Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 259 Chapter259-Opportunities

Chapter 259 Chapter259-Opportunities

"But let me ask you again. Since your attempt to persuade Zoron failed, you were supposed to come back to me. That was our agreement. So why didn't you return to me? Why were you found in Knight Blima's castle instead?"

Anna couldn't help but let out a laugh, and a smile spread across Margaret's face.

Patch, caught off guard, shifted his gaze and began to lament pitifully, "Oh, my lord, it wasn't my fault, I assure you. After failing to convince Zoron, I intended to head to your domain, but I was waylaid and captured by Knight Blima. It was against my will, I swear."

Everyone in Howard's group knew the truth behind Patch's words and didn't take them seriously.

Howard felt he had indulged in this charade long enough.

Waving his hand dismissively, he addressed Patch in a different tone, "Patch, you were once a noble yourself. Killing you now doesn't seem entirely necessary. But let me make this clear: you might fool me once, thinking I'm a fool, or harm me twice, seeing me as weak. But let me be clear, if there's a next time, you won't be so lucky. If I catch you again, I will kill you."

Patch's face turned ashen upon hearing these words.

He intended to retort, but a slight movement of his neck brought him face to face with the cold edge of a sword, instantly reminding him of his precarious situation.

As if mustering all his strength, Patch managed to utter, "Understood."

Howard nodded, then turned to Resarite and commanded, "Knock him unconscious and lock him up in the dungeon. We'll decide when to release him later." 

Resarite, receiving the order, swung his fist towards Patch's head, rendering him unconscious with a single blow.

The subsequent period was marked by a relatively uneventful internal struggle within the castle.

Although the internal battle was perilous, it failed to make significant waves in the face of the overwhelming might of the advancing army.

Howard, along with his fellow lords, dispatched troops to scour the castle for enemy soldiers.

After some time, Bosiden reported, "My lord, the castle has been thoroughly cleared.

You can safely take residence now.

Furthermore, we have discovered a considerable amount of wealth inside Castle Fernsouth, approximately 3 gold coins and 70 silver coins in total."

Howard nodded in satisfaction and instructed Bosiden, "The soldiers have worked hard; distribute the 70 silver coins among them for their efforts.

The remaining funds will be added to the treasury."

Bosiden commended Howard's generosity, "Lord Howard, your kindness and benevolence will surely be met with great joy by the soldiers!"

Margaret, observing Howard, remarked, "Lord Howard, you are truly compassionate. I shall follow you even more devotedly."

After the battle, Howard designated Castle Fernsouth as his primary domain, relocating all necessary personnel and items there.

The members of his family were also brought to Castle Fernsouth.


With the recovery of Castle Fernsouth, Howard unified the entire territory of Baron Fernsouth, becoming the rightful Baron Fernsouth.

The immediate liege lord of Baron Fernsouth was Count Mibo.

Knight Kaido sent envoys to urge Howard to hasten the marriage arrangements.

Wishing to shorten the engagement period, Knight Kaido was eager to marry Flandre.

Howard consulted with Flandre, who agreed to the proposal.

Thus, Howard also consented to Knight Kaido's request.

The wedding between Kaido and Flandre was duly conducted.

Following the marriage, Knight Kaido and Howard automatically entered into a non-aggression pact.

Under Knight Kaido's persistent urging, this pact was further upgraded to a formal alliance agreement.

Upon acquiring Castle Fernsouth, Howard bestowed knighthood upon Bosiden, rewarding him with the Safa Village.

During the ceremony, Howard addressed Bosiden, "Your wisdom and bravery have been greatly beneficial to me."

Even after becoming a noble, Bosiden continued to serve in Howard's court as the Chief Seal Minister.

Previously, Howard had tasked Vettel with exploring the local villages to identify potential special products that could fetch a good price.

Now, Vettel returned from his journey through several villages with three items to present to Howard.

On a pine wood table, three items were displayed: an apple, a bundle of lavender, and a clamshell.

Howard carefully examined each item before inquiring Vettel's insights on them.

Vettel explained that Pitz Village was already known for its apple production, but the quantity was too small.

No farmers were specifically cultivating them, making it impossible to sell them in large quantities as a specialty.lightsnovel

However, he had tasted the apples from Pitz Village and found them exceptionally sweet.

With encouragement for cultivation, they could become a valuable export by the following year.

The bundle of lavender was discovered by Vettel on the banks of Kenfa Village.

This type of lavender was abundant in the hills around Kenfa Village but had gone unnoticed by the villagers for its potential uses.

After consulting various books, Vettel learned that this lavender possessed calming, sleep-inducing, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.

Organizing a harvest could turn it into a profitable specialty product immediately.

The third item, a clamshell, was not just any shell but that of a river clam.

Vettel's point, however, was not about selling the clams themselves but rather the pearls that might be found within them.

On one hand, leading the villagers to harvest river clams could turn them into a culinary specialty for sale.

On the other, these river clams occasionally contained pearls – rare finds with considerable value.

Many noblewomen favored pearls for their skin-whitening properties when ground into powder.

Should pearls be abundant, they could significantly boost the region's financial income.

After listening, Howard commended Vettel, "Vettel, your attentiveness impresses me. Discovering such business opportunities in the villages speaks volumes of your capability. I hereby appoint you as the Minister of Finance. 

"Take charge of planting apple trees and ensure that by next year, our apples become a renowned specialty. As for the lavender, since it's plentiful, lead people to harvest it."

"We'll sell it here at Castle Fernsouth. Make sure the benefits of lavender are well advertised so that every traveler and merchant understands its usefulness."

"However, raw lavender alone might not attract high demand. Think of ways to process and package it to enhance its market appeal. Regarding the river clams, organize teams to fish for them."

"After harvesting, open the clams to check for pearls. If found, keep the pearls for gifting or selling to noblewomen – a crucial source of income. As for the clams themselves, don't let them go to waste. Sell them in the castle, but keep the prices reasonable."

"Our current goal is to familiarize the villagers with the idea of eating clam meat.

I believe the delicious taste of clams can add a splendid dish to our residents' dining tables."

Vettel, having heard his instructions, bowed and took his leave.

Howard made his way to the prison to visit Patch and Blima.

Patch had already been stripped of his title and was now a commoner.

Similarly, Blima, following his defeat in the war, had been deprived of his noble status by Howard and reduced to a commoner as well.

Blima, in a fit of desperation, shouted, "Howard, let me out! I'll pay you a ransom!" 

Howard, however, worried that Blima might cause trouble once released and concerned about the safety of Castle Fernsouth, told him firmly, "I'll provide you with relatively comfortable living conditions, but don't push your luck. According to noble customs, it's up to me to decide whether to release you. If I find myself in need of money, I'll come to you. But if I don't, you'll stay put."

Patch, having learned his lesson, desperately tried to ingratiate himself with Howard, showering him with praises.

lightsnοvεl Howard, after a moment's contemplation, felt that keeping Patch imprisoned was pointless.

He called for the guards and ordered Patch's release.

Patch left the cell and subsequently Castle Fernsouth, heading back to his original home in Kenfa Village.

Howard, exiting the prison, ignored Blima's continued pleas.

Alonso accompanied him at his side.

Howard remarked, "Blima enjoys overeating, doesn't he? Eating until he's sick, then eating some more. Well, let's help him lose some weight. Ensure that his other living conditions are met, but don't let him eat his fill. Let him experience what it's like for those who can't afford enough food."

Alonso chuckled and replied, "Heh, I'll see to it right away."

Bosiden, Vettel, and Alonso, originally part of Resarite's retinue, followed him to Howard's domain after Resarite was stripped of his knighthood.

Bosiden's skills and ideas were beyond question, and Howard was deeply grateful for his dedication and efforts up to this day.

Howard had made a promise to these three men: once he attained a higher title, he would grant them their own lands.

Now, among the three, Bosiden was the first to receive his fief, fulfilling the promise Howard had made to him.

However, the commitments to the other two remained unfulfilled.

Howard had considered bestowing the two remaining villages he controlled upon them, but noble politics revolved around the power held in one's lands.

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