Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

Chapter 40: Chapter 4

The visions and nightmares kept creeping inside Aurora’s head. They haunt her to the point she couldn’t sleep, all she could see were flames whenever she closed her eyes or opened them. She called out for her mother sometimes when she felt the heat was increasingly more difficult for her to maintain.

When she woke up she was all alone and sweaty. She was also panting hard as if she’s been running a mile. The night was still young and the kingdom was asleep.

This was way too much for her, hence she stood up and walked to the table. There was a white parchment paper, a large bird quill sharpened and an ink made up of concoction of gum arabic, oak gall, iron sulfate and water.

Aurora sat down hands on her head thinking what to write. Who to write to and how to go about with the whole process, she knew there was only person who can help her and it was her mother. She wrote all about the nightmares and how she urgently needed her grandmother as she was the only one who could help.

When she finished writing the letter Aurora placed her mother’s name at the top, “Huyan of house Guyana” and she trusted none other than Lord Balrus to deliver the letter hence she waited all night unable to sleep.

While at the same time Princess Aeryn was making her own decisions regarding saving the realm. She wrote to their uncle from her father’s side, Prince Arcadia who lived in Marinus. He was known as the Lord of Marinus, a city known for trading and gold just a few miles outside Maldonia.

Unlike his big brother King Arteides, Prince Arcadia wasn’t a nice person at all. He deserted Maldonia and started his own kingdom where he calls himself Lord because he never liked the idea of being ruled. Now his brother was dead and his nephew was on the throne, well... let’s say he was waiting for a tiny show of weakness to take Sweet Waters throne.


Princess Aeryn thought she was helping writing to their uncle and informing him of Artemis’s decisions. She urged her uncle to speak to her brother for the good of Maldonia and House Arteides. And if possible arrange a marriage between Prince Arcadia’s daughter and Artemis.

In between the lines Princess Aeryn suggested “Aren’t we supposed to make tough decisions for the crown uncle if the so called King is full of madness? I beseech you to come to Blackmount when you have the time and speak some senses to your nephew. I believe he may listen to you uncle... Yours, Aeryn” and the signature at the bottom was widely clear that it was the princess. The royal sigil attached at the top of the envelope made that letter even more important.

Early in the morning before everyone else had awaken, Princess Aeryn reached out to the mail senders and crown correspondences. She gave the one who she trusted the most and told him to ride hard to Marinus and give Prince Arcadia the letter.

After that Princess Aeryn felt she had done a service to the crown and went back to sleep. Aurora woke up and she went straight to Lord Balrus’s chambers with a letter in her hands.

When she arrived she didn’t even knock. She barged inside and found Lord Balrus on bed covered with linen, and what’s so shocking she found a man with Lord Barlus and it was none other than Saigon.

These two were in the midst of what they call “Morning sex” and Saigon’s manhood was way deep inside Lord Balrus’s arse and Lord Balrus was moaning like a whore. Aurora dropped the letter on the floor and quickly walked outside.

Ashamed and embarrassed Lord Balrus pushed Saigon out of the bed and ordered him to leave. Saigon reached out for his robe, slippers and then walked out of the room in a hurry with his head down when he passed through Aurora.

It was well known about Lord Balrus’s condition as an eunuch, but being homosexual was a secret he kept for years. Since he found no pleasure mating with opposite sex however when he first tried it with a man, somehow he felt good and he’s been since doing that every time he had a chance to.

Lord Balrus’s head was low and he was scared, this reminded him to make sure he locks the door next time. He always locks the door, how come he forgot? What if it had been someone else, perhaps princess Sansa, he would be hanging from a rope by then.

“Come in...” said Lord Balrus still shaking from what just happened.

Aurora slowly walked back inside the room and picked up the letter she dropped early on from shock. “I can come back next time my lord” she said.

“No my lady, I apologise for what...” Lord Balrus for the first time ever in his life was speechless.

Aurora walked to him. She didn’t care who Lord Balrus has sex with nor was it her business, however she advised him. “Be more discreet next time. Saigon... he is well known womanizer my Lord. He fucks anything that moves, he could spread this -”

“I don’t know what came over me. I deeply apologize my lady” repeated Lord Balrus still with his head down. josei

“I brought you a letter, I need this to reach out to my mother”

“Your mother? But my lady she’s deceased”

“I learnt it yesterday that she isn’t. If there’s anyone who can find her it’s you my Lord, I trust you”

Lord Balrus was grateful “Thank you, my lady” and with that Aurora patted Lord Balrus’s shoulder and walked away.

The breath Lord Balrus was holding in was long, and he finally let it go when he was all alone. He placed the letter at the table and laid down still reliving what just happened.

Saigon as Aurora thought him to be was a spy and he was working for princess Aeryn. At first it was to spy Princess Sansa but he ended up sleeping with her, and his second task was to test Lord Balrus’s masculinity.

Princess Aeryn was looking for a reason to exile Lord Balrus from Maldonia. With three months to come until Artemis returns to the capital, she was ought to act fast and smart. How does she get a control over Aurora while Lord Balrus lingered inside the palace? She had to get him out and what a better way to destroy a man than buggery scandal.

During the Princess’s usual tea time in the garden, Saigon came to her with news.

“Did you manage to get to him?” Princess Aeryn asked straight away. Saigon nodded with a smile.

Princess Aeryn was overwhelmed with joy “I knew it!” She screamed.

“May I sit with you my princess”

“Yes, yes please do Saigon. Now tell me everything...” Princess Aeryn called out for more tea and pastries from the servants.

“First things first my princess, someone walked in on us this morning”

“Who is it?”

“I believe it was the kitchen wench”

“A kitchen wench? Well there are many kitchen scullions Saigon, who is it in particular”

“Aurora” said Saigon.

Speaking of impeccable timing Princess Aeryn felt like everything was working on her favour. A smile escaped her lips as she sipped the tea. More pastries were brought at the table with another cup of tea and Saigon drunk to his fullness.

One particular person was looking from the palace, and it was Princess Sansa. She was envious of the friendship between Princess Aeryn and Saigon, more to say she was also jealous.

Lord Balrus reached out and stood beside Princess Sansa. “Jealousy much?” he asked.

Princess Sansa startled “My Lord?”

“People are watching my princess, you don’t want your husband to know of your infidelities, he will send you to Nemphis and all you will look at will be sheep and goats”

“Or maybe I can go back home to Lazica”

“Your father hasn’t yet replied to your letter. I believe he’s really cut you out of his life for good, if I were I wouldn’t be so hopeful”

“What do you want my Lord?” Princess Sansa sighed.

Lord Balrus smiled at her “Take a last look at your lover for this is the last time you’ll lay eyes on him” he said and walked away.

Indeed that particular afternoon was the last for Saigon. He and the princess were planning to charge Lord Balrus with buggery and the penalty was death or exile. But one thing about Lord Balrus is he had ears and eyes everywhere.

He knew of the plan before it could be executed. Saigon found himself at the top of the palace five stories high and with a rope around his neck, surrounded by three men wearing masks. Saigon screamed but no one came, he pleaded but then again no one listened.

Lord Balrus came out of the shadows smiling with his hands up front and his cloak all over his shoulders – like an emperor.

Saigon couldn’t believe his eyes “Barlus?” He muttered.

“It is I my love, the king of Maldonia without a crown” Lord Balrus smiled at Saigon and then he pushed the chair from which Saigon’s feet rested.

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