Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 279 Chapter279-The Bestowal

Chapter 279 Chapter279-The Bestowal

Bosiden arrived, clad in an attire that belied his stature - a sheepskin hat perched atop his head, a brown leather jacket snugly fitting his frame, and black trousers that completed the guise of a merchant.

Around the room stood Nora and her handmaidens, their presence a silent testament to the solemnity of the occasion.

Howard, with a subtle gesture, beckoned one of the maids who promptly served a cup of coffee, its temperature perfected to a soothing warmth.

Extending his hand towards Bosiden, Howard offered, "A cappuccino, I hope it's to your liking."

Bosiden nodded in appreciation, a silent gesture of gratitude towards Howard.

Grasping the handle of the cup, he took a sip of the cappuccino, his expression revealing a genuine enjoyment of the brew.

"Delicious," he remarked.

Howard then leaned forward, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and anticipation, "What did the Duke say? Is he perhaps alarmed by my rapid ascent?"

Bosiden relayed the Duke Jiakai's silence to Howard, a response that seemed to bring a sense of satisfaction to Howard.

"This is better than I had anticipated. His reluctance to act hastily against me gives us room for negotiation in the future."

Bosiden concurred, seeing the Duke's silence not as a setback but as a mutual respect for each other's intentions and a promising start to their interactions.

With a clap of his hands, Howard prompted Nora to bring forth a document.

Howard took the paper and laid it on the table.

With a deliberate motion, he slid the document across the table's surface, stopping it right before Bosiden.

"Take a look at this," Howard suggested.

Bosiden, following the instruction, perused the document.

As he read, his expression gradually softened into one of joy and excitement.

"My lord, this is exceedingly generous, I cannot possibly accept..."

Howard cut him off, his tone firm yet benevolent, "When I give you an order, you follow it. As your Earl, this is my command. You are my vassal, and you must accept this."

The document in question was not just any ordinary paper, but one filled with commendations and titles for Howard's vassals.

In the Earl of Nok's lands, scattered among a dozen villages, lay the castle of Nok.

Howard bestowed three villages each to Anna and Margaret, two to Resarite, one to Bosiden, two to Vettel, and one to Alonso.

Kaido, however, was conspicuously overlooked, whether intentionally or not.

Howard's displeasure with Kaido stemmed from an incident when he had returned from Wislot to Castle Fernsouth.

He had seen Kaido hunting with his light cavalry, and remembered a previous occasion when he had asked for Kaido's help, but Kaido had failed to provide cavalry support.

Bosiden, upon reading the document, suddenly stood up, moved aside, and knelt before Howard, vowing his unwavering loyalty and pledging to serve with all his might.

Howard nodded, then instructed Bosiden to inform the individuals on the list and arrange for their investiture and additional titles at Castle Fernsouth the following day.

Bosiden left, filled with joy.

Nora approached Howard, who smiled at her.

The next day, Howard bestowed additional titles on Anna, Margaret, Resarite, and Bosiden.

Anna playfully teased Howard, "Oh my, so you decided to bestow titles on us after all.

You didn't mention a thing at the banquet, we thought you were going to renege on your promise."

Howard, with a smile on his face, replied, "Nonsense, I never made such a promise, so how could I renege?" 

Anna laughed in response.

Today, Margaret had styled her hair into playful twin ponytails, complementing her white armor and presenting a charming yet gallant noble appearance.

She asked Howard, "Do I look good in this outfit?"

Howard, with an indulgent gaze towards Margaret, replied, "You look beautiful, you always do in anything you wear." Margaret's face lit up with a happy smile.josei

Resarite coughed slightly, and when Howard approached him, he leaned in close to Howard's right ear and whispered, "Lord Howard, please forgive my forwardness. You should hasten the matter with Earl Terni's daughter, Catherine. You're soon to be married, and it's important to be more composed, and not flirt around."

Howard managed a strained smile, internally feeling that Resarite was meddling too much; his pursuit of Catherine wasn't for personal reasons.

Yet, he changed his tone and said, "Thank you for your advice. Once I finish with the ceremonies here, I'll go to propose to Catherine."

Resarite responded, "That's good to hear. I wouldn't want my lord's personal life to become a mess."lightsnovel

Howard sneered inwardly but then felt a twinge of guilt towards Resarite, softening his attitude slightly.

Bosiden was radiant today.

Once a commoner serving under Knight Resarite, he had not only become a noble but had also received another village today, becoming a knight with more influence than those who held just one village.

He was delighted.

Bosiden was capable and ambitious.

His respect for Resarite was profound, and as long as Resarite didn't oppose, Bosiden wouldn't either.

However, the matter of the war declaration fabrication before the last battle was not entirely resolved.

Despite being of the same knightly status, Bosiden held significant discomfort towards Margaret.

If Howard could manage Bosiden well in the future, then Bosiden would likely refrain from any rash actions.

Howard approached Bosiden, his voice laden with gravity and sincerity, "Bosiden, I am aware of your dissatisfaction regarding the proclamation of Mibo's creation. You believe that Margaret usurped the recognition you were destined to receive. Moreover, you think her success was not earned through merit but was a result of her family connections."

lightsnοvεl Bosiden, fraught with nervousness, couldn't fathom how Howard had come to learn of these thoughts.

Facing his feudal superior, Bosiden, as a vassal, was gripped by an instinctual fear.

He stuttered in response, "No, no, that's not..."

Howard let out a deliberate sigh, a gesture meant for Bosiden's benefit.

After sighing, he continued, "Bosiden, it's understandable that you have these thoughts. But remember, Margaret offended you while undertaking tasks on my behalf. For my sake, could you let go of your resentment towards her?"

Bosiden felt a sudden release in his heart.

He saw Howard as a wise and discerning lord, enigmatic and profound.

His past grievances evaporated, and he assured, "My lord, your words carry great weight. The fault lies in my jealousy and envy. I was wrong."

The ceremony of bestowal began in earnest.

Howard conferred titles upon his vassals, imparting words of caution and encouragement.

Then came the moment to knight Vettel and Alonso.

Touching Vettel's shoulder with his sword, Howard said, "You are a valued vassal of mine, and I hold you in high regard. I am in need of greater economic strength, and I hope you will serve me with even greater dedication. You can see that I never fail to reward those loyal to me."

"Vettel, from this day forth, you bear a family name, and your lineage starts its journey towards renown. If you have ambitions, join me in this journey. Let us conquer the heights and traverse the vastness together!"

These words instantly captivated Vettel.

In such a solemn ceremony, with countless onlookers bearing witness, Howard's speech to Vettel was heard by many.

Vettel felt not only a deep sense of honor but also Howard's profound trust in him.

Vettel nodded vigorously, assuring, "Rest assured, Lord Howard, I shall fulfill my duties with utmost diligence!"

Next was Alonso's turn.

Howard, following the ritual, gently touched Alonso's shoulder with a sword.

After this symbolic gesture, Howard carefully chose his words, addressing Alonso, "You, Alonso, like Bosiden and Vettel, were chosen by me from Resarite. However, unlike them, you have not yet been granted power, and your true capabilities have not had the chance to shine."

"Today, I offer you such an opportunity. I hereby bestow upon you the title of knight. As my vassal, it is your duty to support me with loyalty and strength!"

Alonso's eyes gleamed with resolve as he responded, "My lord, your high regard for me, bestowing knighthood upon one who has yet to prove his worth, fills me with indescribable gratitude. Rest assured, my lord, I may not be a man of many words, but I vow to demonstrate my loyalty through my actions!"

With that, the ceremony of bestowal and elevation concluded grandly.

Howard's vassals rejoiced, all but one – Knight Kaido.

Absent from Castle Fernsouth, he had received an invitation but chose not to attend.

Wrath festered in his heart, for he felt overlooked.

Despite his efforts, he had not been granted new lands like the others.

Knight Kaido was in Windhaven Village, a domain long held by the Blauviolett family, his lineage.

He believed himself to be more deserving than his ancestors, convinced he should control more lands than they ever did.

Yet, he had been granted none.

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