Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 258 Chapter258-The Siege

Chapter 258 Chapter258-The Siege

In this conflict, limited to the baron and knight levels, Knight Blima, being a knight himself, would not partake in the heavy cavalry.

However, in higher-tiered wars, knights would merge into the heavy cavalry, becoming the elite force within.

After much contemplation, Howard finally said to Anna, "Anna, it seems that whether we forcefully assault the castle or lure the enemy into open battle, this fight will be challenging. I've decided to follow your suggestion. We'll win over the gatekeeper captain, feign an attack, and at the critical moment, have him open the gates for us."

Anna gracefully acknowledged with a bow.

As time progressed, a day later, Howard's forces surrounded the Castle Fernsouth, commencing the siege.

This encirclement aimed to cut off the castle's supply of water and food, thereby weakening the enemy's combat strength.

Occasionally, individuals from inside the castle attempted to stealthily deliver food and water but were captured by Howard's troops.

Howard's tactic was as follows: The initial encirclement was merely a feint, a ploy to lower the enemy's guard.

The crucial part was a coordinated inside-outside strategy to enter the castle directly.

A siege was a lengthy endeavor, not determined by the patience of the troops outside the castle, but by the besieged castle's supply of food and water.

Once the castle's defenders showed signs of fatigue, the besieging army would launch a full assault.

Half a month later, Howard's army initiated the siege.

The peasant soldiers, poorly equipped, suffered heavy casualties under the enemy archers' onslaught.

At this point, Anna deployed her troops to the front lines.

Her soldiers, donned in leather armor, offered slightly better defense.

Knight Kaido also arrived on the battlefield to join the siege.

Howard greeted him, "Well done, brother-in-law."

lightsnοvεl Knight Kaido chuckled, "I haven't married your sister yet, so hold off on that title."

Howard replied, "With your bravery, I'm sure my sister will be pleased."

Knight Kaido just smiled faintly and led his troops into the siege.

The task of scaling the ladders was brutally bloody, a point of intense struggle between the defenders and attackers.

Once the attacking force breached the walls and secured a stable position, the morale of the defending troops could easily falter, sometimes leading to their flight.

Knight Kaido's men, clad in leather armor, with two of his trusted knights in thick hide mail, were recognized by Howard.

One of them was Kaido's Knight Squire.

Knight Blima, a timid man, dared not ascend the walls, hiding in his room, too frightened to emerge.

Patch, on the other hand, was a violent man.

Despite his boldness, he lacked any strategy.

He stationed all his defenders on the parapets, aiming to kill any enemy that climbed the wall.

Objectively, this tactic was not wrong in itself, but Patch failed to utilize the advantageous terrain of Castle Fernsouth effectively.

Different castles have varied positions for archers to shoot from.

Some castles, with favorable terrain, can accommodate four or five archer stations, while others, with less advantageous layouts, can only set up one or two.

Castle Fernsouth boasted four high battlements ideal for archery and two towering towers from where archers could target the enemy.

Despite these excellent conditions, Patch failed to utilize them effectively.

He ordered all archers to cease shooting and instead join the defense on the walls.

These professional archers, clad in light armor and equipped with inferior weapons meant only for self-defense, were at a distinct disadvantage in close combat.

Once engaged in melee, they were easily killed.josei

Moreover, the limited space on the castle's battlements, with only one large opening, meant that many were unable to engage effectively.

Those in the rear could only stand and watch, unable to pierce through their comrades to reach the enemy.

This complete disregard for the terrain's advantage wasted the castle's military resources!

Originally, Howard's plan was only a feigned attack, but upon witnessing Anna and Kaido's troops, leading others up the walls, he was taken aback.

Margaret asked Howard, "My lord, should we join the assault?"

Howard signaled to wait, searching for the optimal opportunity.

When Knight Blima and Patch had both climbed the walls, Howard declared, "Now's our chance! Command the enemy's gatekeeper to open the gates, and we'll charge in!"

Anna gestured subtly.

The gatekeeper, keeping a vigilant watch from the battlements, understood and swiftly descended to open the gates before fleeing through them.lightsnovel

Howard, Anna, Margaret, and Resarite rode their horses straight into the Castle Fernsouth, launching a pincer attack from within.

Howard spotted a figure clad in iron armor, undoubtedly a member of the heavy cavalry.

Inside the castle, he hadn't expected enemy horsemen, so he proceeded on foot rather than on horseback.

Gripping his lance, Howard thrust it towards the armored soldier.

The cavalryman attempted to dodge, but underestimated the situation.

The speed of Howard's horse was remarkable, catching the heavily armored soldier off guard.

The soldier made a desperate attempt to evade, but his movement was minimal.

Howard's lance struck solidly, and although it didn't penetrate the armor, it was enough to knock the man unconscious.

Howard bellowed, "Knight Blima, the gates of your castle are open! You cannot win! Surrender now!"

The portly Knight Blima, who had been fighting on the castle walls, heard these words.

He spun around, only to find his view of Howard blocked by others.

Nonetheless, Knight Blima heard Howard's voice clearly.

Trapped and frustrated, he was unable to move forward.

Patch, too, found himself in a bind, unable to extricate himself, yet he heard Howard's declaration and sensed the dire turn of events.

Howard and his three heavily armed companions advanced towards the castle walls.

Anyone who blocked their path was swiftly eliminated, their screams alerting the soldiers on the walls.

Realizing they were surrounded, one soldier dropped his weapon and fled.

This act set a precedent, and fear spread rapidly among the others, who also began to scatter.

Before long, the defending troops dwindled, running off in different directions, leaving only a few behind.

Knight Blima's eyes widened in disbelief, still struggling to accept the unfolding events even at this moment.

Patch appeared angry, but his gaze towards Howard was tinged with fear.

Two men clad in superior armor advanced towards Howard and his companions, brandishing their swords.

Anna deflected the long sword of one assailant while Margaret swiftly maneuvered behind him, delivering a swift, lethal stab and ending his life.

These adversaries were categorized as heavy cavalry, warriors whose armor was superior to that of the regular troops but still fell short of noble quality, unable to afford the finest armor.

As another enemy's blade came slashing, Resarite bellowed, his sword clashing against the foe's, creating a resonant metallic clang.

Seizing the moment, Howard wielded his two-handed sword with deadly precision, slaying the attacker.

He then ascended the steps, his two-handed sword pointing directly at Knight Blima, declaring, "Knight Blima, just as I said, you have already lost. Cease this futile resistance. Let us both retain some dignity."

Knight Blima trembled all over, his corpulent body, encased in massive armor, appeared exceptionally cumbersome.

Yet, unable to swallow his pride, he swung his long-handled greatsword towards Howard.

The greatsword, with its longer reach compared to ordinary swords, was cumbersome to wield, particularly in the crowded space at the front battlements.

Howard, with a swift move of his two-handed sword from left to right, parried the greatsword's force.

He closed the distance with Knight Blima, striking the knight's helmet with his elbow.

Following up with a powerful slash, he struck Knight Blima's armor, sending the knight reeling back and tumbling to the ground.

Howard looked at Knight Blima mockingly and said, "We are both nobles, clad in armor that swords cannot penetrate. Do we really want to end up like children playing in the mud, leaving everyone unhappy?"

Exhausted and unable to stand, Knight Blima gasped, "Happy? You've stripped me of my title. How can I be happy?"

Howard, with a stern look, addressed Knight Blima, "Food is meant to satiate hunger, not to be consumed and regurgitated in a cycle. By using an emetic at the banquet, you committed the sin of gluttony. I am here to punish you for that."

Hearing this, Knight Blima slumped against the wall, deflated like a punctured balloon, unwilling to move.

Resarite pressed his sword against Patch's throat.

As Patch contemplated escape, Anna sharply warned, "Don't move!"

Margaret's sword also pressed against Patch's neck, the threat clear and unmistakable.

Fearful, Patch slowly raised his hands.

Howard, tilting his head, observed Patch and said, "Patch, didn't I send you to persuade Zoron to surrender? Yet, how did it turn out that Zoron declared war on me?"

With a sheepish smile, Patch replied, "My lord, I did indeed try to persuade Zoron for you, but he was stubborn and wouldn't listen."

A playful smile appeared on Howard's face as he responded to Patch, "Oh, is that so? Well then, I'll choose to believe you this time."

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