Sweet Waters Throne

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Chapter 41: Chapter 4

Lord Balrus watched as Saigon struggled while hanging from the rope until his neck broke. Then Lord Balrus ordered his men to push Saigon from the balcony but he was dead already.

As things got heated in Maldonia, in Prophis the cold war between the siblings rose up. King Castellan organized a meeting with his Lords and condemned his brother, prince Ambrose of treason and he ordered his head.

“My brother took my men and marched to Maldonia to join the rebels, my enemies. I call out for an emergency, the bells must ring for a week as we prepare for battle” said Castellan.

Then the bells did ring two times that day, Prophisians were alarmed of the incoming war. Suddenly it turned out to be the biggest news in the whole realm. It was Maldonia against Prophis.

Lucian Mithandir’s position in Maldonia as a guest of Lord Aethelind was taken as if he is supported by the realm and the King. And also the news that Lord Aethelind had given Lucian ten thousand Maldonian men to fight his battle persuaded every house that Artemis knew of it.

Three months in and Artemis was on his sixth house of his royal tour, the house called Green Town ruled by Lord Grimwald. His fifth house was house Old City ruled by Lord Gandalf, and let’s say it didn’t go as planned.

Lord Gandalf ruled the Old City which was the ancient part of Maldonia dating back to the first king of the kingdom. The houses were ancient as so were the alleys, the people of the Old City complained they were forgotten.


By that count Lord Gandalf had his own proposal. “Your father king Arteides denied us the invitation on his first royal tour as the king of Maldonia, Your Grace. We are the forgotten ones they call us” he said. Unlike what Artemis expected, Lord Gandalf was way younger at only twenty one years old.

“I believe he had his reasons”

“Did he?” Lord Gandalf sipped his wine looking so arrogant.

“But I’m the King now my Lord”

“Indeed you are... which brings me to the most important thing I have meaning to tell you ever since I heard you’ll be coming to my house. Marry my sister Lady Aryan of House Old City and let us join our houses and of course... our lions”

Artemis looked at his hand Lord Balon, and then at King Vaith. When he didn’t get any signal from them, he turned to Lord Akirbus and Lord Angun. Lord Akirbus immediately intervened to help the king.

“My Lord I fear the wedding proposal you’ve put in front of the king is impossible, although the crown is gracious for your...” Lord Akirbus tried to make a point.

However Lord Gandalf quickly hoped up to his feet “If you won’t wed my sister Your Grace, I’m afraid I’m of no help” he said and barged outside of the building.

That was a loss for Artemis since House Old City was his only hope if he was ever to have a . Now he had only two s to support him and three which were against him including his uncle.

Perhaps Lord Gandalf was what they said “young and impulsive” and also arrogant. Lord Gandalf didn’t throw a welcome party for Artemis, he didn’t show any sign of respect nor acknowledgement of Artemis as his king.

When they boarded the royal carriage to continue their journey. Artemis was wroth of what he experienced in the Old City “He didn’t even look at me, nor addressed me as his king. I should abdicate him as the Lord of the Old City”

“I’m afraid that’s not possible Your Grace, even for a King...” Lord Angun advised.

“Why? They are under my rule aren’t they?”

“Yes Your Grace but each house is as independent as they have been for centuries. I wouldn’t advise going after Lord Gandalf...”

“He’s an arrogant child” Artemis made his point.

“A child with an army of one hundred thousand men loyal to him and the crown. I wouldn’t advise being at odds with your Lords, Your Grace. We need them” Lord Akirbus stated the facts and for once they were silent.

Lord Balon and King Vaith had their own secrets after attending a pleasure house in Cooperstone together. They formed a brotherhood and the tour turned strangers into friends.

“I hope House Green Town does provide the unification I’m looking for. Lord Grimwald is a good man isn’t he?” Artemis expressed his concerns. He was exhausted after months of constant moving.

Lord Angun replied “Indeed he is Your Grace, he and I had an acquaintance before. I think you should leave the matter to me, I will talk to him before hand”

“Thank you my Lord”

Lord Angun and Lord Akirbus looked at each other as if they were keeping something from the king. Artemis noticed it quickly and asked “What is it?”

“I’m afraid we have to turn back after Green Town, Your Grace” said Lord Angun.

Lord Balon was shocked “Why?” he asked.

Lord Angun ignored him and looked at Artemis “We have received a letter from Lord Balrus. Your uncle Lord Aethelind is housing Lucian Mithandir and his ten thousand men as we speak. He’s also promised the Mithandir another lot of his men to fight the battle in Prophis”

“He did what?”

“And the king of Prophis, King Castellan has issued a war emergency especially since his brother, prince Ambrose brought two thousand men in Maldonia”

Artemis sighed and then leaned back on his seat. He was confused at everything that was going on, and most importantly his uncle’s recklessness which had brought the realm to war.

Artemis panicked “Prince Ambrose is in Maldonia? My kingdom?”

“Let’s not panic right now Your Grace...” King Vaith intervened. “How about we end the tour in House Green Town and get back to Blackmount, I’m positive you will have more control of the situation from there”

“Well spoken King Vaith” Lord Angun for the first time agreed with King Vaith. “We should get back home soon...”

The news of the death of Saigon just shocked princess Aeryn she had to sit down the moment her lady maid told her. It was early in the morning and she was preparing to call out the Lords of laws and justice – for what she thought would be “The doom of Lord Balrus, the Maldonian king without a crown”

However it was fitting for the most usual saying which stated “Lord Balrus knows what you had for breakfast a week ago” and that’s because of his little so called rodents. Lord Balrus named his spies rodents because of the nature behavior of the rodents, being sneaky and always listening.

The devastation had Princess Aeryn out in the garden by afternoon dressed in her white silk dress with long sleeves. The dress left most part of her upper body in display hence she opted for a black scarf around her arms.

The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming and everything looked so clear. Aurora was having a chit chat with Lord Barlus, she came to ask if the rodents had yet found her mother and if they had delivered the letter.

“Nothing to worry you my dear, my rodents have never lost their way” Lord Balrus assured her. Then he caught the sight of a very somber princess making her away around the garden.

Aurora turned to where Lord Balrus was looking and she didn’t seem so pleased seeing the princess. “She hates me you know... And if you are right about Saigon, I’m sure you are next in line” said Aurora her eyes glued at the princess.

“Hate doesn’t scare me my lady, my own father hated me and that’s the reason he had me cut”

“Do you really think she wanted to use Saigon against you?”

Lord Balrus sighed softly “Let’s wait for His Grace’s return my Lady, and the war upon us. You were right... a war is coming”

Both Lord Balrus and Aurora left the garden still conversing and just the sight alone made Princess Aeryn wroth. She hated the two, especially Aurora and the fact Saigon mentioned her before he was found dead just added petrol to the flame.

But how could a young and beautiful woman like princess Aeryn be filled with hate? Her mother Queen Haisa was a very warm hearted woman with the most beautiful smile. She was widely known for her generosity and many Maldonians praised her for charity events. josei

This deep desire to destroy anyone loyal or close to Artemis is what made princess Aeryn bitter. She felt like she was the one who should be close to her brother and not anyone else. Princess Aeryn believed her brother should listen to her, and only her if he were to succeed as King.

Days were closing by before Artemis’s return to the capital and yet still Aurora was in the palace waiting. Devastated and heartbroken, princess Aeryn penned a letter to her uncle again although this time she had a different reason to reach out.

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