Talent Awakening: I, the Weakest Awakened, Start with Dragonfire Spell

Chapter 280 Chapter280-Demanding A Fief

Chapter 280 Chapter280-Demanding A Fief

Knight Kaido was consumed by a mix of anger and annoyance.

Flandre, adorned in a delicate, faintly scented yellow dress, approached him and inquired, "Kaido, what troubles you? You seem displeased."

Kaido, already seething with irritation towards Howard, now found Flandre at his side.

A sinister glint flashed in his eyes, the urge to lash out physically to vent his frustration almost overwhelming him.

At this critical moment, one of Kaido's robust henchmen quickly grasped his wrist and advised, "My lord, it is time for your horse riding practice." 

Simultaneously, the sturdy man signaled Flandre with his eyes, urging her to leave swiftly.

Flandre, noticing the menacing intent in Kaido's gaze moments before, and realizing there was no one else around, deduced the true target of Kaido's suppressed rage.

She wanted to speak, to express her thoughts, but the words lodged in her throat, unspoken.

Kaido, simmering with an unspoken rage, turned to Flandre and said, "Do you know? Howard has become formidable. He's conquered Nok Castle and is now its lord."

Flandre, unaware of the underlying reason for Kaido's anger, replied innocently, "Isn't that a good thing? It should be beneficial for us too."

This response only fueled Kaido's fury.

He struggled against his own restraint, an evident desire to lash out at Flandre.

His sturdy henchman, risking himself, intervened to prevent Kaido from acting on his impulse.

The surrounding attendants, witnessing this, rushed to stop Kaido.

Flandre, startled and frightened, stepped back several paces.

She looked at Kaido, speechless and terrified.

The once handsome face of Kaido, known for its nobility and chivalry, was now twisted with hatred, as if harboring a deep, unresolved vendetta.

In Flandre's eyes, Kaido had always been a dashing noble, a well-dressed gentleman, and her hero.

But now, his visage was contorted with animosity, his eyes looking at her as though she were an enemy.

Heartbroken, Flandre pulled out a handkerchief and began to cry, dabbing her eyes continuously.

Kaido, in his fury, demanded his Knight Squire, Golan, to step aside.

"Golan, what are you doing? You are my Knight Squire; you should obey me! Why are you protecting her?"

The sturdy man, who had been faithfully by Kaido's side since his first meeting with Howard, spoke, "My lord, it's not that I am disobeying you. What I am doing is for your own good. If you harm her, Howard will not let you go unpunished."

Upon hearing these words, Kaido's grip loosened slightly, but his words remained harsh.

"Hmph, what use do I have for a brother-in-law who won't even grant me a fief? Is he just for show?"

Flandre, unable to contain her emotions, confronted Kaido, "My husband, why must you hurt me so? Did you marry me only for the sake of a fief from my brother?"

Kaido almost admitted it but, being more than just an ordinary noble, he held back.

Objectively, he was a notch above those inept aristocrats.

Softening his tone, he said to Flandre, "Flandre, you misunderstand. That's not what I meant. I misspoke, and I apologize."

Flandre simply hummed in response.

A silence fell between them.

Golan and Kaido's attendants gradually released their hold on Kaido.

Kaido slowly approached Flandre, leaning in close, and gently grasped her right hand, still clutching her handkerchief.

The handkerchief, damp with tears, hung from her hand as Kaido lifted it.

He felt the fabric between his fingers, then, feigning compassion, said, "Stop crying, my dear. The handkerchief you use to wipe your tears is soaked."

These words softened Flandre's heart, and her pent-up emotions burst forth, making her cry even harder.

"Kaido, please share your thoughts with me, don't keep them bottled up inside. If my brother won't grant you a fief, I'll speak to him. Don't sulk alone."

Hearing what he longed to hear, Kaido's eyes brightened.

He swiftly kissed Flandre's forehead and embraced her, saying, "You always treat me well."

Golan, witnessing this scene, felt a deep sense of embarrassment.

As Knight Kaido's squire, he felt utterly out of place.

The attendants of Kaido shared a similar sentiment.

The Indigo Bloom Family – had it really come to this?

The focus shifts back to Fernsouth Castle, where the daily influx of visitors had begun to surge dramatically.lightsnovel

The commitments made by Karlondo of the Wislot Trading Company and Madam Agate were now taking effect, initiating commercial exchanges between Wislot and Fernsouth Castle.

However, Howard was no naïve player in this game.

He fully understood that the opportunity to trade was not solely a gesture of goodwill from Karlondo and Madam Agate, but rather a consequence of the changing political landscape.

Following his victory and ascension as the lord over the entire earldom of Nok, not just Fernsouth Castle, but even Wislot fell under his domain.

This meant that even without the prior promise, the Wislot Trading Company would likely have sought to ingratiate themselves with Howard, thereby initiating trade with Fernsouth Castle.

In light of this, Madam Agate's initial promise seemed significantly diminished.

Howard discussed this with Nora, who chuckled and said, "After all, they are significant figures in the world of commerce. They know exactly what to say and what not to say. A slight difference in wording during negotiations can lead to vastly different outcomes. They have taught you a lesson."

Consequently, the trade activities between Wislot and Fernsouth Castle increased substantially.

The bargaining chips used to secure the release of the chairperson and vice-chairperson of the trading company were essentially swapped for something that would have been free in the future.

This maneuver was a real eye-opener for Howard, showcasing the negotiation skills of seasoned businessmen.

They could present something that was essentially free as a gift, and in return, secure tangible benefits for themselves.

After reflecting on these events, Howard recognized the critical importance of information.

Without sufficient information, one could easily be manipulated by others.

Only with adequate knowledge could one avoid being outwitted.

Afterwards, Howard, rather than wallowing in frustration, reflected on the situation and decided to seek advice from Vettel on the dos and don'ts of business negotiation.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm An afternoon spent with Vettel resulted in a noticeable improvement in Howard's negotiation skills.

As dusk approached, Bosiden knocked on Howard's door.

Howard invited him in, and in the council chamber, presented him with a document, instructing, "Take this to Gokasu and inform Hof that I have reassigned the lordship of Seasalt Village to him as a surprise."

Bosiden picked up the document from the table, glanced at it, and nodded, saying, "Understood, I'll take care of it right away." 

With his belongings in order, Bosiden mounted his horse and departed Fernsouth Castle for Gokasu.

After dinner, Howard sat back in his chair and mused aloud, "Ah, I wonder if Kaido will send Flandre to speak with me." 

Nora replied coolly, "Of course he will. Prepare yourself for a scolding."

Howard's expression twisted in conflict as he said, "If she truly wants to advocate for Kaido, then I might just have to give him one of my lands. After all, I've already distributed most of the outlying villages of Nok Castle."josei

As the maids swiftly cleared the dishes and left the room, Nora remarked, "It's up to you. Pitz Village is just known for its apple orchards, and they won't bear fruit until next year. Right now, Pitz Village isn't very appealing."

Howard asked, "Are you suggesting I give Pitz Village to Kaido?"

Nora nonchalantly replied, "If you want to give him Nok Castle or Fernsouth Castle, I wouldn't object either."

Howard remained silent and retired to his room to rest.

As the sun rose and the morning mist cleared, life stirred within the castle.

Maids busied themselves preparing breakfast.

Howard, having dressed, stepped out of his chamber.

A maid, seeing Howard up so early, stopped in surprise and bowed respectfully, "Good morning, Lord Howard!"

Howard returned the greeting with a nod and a smile, taking a moment to observe the maid.

She appeared to be in her late teens, her long black hair tied in a ponytail, her figure slender and radiating youthful vigor.

Howard considered asking for her name but then thought better of it and continued on his way.

As he walked past her, narrowly missing her shoulder, Howard entered deeper into the corridor.

He found himself reflecting on his recent interactions with several women – Anna, Margaret, Nora – which were all professional and unavoidable.

But this encounter with the maid was clearly different.

Not that he looked down upon the maid; he simply wanted to manage the situation cautiously.

Howard ran his right hand along the white railing, gazing out at the vast expanse of the dawn sky.

After finishing breakfast and preparing to head to the stables for his riding practice, Flandre arrived at Fernsouth Castle.

In a tidy room, lined by maids, Howard and Flandre sat facing each other.

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