Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 429

Chapter 429

Chapter 429

Chapter 429

Bethany spoke up hastily. “The person who pushed me is Aster, the boy from my class! He’s very naughty! He always bullies me!”

Kevan narrowed his eyes imperceptibly and asked drily, “Really?” He sounded uninterested in the topic.

in the

Ruby gritted her teeth and secretly pinched herself, making tears well up in her eyes immediately. “Yes! He leads the other kids in class to ostracize Bethany, so she has no friends at kindergarten, I spoke to his mother once, but she was so unreasonable! She said that bring ostracized is Bethany’s own fault and has nothing to do with her son

“If that’s the case, then transfer her somewhere else.” Kevan gave Ruby a solution effortlessly. Ruby’s lips moved as if she had a lot more to say, but she ended up saying okay, suppressing all her dissatisfaction. Her most urgent mission wasn’t to make Kevan strike out at Larissa and her son, but for him to accept her and Bethany

Kevan invited them into the Eving room. As Bethany was about to climb onto the sola, he stopped her. “You” He said to Ruby. “Let her sit on your lap.” Ruby carried Bethany onto her lap reluctantly. Although Bethany was only five years old, she already weighed over 150 pounds, which was double the weight of a normal child. Ruby couldn’t move under her weight and her legs felt numb and sore in less than two minutes. However, she could not lose her temper in front of Kevan, so she continued tolerating it.

Kevan fetched them a glass of water each and sat down beside them. “Since you’re here today, then I’ll make things clear,” he said.

His grim expression made Ruby feel uncertain.

“Make what clear?” she asked.

“I lost all my memories,” said Kevan. “But my mother told me that we are not married. You’re not my wife.”

Ruby’s heart sank, but she forced hersell to keep a smile on her face. “Before you got into the accident, we were already planning to get married. The way we spent time together back then was really no different from a married couple. Besides, we also had Bethany

Kevan cut her off calmly. “But the fact is that we aren’t married. I don’t care how we used to be, but I do not have any feelings for you now. In other words, I don’t love you, and there is no way I can continue a relationship with you as your husband. I can’t accept a stranger suddenly invading my personal space and affecting my life. I know I’m being very selfish and I’m hurting you a great deal…”

He fished a credit card out of his pocket and said. “There’s five million dollars in this card. Treat it as my compensation to you. As for this kid He glanced at Bethany and said, “If you don’t mind, I want to do a DNA test. It she really is my daughter, then I give her parental Support.”

“Kevan, what do you mean by that?” Ruby’s eyes were wide and gleaming with tears, but she kept them from falling

“I don’t think what I just said is that hard to understand.” Kevan remained expressionless, completely unaffected by her tears. “Of course, If you can’t understand, then I can repeat mysel

“There’s no need Ruby snatched the credit card from him, snapped it in hall, and flung the pieces to the floor. She put Bethany down and stood up, saying furiously, “I never got together with you for your money! Kevan, you’re insulting me with this five milion. You’ve also insubed your past selt I don’t want

your damn money! I guess I was blind for fating in love with a fuckboy like you and wasting my precious youth! This is my karma! Just forget it if you refuse to acknowledge our child! I just raise her myself! it never let her suffer with you! My daughter and I aren’t good enough for the Rogers family anyway!”

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