Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

101 Chapter 10Elizabeth Lawsend made her first trip away from her mother’s breasts at two years old when she was betrothed to Gandalf Squire. It was tradition for a girl to leave her parents’ home when she’s betrothed and that didn’t exclude the two year olds.

Laisa Blackwood wept that day when Elizabeth was taken from her arms, even though three wet nurses accompanied Elizabeth, and five knights who were supposed to stand guard until she comes of age. Still Laisa blamed her husband for all of it, and she didn’t eat nor drink for a week ever since the Squires departed from Lawsend City.

Cregan tried to talk some sense to his wife, “It’s the only way we can get back to him for what he did to our friend, Lord Boross” he said.

“Our friend? Boross wasn’t my friend, he was your friend lord husband. You would sacrifice our daughter for the sake of vengeance? My only daughter...” Laisa kept on crying. It seemed even the presence of her two older sons failed to bring her comfort, all she yearned for was Elizabeth.

In Raven, the wedding celebrations were due when Gandalf chose Haniwa Aubrel as his Queen. The ten girls who auditioned to be queens of Prophis, including Laila Balon of Nemphis, were all sent home with gifts for making the top ten of His Grace’s choosing but somehow Haniwa of Claydall caught the attention of the King and he was set to wed her.

This however turned out to be a very strange love affair, the history alone between Gandalf and Haniwa was decorated in betrayal, tears, death and loss. But even in the midst of all, they fell in love. Gandalf found himself so taken by Haniwa that a week after he announced his betrothal to her, he started to act like a good man.

The pleasure houses weren’t his usual grounds anymore, he stayed in silent inside his chambers reading history and philosophy. During the evening, Gandalf would ask his sister’s opinion on choices of robes and he chose the best one so as to impress Haniwa. So it turns out Haniwa did the same with her mother, Lady Elizabeth who came to Raven to attend her daughter’s wedding.

“Are you trying to impress him?” One-day Lady Elizabeth asked. The wounds of the death of her husband, Lord Aubrel were still fresh and she still didn’t trust Gandalf to be the man he claimed to be.

Haniwa seemed fumbled “He chose me to be his bride mother, and I am sort of... attracted to him”


“You do know of his frequent visits to the brothels, don’t you? His drunkenness and his tasteless for duty. He is an irresponsible man Haniwa, not to mention the Battle of Stonedance”

“He played no part on father’s death, yesterday he told me of the unfortunate turn of events. He planned to take Prophis but he didn’t want to kill father, it was Castellan who sent father to the trap at the harbor. He said he wanted to spare his life” a very na?ve Haniwa explained herself, but she didn’t say that without looking like a stupid little girl.

Her mother, Lady Elizabeth forced her to sit on the bed. Then she wore that serious look on her face “He murdered Katarina, and her sons and Castellan’s little brother. Four heads were thrown out of King’s City. Katarina was your aunt, she and your father shared the same blood. If you think he wanted your father alive, then perhaps you aren’t as smart as your father thought you were”

As they always say “Love is blind” and it was Haniwa’s love for Gandalf that clouded her decisions. Elizabeth talked of all the flaws Gandalf had, and Haniwa did listen. But then she went on to tell Gandalf exactly what her mother told her.

Perhaps young age was to be blamed for such stupidity, Haniwa at fifteen years old she was seven years Gandalf’s junior since Gandalf had just turned twenty-two. Still a teenager with excitement for love and compassion, Haniwa gave her all to Gandalf and she believed he can protect her. “He has lions, golds, ports and a whole kingdom. I will be his Queen; I can change him” Haniwa said to herself.

Days went fast, by Sunday morning, Gandalf and Haniwa were inside the holiness temple in Raven holding hands and saying their vows in front of a new High Septon, Father Stewart and ten Faith Crones who bared witness to the union. Lady Elizabeth was present so were her other five daughters, all dressed in expensive satin dresses adorned with pearls.

Gandalf wore a yellow golden cloak with a lion at the back, the same attire which Aryan wore as they continued their tradition of dressing alike. Aryan stood close to Olivia, they were even holding hands as Gandalf and Haniwa took their vows. The wedding seemed so natural unlike what people expected, Haniwa was so in love with Gandalf that she completely lost herself in his eyes.

When Gandalf sealed the wedding with a kiss, a tear dropped on Haniwa’s left eye and it was like a dream to her. A wedding she has always wanted, to the man she loved dearly and fondly. The chronicles later said that Gandalf also shed a tear, although no one supported that claim especially since Gandalf was known to be the bad boy with no feelings.

The bedding ceremony went smoothly, Aryan herself helped her brother disrobe but she didn’t stay for long to see Gandalf consummating it, only the Faith Crones stayed behind to collect the white sheets full of maiden’s blood once it’s spilled. There was no worry that Haniwa was still a maiden, she was a well-protected lady from a good family.

Olivia and Aryan found themselves isolated inside their chambers after all the festivities had ceased. It had been a long day full of noises, feasts and good folks celebrating their King and their new king. But still, Aryan wasn’t happy and Olivia noticed it.

“It’s a good match, your brother and lord Aubrel’s daughter. Wouldn’t you agree?” asked Olivia disrobing. She was having a problem with her corset hence she asked Aryan to help her with it, but it was all because she craved her girlfriend’s presence even for just a moment.

Between running the kingdom while her brother whored himself in pleasure houses and drinking ale, Aryan had barely found time for romance and loving. Olivia used that moment to complain about Aryan’s busy schedule, she said how she missed their days in Old City where they were together all the time.

Aryan seemed not affected by Olivia’s complaining “I’m running a kingdom Olivia” she said while taking her shoes off.

“When was the last time you touched me?” Tears fell down between Olivia’s cheeks. “Or when’s the last time you even turned to look at me, the way you used to look at me before all of this?”

The ranting and venting wasn’t something Aryan was ready to listen to, she sighed softly and looked at Olivia. “I looked at you today, at the Sept”

“Because that’s the only moment you are free to pay attention to me”

“Olivia!” Aryan suddenly stood up and walked to Olivia. She looked at her and one thing she didn’t understand was why was she wailing and weeping like a child. “There’s no reason for you to weep Olivia. All that’s I’m doing, is for us”

“For us? Or for your brother?”


“That’s the only person who you care about, your brother. When we were in Old City you didn’t seem to give a damn about him. But now -”

Aryan lost it and screamed at Olivia “He’s a king now! What is it so hard for you to understand? Gandalf is like a toddler who constantly needs to be watched, reminded and protected because every damn person in Prophis wants his head”

“Because he is a Usurper, a false king, a drunkard cunt who needs to hide behind his sister’s strength like a little bitch” it didn’t take long for Aryan to silence her with a heavy slap on her right cheek. Olivia nearly fell down on the floor, she had to use a chair as leverage to keep her steady.

For the very first time in their two-year long relationship, Aryan had raised her hand against Olivia. Their fairytale romance was put on challenge; Aryan was quick to apologize. “Forgive me, my love...” she tried to reach out to Olivia.

Olivia struggled her way outside their chamber, when Aryan wanted to block her path, Olivia shoved her hard and Aryan fell down. Then a narrow escape allowed Olivia to pass through a guard outside their chamber and raced to another room, with her dress half worn and she was half naked.

The next day, Olivia didn’t come out of her chambers no matter how much Aryan apologized and begged for her forgiveness. While Gandalf was all smiling and happy after he just consummated his wedding to Haniwa, there was a trouble in paradise to his twin sister. The conflict was so vivid that it went on to a week, still Olivia refused to say a word to Aryan and Gandalf wondered maybe it was time for him to step up and help his sister.josei

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