Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 428

Chapter 428

Chapter 428

Chapter 428

By the time they got back to Kevan’s house, Ruby had already wiped the vicious expression off her face. Bethany also patied down her clothes and wiped the tears from her face, Only her swollen eyes couldn’t be hidden. Ruby glared at her scomfully and said “When Daddy asks about it later, you know what to say, don’t you?

Bethany nooded hard and said loudly. “Aster pushed me on purpose and I fell down!” Cnly then did Ruby press the intercom Two minutes Later, Kevan s velce sounded over the intercom amicst the static, making it sound husky. “Who is It? Ruby hurriedly put on a sweet smile

and stooped to look into the camera. “Kevan, it’s me.”

The line went silent for a few seconds before Kevan asked. “Who are you?” Ruby’s expression grew awkward and she spoke in a higher pitch. “Didntlled you at the hospital that lime? Im your wile.”

“Oh.” Kevan seemed to recaliit.

The door opened alter & beep.

“Come up.” Ruby stepped inside happily and strode ahead with her back straight

Bethany followed her, nearly getting squashed by the closing glass door. However, Ruby didn’t realize it. She went into the elevator, then saw that Bethany was still a few meters away. She immediately rushed her impat enlly. “Hurry up! Or you’ll stay down here by yourse!” Bethany had no choice but to run as fast as she could carrying the weight of her round belly.

Kevan was antady waiting at the door and swung it open the moment Ruby pressed the doorbell, “Daddy Doing as R.by had taught her. Bethany instantly threw herself at Kevan. Kewan reacted very quickly and stepped aside, avoiding her. Bethany fell down again.

This time, she fell hard and her body ached all over. She really felt like crying, but she cared not cry freely like she usually did. She could only grit her leeth and let her tears flow silently. “Honey!” Ruby rushed over and pulled Bethany into her arms, asking anxiously. “Are you okay? Does hurt?

Bethany pouted and said miserably, “It hurts so much. Mammy

“Good girl, it won’t hurt after Mommy gives you a massage!” Ruby massaged Bethary’s arms and legs, then turned around and glared at Kevan. She said resentfully. “Your daughter just wants to get close to you! How could you avoid her

“Sorry.” Kevan slood far apart from them the whole time, his altitude indiferent. “Im not used to having physical contact with people. Besides.” He glanced at Bethany’s dirty dress with disgust.

Ruby knew what he was thinking at once and immediately felt annoyed with hersall for missing out on these details. She had thought that he would also forget his gemmophobia after losing his memory, but he had forgotten everything else except this.

“Someone pushed Bethany downstairs just now and she fell down, so her dress got dirty.” Ruby explained and shot Bethany a look,

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