Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Chapter 3

The tremendous and joyful feast was one for the records, lord Aethelind showed out to every houses how exactly a king needs to be welcomed. From roasted lamb, chickens, and honeyed wine. To naked whores dancing in the pleasure of the king – lady Burchad thought her husband was being too much, yet there was nothing she could do.

The invited guests of the kings celebration were lords from powerful houses outside of Maldonia. Lord Aethelind was a man of great connection and he had a way with people and words. King Luca Arteides once told him “His mouth talks more than his sword” and indeed that was true.

With a history of medical conditions which saw his right leg to ulcers, lord Aethelind had been limping throughout his whole life. His father sought out the best maesters in Horriss the time he realized of his son’s disease, he was afraid because Aethelind was his heir and with him, house Horriss was in jeopardy.

Unlikely what many predicted, lord Aethelind rose above people’s expectations and doubts. He used his power as lord of house Horriss, and his mouth to give out speeches which lived in people’s heads for years.

Artemis wasn’t familiar with his uncle, the last time he was in Horriss was when he visited his dying grandfather with his mother and he never returned. Now he was back in what must have felt like home, yet he felt estranged.

With absence of Aurora, there was only one person he felt like he could talk to, and that was Selma when she visited him early in the morning to give him a bath. Artemis was inside a warm pool of water while Selma was outside kneeling behind him scrubbing his back with a soft piece of white cloth.

“I don’t feel like I’m home. Yet this is my mother’s home, her ancestral land...” Artemis complained to Selma.


“Give it time Your Grace, I’m positive your uncle wants you to feel at home”

Artemis disagreed “He wants to wed off his daughter to me that’s all I know” he replied sipping his honeyed wine. “He craves for power, he is a man of ambitions and -” Artemis paused.

“And?” Selma asked him to complete his sentence.

Artemis turned back and his eyes met Selma’s. Suddenly he felt like he could trust her, Selma was as kind as she was beautiful. Her soul reflected through her body, she had an aroma fit to fill the king’s heart with warmth.

Artemis found himself smiling “I need to keep moving, it’s been three days. I have other nine houses to visit, I shall announce my engagement to lady Kholin this evening and be done with it”

“Your uncle will be displeased”

“Yet I’m the king” said Artemis and slowly walked out of the pool.

He was completely bare, his magnificent thews were a turn on to any woman and that’s including Selma who turned her eyes back resisting the urge to look at Artemis’s tight butt. But she failed the attempt and stole a glance of him.

How she wished he could turn and she could see what was between his legs, the girls at the capital praised Artemis when he was a prince. They all spoke of how big he was. But at that moment all Selma could see was Artemis’s butt – white, pale and tight.

“You can look Selma, I am your master after all” Artemis laughed as he covered himself with a knee length piece of cloth.

“Is that an order from my master and king?”


Selma shied away, she placed her eyes down and Artemis left her there at the pool and walked back to his chambers. He encountered lord Balon, the hand of the king on his way. “My lord!” Artemis was stunned.

Lord Balon trembled at Artemis’s sight “Your Grace”

“The rooster has yet to crow and you are up already”

“Forgive me Your Grace, I... I was having a word with your uncle”

“Oh! May I ask what were you two talking about?” asked Artemis tightening his piece of cloth up above his waist and paid attention to lord Balon.

“He wants to see, Your Grace. After you are done having your bath which I’m sure you are... done?’

Artemis sighed softly, then he slowly replied “Yes, I’ll go and see him in his chambers”

“He is not in his chambers Your Grace, he is at his council court”

“Alright, I need to get dressed then”

Lord Balon slowly curtsied and walked away. A very anxious and nervous Artemis walked inside his chambers to get dressed, and when he came out he was fully equipped and armed. He wore his yellow robe, with black trousers and a red cloak as a symbol of monarch and power of Maldonia.

King Arteides always made sure to remind Artemis of their house power which was gold. The golden carriage and red sigils all represented power in form of treasuries and victories won at battles. The red color won by Maldonians soldiers represents the blood that has been shed to protect the realm over the centuries, and the gold represents the wealth of house Arteides.

In the whole realm none of the houses owned the gold and treasures like house Arteides, and with that slaves are the ones who suffered more with hard work at the mines. The red cloak was worn by none other than Artemis inside lord Aethelind’s chambers which was occupied by three other strange lords who were loyal to house Horriss and lord Aethelind.

These lords resided outside of Maldonia in a peninsula called Santagar and they looked different from everyone else. They wore colorful robes, their skin was dark and toned, they had curly black hairs which were long they had to tie them backwards using ribbons.

Santagar was the hottest region just below Doha. The region was rocky, mountainous, arid and dry because it was a desert just like Doha. Santagar was bordered by the sea of Doha to the south and even though it was a part of Doha during the early days, they reclaimed their independence and forged a whole new kingdom.

House Jordayne styled themselves as kings and queen in their own Santagar fashion. King Vaith of Santagar from House Jordayne was right there inside lord Aethelind’s chambers accompanied by his two lords which remained nameless and they weren’t allowed to speak – at least not on Artemis’s presence. However, Artemis noticed King Vaith because he was the only one who wore a crown on his head.

Upon entrance of Artemis, lord Aethelind stood up and bowed. Then followed by his guests who also bowed with an exception of king Vaith. Artemis seemed not to be shocked by king Vaith actions, after all the man was wearing a crown.

“My lords...” Artemis proceeded and sat on the highest chair inside the council. He was so charmed in seeing new faces.

Lord Aethelind went straight to the point and introduced his guests. “Your Grace may I introduce King Vaith of Santagar and his nameless lords. King Vaith you are in the presence of King of Maldonia, Artemis first of his name, Slayer of the Elves, Lord of ten houses and Protector of the Realm”

“It’s a pleasure to finally make acquaintance Your Grace” King Vaith opened his mouth and spoke. “Nice cloak by the way, is it purely fabricated by gold?”

Artemis smiled “Indeed Your Grace, one of the most powerful things about House Arteides is our golds... And of course slaves”

“Hmm your uncle told me all about your powerful house, and this magnificent kingdom of Maldonia. I have to agree it’s the most beautiful land I have ever set eyes upon”

“Well you must visit the capital Blackmount, it’s where my palace is and the infamous Sweet Waters throne” replied Artemis, and he was feeling himself this time and being confident. Maybe he’s never been this confident before.

King Vaith smiled, he thought Artemis was bragging his wealth and slaves and golds on his face while he didn’t seem like he had much to show. Lord Aethelind continued,

“Your Grace, king Vaith is here to talk about prince Lucian Mithandir and the war between the Prophisians” lord Aethelind paused first to see Artemis’s reaction.

“What about it?” asked Artemis.

“He wrote a letter to me, weeks ago seeking men to join his cause with a promise of alliance and land. King Vaith has pledged his full support on the prince, as do I...”

Artemis was caught off guard “Wait, uncle? You are supporting the Mithandir in this war?” josei

“Yes, the alliance between Maldonia and Prophis goes way back ever since the first king Mayan Mithandir and your great great grandfather. Are we about to break the tradition which has lasted for years before you and I were born?”

King Vaith added “I know what’s like being robbed of your birth right. I was supposed to be Seyyid of Doha, it’s my birthright. But that right was stolen from my father, I grew up knowing my history and ever since then I haven’t stopped fighting. I’m sure if the situation was reversed you would fight for your throne too, Your Grace”

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