Take My Breath Away

Chapter 610 Check Blairs WeChat Moments

Chapter 610 Check Blairs WeChat Moments

Blair suddenly remembered that it was Joslyn's birthday the next day. She quickly sent back a text to her. "I saw the message just now. So, who else will attend your party tomorrow evening?"

"Only a few old friends and classmates. Hartwell will take me out and celebrate my birthday at noon, because he can't make it in the evening. We can enjoy ourselves without any disturbance in Room 616 tomorrow." Joslyn hadn't slept yet. It was clear that she was extremely excited from the detailed message she sent back.

Hartwell was always as busy as Wesley. That was the reason why Joslyn couldn't see her husband every day. Yet he always made it up for his absence in different ways.

"No problem then. I'll be off work at 5:30 p.m. I can reach there before 7."

Joslyn sent her the emoji with a flying kiss. "Sleep tight. Don't stay awake overnight."

"Will do so. Good night then. See you tomorrow!"

After sending the message, Blair put away her phone. She turned off the light and closed her eyes as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Every night before she slept, her thoughts would drift off to Wesley—to everything he said and did. Sometimes she would imagine how their future would be. Tonight was no exception.

The next morning, Blair handed the translated documents to the manager of the German cooperative partner in the conference room. They were satisfied and spoke highly of her capability. She heaved a sigh of relief. Of course, she thanked Wesley's help in her mind.

After the meeting, Blair was called into Filberta's office. Her superior requested her team to perform a show in the company's annual gala next month. Filberta even gave a specific suggestion, asking them to present a dance on the stage.

Blair was surprised. She asked in confusion, "Dance? But why?"

Wearing bright red lipstick on her lips, Filberta flashed an evil smile. "Well, as you already know, most of the staff members in our company are men. It'll help to enliven the atmosphere of the party. Just learn some steps of modern dance and practice it with your team members. Besides, you aren't married yet, right? It's a good chance that will help you find a boyfriend. Do remember to put on the shortest skirt, put on heavy makeup and move your body as sexily as you can."

Blair seethed in anger. She didn't know how to dance. It was late winter now, and Filberta was asking her to wear a miniskirt. Did this vicious woman want to freeze her to death? But Blair understood the actual intent of her words. She knew that Filberta wanted to humiliate her and was going to use this opportunity to do so. "Ms. Wang, I'm afraid I have to disappoint you. Since childhood I've not been good at dancing. And sadly I have no other talents. It will bring shame to our department if I perform on the stage. So I think it is better if you do

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

r one. "Blair, I heard you are working in the Jin Group now. It that true?"

"I heard you had studied abroad for two years. Have you been working in that company since you came back?"

"Blair, do you remember me? I was your deskmate at middle school."

Blair maintained her polite smile while answering their questions. When she was on the brink of a meltdown, Joslyn pulled the girl to her side and warned the boys, "Hey, hey. Spare Blair. She's got a boyfriend."

Aby Lin, one of the boys who was present there, snorted and said brazenly, "So what? As long as she hasn't gotten married, we all have a chance to win her over."

"Yeah, I agree. Blair, dump your boyfriend and start dating Aby," another boy teased.

Blair said nothing; she just had a soft and calm smile on her face. She moved away from the group and sat among the girls.

In the military area of Y City, Wesley had just finished his work and returned to his office.

Talbot and a few other soldiers knocked on the door one by one and stormed into his office.

Seeing the mischievous smiles on their faces, Wesley knew these guys must be up to something. josei

"Well, now that you are here. Tell me what's bothering you!" Wesley asked with a smirk on his face.

In a low voice and sounding very serious, Talbot asked Wesley, "Chief, do you know Blair's phone number?"

Wesley squinted at him. When he spoke, his voice was full of threats. "You want to do sit-ups or push-ups?"

"No, no! Chief, please check Blair's WeChat Moments now. Don't hurry in your decision to punish us. We mean well," Talbot said, feigning fear on his face. But he wasn't really scared of his leader. Ever since he saw Wesley and Blair kissing each other last time, Wesley never punished him again even when Blair's name was brought up in a conversation. That itself meant there was something between them which was undeniable.

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