Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Chapter 3

The whole meeting felt strange to Artemis. He was expecting that his uncle would force him to marry lady Maurin, his daughter yet there he was talking politics and war. King Vaith was a deserter who was exiled from his own home and in the searching of a home, he decided to build his own kingdom.

Artemis was confused all the way hence he asked Vaith “Who is a Seyyid?” with a confused look on his face.

“Seyyid is like a king in your fashion”

“Oh!” Artemis sighed. Then he turned his attention to his uncle, Lord Aethelind. “We are not going to mingle with the Prophisians uncle. I forbid it”

“Have you lost your mind nephew? Do you realize how important this war is?”

Artemis suddenly stood up, as per tradition Lord Aethelind and the other two foreign Lords from Santagar were supposed to stand up but they didn’t. They remain seated following Lord Aethelind command.

“I forbid any houses under my protection to intervene with the war which isn’t ours” said Artemis.


Lord Aethelind smiled “I’m afraid that is above you Your Grace. There are things you can’t control just because you sit on a chair. This is my house, I do what I like with my army...”

The arrogance and display of Lord Aethelind left Artemis speechless considering he was right. He may have been king and Lord of the ten houses, but those houses had their lords and armies loyal to them.

Once upon a time King Arteides told Artemis the story of the House Squire which nearly brought the crown to it’s knees. A war which lasted for two years. Was he ready to start a war with House Horriss, the most powerful house in all of Maldonia?

That’s when his sister’s voice came out inside his ears like a voice over. “Is that the type of a king you want to be?” and that’s what made him calm down and he sat softly.

King Vaith immediately took the advantage of Artemis’s calmness “Your Grace I can assure you this isn’t a war we are going to lose. Lucian Mithandir will sit on his throne as per what the gods want...”

“The gods?” Artemis intervened. “What gods? The old ones or the new ones?”

Lord Aethelind scoffed “We are not here to talk about the gods nephew. Fuck the gods” he added and laughed.

“It’s all a game to you, isn’t uncle?”

“A very good game if you ask me nephew. We restore the alliance with the Mithandirs and we are assured of a whole kingdom ripe for the taking”

Suddenly Lady Murian walked inside her father’s council chamber holding a mug full of wine and five cups. She poured out for all of the men inside while Artemis seemed so serious and angry with his uncle.

“Thank you my lovely princess” Lord Aethelind complimented his daughter and Lady Murian walked away quietly. She didn’t mutter even a single word.

To kill out the awkward silence between themselves. King Vaith started a conversation he was hoping it would cheer up Artemis. “Your Grace, pardon me but I heard you have a beautiful sister at court who is yet to marry” he said with a smile.

“Let me guess, you want to ask for my sister’s hand?”

“It’ll be a good way to unite our families... Santagar will provide camels, dates, an army and strength”

“Do I look like I need strength?”

“Nephew!” Lord Aethelind intervened “Don’t be an arrogant stupid king, my sister raised you better than that”

“What do you know about being a King uncle? All you do is fuck whores, drink wine and plot against powerful houses”

“At least I know a fool king when I see one. Your sister wrote to me”

Artemis’s eyes widened with amazement “What did she say?” he asked fearing the next thing his uncle will say.

“That you are planning to wed a servant. A girl with no name, no titles, and no benefit to the crown”

“Lady Kholin is the love of my life there is nothing that you will say to change my mind. She is the one I’ll marry”

With that Artemis stood up suddenly and walked away, king Vaith stopped him.

“Your Grace, please...” King Vaith pleaded. “Let’s support Lucian Mithandir and I promise you that you won’t regret it” josei

“There is nothing to be found on that land with eternal ice rather than darkness and winter Your Grace. I would urge you to return home as soon as possible”

“What if I accompany you on the rest leg of the tour?”

Artemis looked at his uncle and then back to King Vaith. “What’s this? Part of your plan?”

“This is entirely mine Your Grace. I want to join our houses, I want you to see that I am an honest man. Worthy of a princess of Maldonia” finished King Vaith and he stood upright facing Artemis.

King Vaith was taller than Artemis by three inches. He looked like a mixed blood who had many days on the sun with how dark his skin was. Yet he was glowing like a silver on a sunny day. Artemis could have said “no” especially since he was already angry at his uncle, but Vaith had what people would call a persuasive power.

When Santagar declared Independence from Doha, it was Vaith who led his people and he promised them victory if they just follow him. The times were scarry for Santagarians as they had to fight a war with Seyyid Khalifa who was Lucian Mithandir’s father in law.

The war didn’t last long when Vaith led the army to the capital and forced the Seyyid to sign a treaty which declared Santagar independent. He held a knife on Seyyid’s throat – he gave his life for the people of Santagar. Maybe if Artemis didn’t respect him at first, he sure felt different when he heard his story.

“Please... Allow me to prove myself to you” King Vaith continued.

“What do you have to say uncle?”

“I do not control the king of Santagar. If he wants a tour of Maldonia I don’t see as to why he shouldn’t get it. However, as for your lady servant... you do not have my . But I can promise you that as soon as you marry her, Blackmount and the ten houses will turn against you, I will turn against you. They will force you out of the throne and place a more smart king. I hope you do not face the same fate as your name sake” said Lord Aethelind. His eyes met with Artemis’s.

Now let’s go back to four kings prior Artemis who is the fifth from the lineage of house Arteides. Two hundred years ago Maldonia was ruled by a king called Artemis, and he was the real first of his name. King Artemis ascended the sweet waters throne when he was fifteen years old.

The council met to decide his fate since he was still young however Artemis the first proved himself to have come of age and he ruled when he was sixteen. He was an impulsive king, heartless, ruthless and arrogant who didn’t listen to anyone – neither his hand nor his Lords. He even disrespected his mother who was only looking out for him.

He also, like Artemis fell for a servant girl. Her name was Ranirya and she was the daughter of a farmer, all he life she has lived like a nomad boring girl until Artemis took a liking of her.

The council d against Artemis’s decision to marry the servant girl, they wanted him to marry a princess who will solidify the kingdoms and merge the army. When Artemis took the servant for wife, the realm teared itself apart.

The civil war spread throughout the kingdom, it was Maldonians on Artemis’s side, fighting against their fellow brothers who were on the Lords side. Because the power of the crown comes from the merging of the ten houses, Artemis lost the war because he was outnumbered.

At only twenty years of age Artemis the first was murdered. He was found all alone in the forest wounded and retreating. The Blackmount capital was covered by dead bodies on the streets and reeked of blood. There was death everywhere – even the innocent citizens were dragged into the war and forced to pick a side.

It was Artemis’s head on a spike which stopped the war. The Lords of the ten houses grew even more powerful and in charge of the kingdom than even the king. The laws and orders of men gave the houses power to decide who the king marries, who he support on a war and if needed to provide an army to defend Maldonia.

“Your namesake was beheaded and his head placed on a spike. But who am I to judge...” Lord Aethelind finished and walked right past Artemis. “Maybe you may solidify Maldonia after all. You Grace...” He turned to king Valith “Our conversation to be continued?”

“Of course my Lord”

“Very well then, nice journey” Lord Aethelind finished and walked away leaving Artemis in dilemma of his future.

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