Take My Breath Away

Chapter 609 I Never Lie

Chapter 609 I Never Lie

Blair glared at Wesley. "It's not like I'm washing it by hand. The washing machine will do it. You're impossible! Just give me your clothes!"

Being harangued by someone else for the first time, Wesley wanted to retort but her angry look zipped his mouth. He turned around and walked to his bedroom.

As he opened the door, he paused. "Let me get a shower first." He meant to say that he would shower first and bring his dirty clothes to her afterwards.

Blair nodded.

Wesley walked inside the bathroom, and turned on the shower. Steam floated from the water, settling on the mirror and fogging it up.

After a moment, when Blair heard nothing from his bedroom, she pushed open the door and found his dirty clothes in the hamper. She removed them and left quickly.

Despite the sounds of the shower, Wesley could hear Blair futzing around outside the bathroom. He finished rinsing the soap off and cut the water. The stream terminated quickly, leaving a dripping Wesley behind in the tub.

When he came out, he found that his dirty clothes in the hamper were really gone. He put on his pajamas and walked out of his bedroom. The washing machine was going, and it was already on the second cycle.

He was going to knock on Blair's bedroom door but then he heard noise from the kitchen.

Blair was making noodles. Hearing him come in, she turned and told the man, "Wait a minute. Almost done."


He leaned against the door, watching her busy figure. A smile formed on his lips.

In no time, she brought a bowl of delicious-smelling noodles to the dinner table. "Go ahead and eat. My turn for a shower." josei

Wesley took a look at the noodle dish. Topped with tomato slices, scrambled eggs, mushrooms, and chopped green onions, the look and smell made his mouth water. He grabbed her hand as she turned away. "You don't want any?"

Blair lowered her head to look at her hand in his. She smiled and said, "No. I don't usually eat this late at night."

He let go of her and nodded, "Okay."

Wesley then sat at the table and ate the noodles himself. He was hungry after his adventure, and those noodles really hit the spot.

When she came out of her bedroom dressed in pajamas, Wesley was nowhere to be found. The washing machine was off, and his clothes were all hung up, drying.

The kitchen was clean; the dishes washed and stacked in the right cabinets. Wesley had taken care of all the chores.

She stood outside his bedroom, thinking, 'Forget it. He needs to get up early. He's prob

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

shared some shortcuts to translate German into Chinese. Blair stared at Wesley with gratitude. "Thank you so much, Colonel Li! You saved my life again."

'Saved your life?' Wesley was stunned by her exaggeration. Surely this couldn't be a matter of life and death.

Blair lowered her head and began taking notes. Wesley walked around the desk and stood next to her.

Under the light of the desk lamp, Wesley was like a parent helping his child with homework. Whenever he saw a mistake, he pointed it out and made sure she corrected it.

A half hour later, Blair finally finished translating all the documents. She stretched as she asked casually, "So what other languages do you know?"

As she began to clear the desk, he replied, "English, French, German, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Arabic. But I've only earned high-level certificates for English, French and German. As for the rest, I know enough to get by."

Blair marveled and suggested, "If you retire from the military one day, you should be a high caliber translator for the government or some multinational corporation. You could earn a fortune."

'He's a friggin' genius. He knows martial arts and eight languages. There's nothing he can't do, ' she marveled in her mind.

Wesley gave her a long look. "I'm not planning on retiring anytime soon." Or anytime later, for that matter. He was dedicated to his career.

Seeing his serious look, Blair shut her mouth.

They went back to their own bedrooms. It was then that Blair noticed a message from Joslyn. She'd sent it an hour ago. "Bless, your cousin booked a room for me. Room 616 at Orchid Private Club. 7 p.m. tomorrow. Be there or be square."

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