Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

102 Chapter 10The amount of anger inside Olivia’s body was so magnified that she didn’t even pay heed to Gandalf’s words, even the new Queen’s plead to forgive and let go. Haniwa didn’t understand why she had to talk to Olivia, but because she respected her husband, she just had to. Olivia thought she was just a young girl trying to get into her husband’s good graces hence she chased her out.

The palace wasn’t a place for Olivia anymore, she spent most of her time tucked inside her chambers where she accepted no one apart from servants who cleaned her chamber pot and scullions who brought her food. Aryan made sure to instruct the kitchen wenches “I want her fed after every four hours” and indeed after every four hours the scullions knocked on Olivia’s door and brought food to her.

Even though they weren’t talking anymore, Aryan made sure to think about her when she was conducting council meetings, reading letters from ravens, and most importantly when she tried to visit and talked outside the door. Still Olivia refused to let her in, at least she went out during the night and strolled the city.

Gandalf was worried for Olivia’s new routine where she goes out every night, and he deemed it “unladylike” however Aryan had to remind him that Olivia wasn’t a lady.

“But she is your lady... what if mad men rape her in the streets, or worse kill her? They have seen her with you in more than one occasion, they know she belongs to you”

“She’s same age as us brother, Olivia is fierce and wild, no one will touch her believe me on that” replied Aryan seemingly so cool and unbothered. The weather was beautiful that day, but it was Raven and the weather was always beautiful – not so hot like summers in Maldonia or Doha, and yet not so cold like King’s City. Gandalf and Aryan were outside sitting in the garden while having tea and pies and pastries.

“I think it’s time you settle down” said Gandalf, then as if he was cautious not to make her sister angry, he waited for a moment to try and see how will his sister react.

“I’m settled”

“I mean, getting married”


Aryan’s eyes widened with amazement and right there she had a frown look on her face. She held a piece of pie in her right hand, she meant to eat it but suddenly her appetite was disrupted. Gandalf noticed it and he quickly made amends “I meant to Olivia” he finished.

“Olivia?” Instead of showing any reaction again, Aryan busted out laughing. “Have you been drinking ale this early in the morning brother?”

“No, I... I haven’t”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, my wife doesn’t like it when I drink. She thinks it’s what causes all these... troubles”

“Then maybe you have cheated today and grabbed a glass, because what you are saying is stupid and unholy. When have you ever seen two women getting married?” asked Aryan.

“You two could be the first”

A small chuckle escaped Aryan’s lips “And risk all the Faith Crones and High Septons and lords across the Silent Sea to the Dead Sea and beyond turning against us. They will call it an abomination, against their faith and trust me brother we already have a lot in our plate, let’s not complicate matters anymore” josei

Aryan took a last bite of her pie and suddenly stood up. She held on to her sword on her waist and slowly curtsied before her brother “Your Grace” she said and left the gardens. Gandalf continued to eat while his Lord Commander, Tyriol stood behind him like a statue. Some people said he could have been deaf or mute for he never spoke, nor did he react to anything he hears.

Three months in and marriage pacts were made to success by Aurora to the Octavianuses ladies. Maggie Octavianus was sent off to Sea Tone and it’s ten islands all controlled by Lord Hofun to wed Matthew Hofun, the second son of Lord Hofun. The wedding was attended by Artemis, Aurora, Aeryn, Petrus and all her sisters and of course Lady Allysa Octavianus who was the happiest woman in the world that day.

The match made Maggie the Lady of the ten islands since Matthew was set to inherit the islands while his brother, Aegon Hofun being the first born was the next lord of Sea Tone. Sea Tone was a glamorous city, it may have not been as grand as Blackmount but it was a trade city which held the biggest fleet in the world, not even Raven had fleets like Sea Tone.

The ships are what made Lord Hofun the wealthiest man in Maldonia, behind Lord Aethelind of House Horriss who was now succeeded by his second son Hawk. Lady Allysa told Maggie “Second sons always rise to occasion my darling, first sons always die, one way or the other” and that’s what Allysa hoped – for Aegon to die so Matthew can be the next lord of Sea Tone.

However, Maggie was rather taken by the comely and quiet Matthew who was puffy faced, had round shoulders, dark and fleshy compared to his brother Aegon who was slender with fair pale skin which made him look like he was sick. Aegon was too serious compared to his brother Matthew, during the whole period of festivities, he neither laughed nor smiled.

At twenty-one, Matthew was one year senior to Maggie but he wasn’t that tall hence Maggie towered him by few inches which made them look even so cute, a tall lady with his not to tall Lord. The festivities lingered for five days while Artemis used this time to visit the good folks of Sea Tone and toured the ten islands as well.

The streets shouted Artemis’s name whenever he passed through, Sea Tone was large and even though the roads were muddy and clumsy, Lord Hofun told Artemis “We are from the sea, we are islanders and we find the smell refreshing” when they passed through part of the streets which reeked of rotten fishes, dirty mud and were occupied with a lot of fishermen.

Aurora was heavily pregnant and she couldn’t tour the islands with her husband, she remained behind to oversee the bedding ceremony between Maggie and Matthew. The trip to Sea Tone strengthened the love between Aeryn and Aurora as they spent most of their times together, let it be planning the best decorations for the wedding or simply taking a rest since they were both tired by then.

After Sea Tone, now it was Ursula’s turn. Ursula was betrothed to Jon Grimwald of Green Town. Jon was fifteen years old while Ursula a fifteen girl with all qualities of a good lady and properly raised to rise to standards. Lord Grimwald was the one who sent proposals to the King concerning the girls he was hosting in the palace.

Since Maggie was already betrothed, it was Ursula who was still available and what a perfect match. Jon was a naughty squire, tall for his age and always depended on his quickness and speed in order to win over his opponent. He was the last remaining son of Lord Grimwald after the demise of his two sons who were sailors. “A ship wreck took them both, the sea showed me no mercy” that’s what Lord Grimwald told Artemis the day he received the sad news.

So Jon was set to inherit all of Green Town and its magnificent gardens. Some of the tales speak of Green Town and symbolize it as “Paradise” if there is one after death. The Town was the cleanliness of them all, you will find no mud in the streets of Green Town because it had better roads than Blackmount.

The streets of Green Town were full of brothels, in the whole Kingdom of Maldonia this town had a record number of thirty pleasure houses all owned by rich merchants who used the Green Town bay to bring their silks and golds. This area of the kingdom, trade wasn’t conducted by the crown but rather the Grimwalds as they have been for centuries. Their castle alone was so huge and full of perfumed flowers.

Artemis knew better than to interfere in their trade, and Green Town had a strong army too and they all served under the pleasure of the King. Daella spoke about Green Town when she wrote to her sister Maggie who was in Sea Tone, she detailed the beautiful roads, clean and fresh water, the magnificent gardens with butterflies and singing birds, the food and above all the fresh air.

She said “The air here smells of roses and lavender, not like in your clumsy city which reeks of rotten fishes and unwashed fishermen. I envy Ursula, she will live in paradise” and this did make Maggie angry and jealous of the Ursula’s match. Lady Allysa refused to leave Green Town after the wedding between her daughter and Jon.

Her reasons were Ursula was still young and she needed to stay with her for a year until she turns sixteen, she wanted Daella and Tayla to stay too. No one refused, after all they were in paradise and even though Petrus was confused, he could also understand why his mother decided to remain in Green Town – if he wasn’t married, perhaps he would have stayed too.

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