Sweet Subterfuge

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Chapter 430

Ruby dragged Bethany along and light. The moment the door closed, Dylan came out of the bedroom. He tutted softly and teased. “You guys are such talented actors

Kevan bent down and picked up the broken crest card, lessing it into the trash, “I sleep at your place tonight,” he said.

“Why?” No one knew Kevan’s antics better than Dylan, If it wasn’t absolutely necessary, he would never let Kevan stay at his house.

“I need to disinfect this place,” Kevan said and cales a cleaning company to book a siet

“Won’t Cocy suspect something if you’re being so heartless to Ruby?” asked Dylan worriedly.

“Isn’t that just perfect to prove that I really lost my memory?” Kevan said. He pocketed his phone with a cold smile.

“I need to go cul lor a little while. What are you going to do? Kevan stood up and asked Dylan.

“Hmm? Where are you going? Dylan asked in cont,sion. “Aren’t you going to wait for the cleaners?”

“It’s still early.” Kevan had booked an afternoon slot. Im going downstairs to check II Larissa and Aster are still there.” He had seen with his own eyes that Bethany’s dress was dirty. Even though he didn’t believe that Aster had pushed her, it still meant that she had bumped into him downstairs if she had told such a lie. With Asters current condition, Larissa would never have let him be outside all by himself.

“So what I they are? Oylan teased him relentlessly. “It’s not like you don’t know that Larissa dislikes anyone that has anything to do with you now.”

So? Kevan cast him an icy glance. I didn’t get cul of the hospital just to continue looking at photos in a different place.”

Larissa and Aster returning to the country all of a sudden disrupted his plans. Previously, when he couldn’t get wind of any news of her, he could still lamp down his longing for her. But now, knowing that she was so close by, he couldn’t stop himself from wanting to see her. That was why he had ignored Dylan’s disapproval and changed the plan by force, using his “memory loss” to get discharged from the hospital

He had thought that he would have many chances of running into Larissa, but it turned cut that she only let her house once at most every day. Besides, her timing was not fixed. Even so, he couldn’t stand watch outside al the lime because she would surely catch him. While they were talking. Kevan had already changed his shoes.

“Hurry up if you want to leave!” He rushed Dylan impatiently for fear that Larissa and Asler would be gone by the time they got downstairs. Dylan went downstairs with him. Fortunately, the duo they were looking for were challing on a bench by the park, Larissa laughed very hard at something Aster said and bent down to kiss him

Watching them from afar, Kevan fell overwhelmed with jealousy. Dylan asked, “Want to go over?”

Kevan nodded and said, “You go first then Introduce her to me.”

Dylan went along with his plan and walked to Larissa, He greeted her and Aster saying, “Good morning!”

Hearing his voice, Aster’s eyes lit up instantly. “Uncle Oylan!” He leaped off the bench happily and said, “Mommy said that Ive recovered,

so I can come out to play!”

“Is that so?” Dylan looked at the faded pockmarks on Aster’s lace and fell happy for him from the bottom of his heart. “Then when I have

the time, I take you to the amusement park”

“That’s fantastic” Aster stuck out his pinky and said. ‘Pinky promise!” They were challing amiably, but Larissa looked displeased.

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