let herself lose face. So, she straightened her back and smiled lightly, saying, “Kevan and are legally married even so. Is there a problem with me calling him my husband?”

“Whatever. Call him whatever you want.” Ruby didn’t even spare Larissa a glance, as if she didn’t care that the so-called ‘official wiie’ was present. “Kevan ignores you, and it’s you who’s embarrassing yourself! “I don’t mind. After all I have the right to enter the ward, so it’s not me who’s causing a scene and embarrassing herself here.” Larissa retorted smugly, boldly entering the ward in front of Ruby. Ruby’s anger fared, and she almost bit her lip in frustration. As soon as Larissa entered the ward and closed the door behind her, the tall black-clad bodyguards once again blocked the entrance, effectively sealing it off. “Move aside!” Ruby shouted, her anger surging. She disregarded her own image as she kicked and punched at the bodyguards, even attempting to bite them. However, her tantrum had no effect on the resolute bodyguards. They quickly restrained her, and one of them coldly advised, “Please leave. Mr. Rogers is recuperating and won’t have any visitors.”

“Visitors?” The word further incensed Ruby. “You dare call me a visitor? I am his girtiend! I am his future wife! That Larissa who just went in is the real visitor! I will go to Kevan and complain about you and he will have you fired on the spot! The bodyguards remained silent, unaflected by her threats. She pushed against them forcefully, but they stood their ground. “Kevant Kevan Answer mer she shouted in a hoa rse voice. She sounded pitiful and as if she was on the verge of crying. “I’m here, Kevan! I came to see you! Open the door and let me in! Yet, her pleas were met with silence. At that moment, a cold male voice sounded from behind her. “Ms, Cole, it’s been almost hall a month since Kevan was shot, and now you finally remember him?” Ruby jolted and instinctively turned around. Dylan stood just two steps away, wearing a mocking smile on his lace, his eyes gleaming with sharp, cold light behind his glasses. Ruby lowered her head in a gully way and tightly clasped her hands hidden in her sleeves. “I was afraid before. Every time I closed my eyes, I would relive the accident. I was afraid to visit him at the hospital, afraid that the doctors would tell me he couldn’t be saved..” She searched for excuses, wiping away some tears as she spoke. Dylan’s smile tumed even colder, his narrowed eyes emanating a dangerous aura. “And now you’re not afraid anymore?” he questioned. “I’m still scared,” she replied. She then raised her hand to touch her belly, forcing a loving smile. “But… I have to being our child to see his father.”

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