Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Chapter 3

The dilemma and confusion wasn’t only in House Horriss but also back in Blackmount capital with princess Aeryn as the temporary ruler of the kingdom. Aeryn used her time in digging out the truth of her father’s relationship with Jordy.

Every single day she called out for female and male slaves to be delivered inside her chambers where she interrogated them. The walls have ears they say and she intended in hearing what did the slaves hear from the walls. The news of the incoming and outgoing of indentured servants reached both Lord Balrus and Lord Dagon who were the remaining four in the palace.

Lord Balrus was the one who was so concerned about the situation. He feared what if the news of Aprophil were to be out. Hence he made sure to threaten every slave who was called to princess’s chambers.

“What will you say if she asks about the king’s bastard?” That’s what Lord Balrus asked every slave passing through.

“I have never heard about him ever since he left the mines with his mother”

“Good. If you reply differently I’ll know, remember I am the Master of Spies”

And so it turns out all the slaves princess Aeryn called to her chambers replied the same script they were told to. Perhaps being unfamiliar with slavery and how the slaves are usually made to think, act and obey as their masters want made princess Aeryn thinking she could get out something from them.

..... josei

The bottom line here is she wasn’t their master, Lord Balrus was and he’s been a master of the indentured servants all the way back to King Luca Arteides.

One morning after solving citizens cases and all boring council, Princess Aeryn retreated to the dining room where she found lord Balrus having supper. The weather was rather pleasing with a slow breeze coming from the outside of the windows.

“My Lord...?” Princess Aeryn called out walking inside.

“My princess”

Aeryn walked to the table full of breads, meat and drinks “It’s awfully quiet in the palace, don’t you think so?” she asked.

“It’s never the same without the king my princess”

Princess Aeryn filled her plate with two breads, one smoked piece of lamb and a glass full of honeyed wine. Then she made her way to the table and sat opposite to Lord Balrus.

“It’s not the absence of the king which diminishes my joy” Aeryn started the conversation.

“I can’t say I’m shocked”

“You understand very well the relationship my brother and I have Lord Balrus, it’s complicated”

“I hope you reconcile in the future my princess”

Princess Aeryn chuckled softly, then she looked at Lord Balrus and rolled her eyes “In the future? If he keeps ruling in this way I doubt he’ll ever see his future”

“What do you have against lady Kholin?”

“Lady? She is no lady, she is a servant”

“Who has been raised by his Majesty the king”

“Lord Balrus, look at me in the eyes and tell me she will not be his downfall” Princess Aeryn was seriously worried about Artemis.

Instead of acting out just because he supported his king, or because he had forged a strange relationship with Aurora. Lord Balrus took his time and he finally admitted “The houses will not support their union, especially your uncle who is troublesome and know it all... Let’s hope he doesn’t turn into his namesake”

“Artemis the first of his name?” asked Princess Aeryn and Lord Balrus nodded.

“He was evicted from the crown by the Lords of the ten houses, buried nameless and his name wiped off from history so the generations to come may never get to know him. That’s why your brother is being titled Artemis first of his name, because your ancestor was wiped off from the books of history”

“All that because he failed to marry proper?”

“No, my princess. All that because the realm teared itself apart”

“They teared themselves apart because the king refused to unite them” Princess Aeryn resisted against what Lord Balrus told her. “I should have been born a male, I know I would have made a better king than my brother”

The conversation continued only this time it was the princess who complained to getting no information about her bastard brother Aprophil. Lord Balrus advised her to let go as there are better things to do.

Sir Maxim met Aurora outside in the gardens where she was low and in deep thoughts. She had a strange dream last night and it’s been torturing her the whole day. Like always her visions are blurry and the messages always come in form of riddles.

“May I join you?” Sir Maxim asked with his hands backwards. He was dressed in full red armor with a Maldonian sigil attached to it, like a good knight he was.

Aurora was startled “Oh, uncle... I didn’t see you standing there”

“How could you when your thoughts aren’t here” Sir Maxim sat down. “Are you thinking about him?”

“Sometimes... it’s hard with him not being here”

“I would advice you not to pin your happiness and hope onto him niece, after all he’s the king. I doubt the ten houses will allow him to take you as his wife” Sir Maxim spoke plainly.

“I don’t understand, why would you agree to his proposal if you knew of his status?”

“Because he’s the King. You can be his second wife as per Maldonian tradition.. But his first must be a princess or a daughter from a powerful house who will reunite the realm. I’m sorry Aurora but I speak plainly...”

Aurora was neither broken hearted nor sad about what her uncle just said.

“There’s something else troubling you, isn’t there?”

“Tell me about my grandmother from my mother’s side, how did she look like?”

Sir Maxim found himself biting his tongue “Um... maybe we should ask your father that sort of question”

“You met my mother and I’m sure you also met my grandmother, during my parents wedding?”

“Yes I did meet her but it was only once... or twice. I can’t really remember the exact time I met her but all I know is our moments were brief”

“Did she look like a -” Aurora paused for a moment.

“Like a foreigner? Yes she did, she wasn’t a Maldonian she was an outsider”

“I meant like a witch?”

Sir Maxim’s eyes widened with amazement the moment Aurora mentioned the word “witch” and that’s because warlocks were banned in Maldonia. Some years back there was a witch massacre where the ones charged for practicing magic were burned alive. Many of them fled the kingdom never to return again, Aurora’s grandmother included.

It started as a rumor, then it was proven to be facts when Aurora’s grandmother fled the kingdom. Many knew she left because she was a witch. Or a seer but during that time people couldn’t tell the difference between a seer and a witch.

Sir Maxim couldn’t hide his concern “Why are you asking about that woman. She was evil, and your mother saw to it that she could never harm you before she died”

“How would you know she wanted to harm me?”

“Because she started saying things” This time Sir Maxim held Aurora’s hand to give her comfort “You are safe now...”

“What things?”


“Tell me what things uncle Maxim”

Sir Maxim wasn’t ready to say anything to Aurora after all this was his brother’s daughter. A brother who was lost in drinking and diseases, he was sure he had a short time to live so why burden his niece with things like witchcraft and words said by Aurora’s grandmother.

Sir Maxim stood up and helped Aurora “Let’s go inside the palace shall we?”

Aurora stopped him “There’s a war coming”


“A big war Uncle. I saw the kingdoms set on fire, ours included. You should leave with your wife and your daughters...

“You saw it? Where did you see this vision?”

Aurora hesitated for a while, he feared what will her uncle say but she decided to tell him anyway “In my dreams”

“In your dreams?”

“Yes, it was real and...”

Sir Maxim interrupted with a soft chuckle “Everyone has dreams child. I had a dream where I was drowning, I was in a large sea with no ends apart from horizons. My ship wrecked, water entered inside our dock, the last thing I know we were downing. But – here I am” he finished.

There was no place Sir Maxim would tell Aurora about the witches, he was trying protect her. However, there is a huge secret between these two.

When Huyan of house Guyana, Aurora’s mother, came to Maldonia a quarter a century ago, the men swore they hadn’t lay eyes to a woman so beautiful the likes of Huyan yet. She was like a walking goddess on the land of mortals, and maybe she was doing them a favor by simply blessing their land. Huyan and her mother looked different than everybody else when they crossed the gates, at the first glance the guards of protection knew they were foreigners seeking refuge in Maldonia like everybody else.

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