Taming A Billionaire

Twenty - Seven

Twenty - Seven : Nothing Harmful But Lustful

Chapter Twenty - Seven : Nothing Harmful But Lustful

Maya's Pov

If a hangover was torture then this was definitely hell. I woke up to a searing headache wishing nothing else than to?go back to sleep but the sunlight filtering through the honey coloured polka-dotted curtain?had another plan in mind

I shielded my eyes?from the blinding rays, stretched and turned only to have my line of sight of focused on a perfectly poised body sipping a cup of coffee quietly with his eyes glued to the screen of his tablet.

His long lean fingers carried his?cup of coffee with captivating elegancy?to his lips as he gently sipped on his drink oblivious to the stare he was receiving. His skin shimmered under the sunlight making him look like a bodhsahivitte radiating in all his glory.

His movements were carried with so much grace that I wouldn't help but wonder if he's part of royalty.

So entranced was I by this captivating moment that I was scared out of my wits when a deep baritone spoke out.

"Stared enough? "

I choked on my saliva never expecting I was going to be caught up in such awkward situation.

"You knew? " I questioned looking at everything else but him. I blushed deeply upon receiving memories of last night, how could such a thing happen?

Though I had much memories?of what happened last night but some part were still blurry,?dark and too much..... Let's not go there.

I couldn't make out how I ended up on that stranger's bed. I?shivered violently upon recalling that fateful scene, it was as if I was still reliving?that moment

"You're safe now" Nik assured me as if he knew what was going on in this head of mine.

My breath caught in my?throat when I turned to the direction of his voice only to bump into him.

We were so close to eachother that our noses were touching, I blushed hard when I remembered the intimate moments we shared last night.

My heart sped up at once, Nik was handsome but up so close that I could count the few pores on his face, he was damn breathtaking.

I couldn't even move knowing it was only going to push me closer to him nor dare to ask how he had gotten so close to me else he misunderstands or begins to blame me for last night's ordeal.

"You're blushing? "He asked as if he couldn't tell but when I saw the mischievous look on his face,?I knew at once he was teasing me.

"Eeh.... " I started scratching my scalp awkwardly "About last night... "

"Good" he said taking the words right out of my mouth "ThankGod you want to talk about it, I was beginning to wonder when you were going to raise it up? "

"Why?" I asked perplexed by his sudden curiosity

"Why? " he chuckled loudly and boldly ?without restrain as if mocking me and treating my comment as a joke.

He moved nearer again, this time making breathing a whole lot impossible, my breaths came out in gasp. I stiffened knowing this guy was going to torture me to death.

I moved slowly but?cautiously towards the edge of the bed backwardly, as he watched like a predator observing when to bounce on his prey.

Well I didn't care if I was a prey or human in his sight?, all I wanted was to get more space between us. The air in the room was already little, hot and a lot ambiguous which wasn't a good thing for me but a good thing for him at the moment judging from Nik's personality.

I was entirely dumbfounded when Nik didn't even respect my space but instead?followed after, closed in and trapped me with no chance nor space to escape to.

"What.. are yo....?you doing? " I stammered with my eyes darting in all directions for a way to escape. My?breath became tangled with his as it repeatedly hit me on the face.

"What am I doing? " he smiled flashing me his attractive white canine that added a whole lot sexuality to this atmosphere. My cheek burned at once, this guy is going to be the death of me.

"What do you think? " he threw the question back at me but I remained silent knowing how crafty he could be, my answer could make things worse so I might as?well just shut the hell up.

He was a bit surprised ?upon seeing my resilience but it might as well had being nothing cause he covered it up with a smile.

"Well love " he hummed "I would love to do nothing but to replay the scenes of last night"

As if a warning bell went off in my head, I sat up but was pushed back to the bed when I tried to escape but he totally subdued me

"You're a pervert! " I accused but he laughed it off as usual.

" You?should've said that last night?after??you tried to eat me up" he accused but I didn't let that give him an advantage over me.

"I wasn't in my right senses " I defended and received a snort in return

"Well guess who isn't in his best behaviour this morning either "

And that being said, I struggled?around but he was quick to pin both hands?above my head. I knew I was in deep trouble and my heart testified of it by slamming hard against my chest.

Out of nowhere, he took off the tie from his body fitting suit with his free hand in one deft move and tied both of my hands up. My eyes widened at once, this guy indeed likes this kind of kinky....

"What are you doing to me? "

"Nothing harmful but lustful "

My heart missed a beat.

"Putting you through the same torture you put me through last night my love. You should know by now am a petty and vengeful being " he scrupulously summarised.

I shivered violently but with a bit of anticipation knowing Nik was a veteran in this kind of stuff . Just as I feared , soon enough my vision was cut off leaving me in total darkness.

The soft cloth used to blindfold me was so dark that even the sunlight couldn't penetrate through. Judging from the softness of this material, it told me before hand that this pervert had everything prepared even before I woke, this material wasn't something that could easily be gotten.

Unfortunately , with one of my senses cut off I couldn't relax, infact I was agitated.

"Calm down " He eased me back to the bed admid my squirming . He continued "Loss of a sense organ is the beginning of another "

I shot him a look of disdain, what kind of comment was that?

"Since you've lost your sense of sight, your hearing sense should have been amplified by now " he predicted.

Surprisingly enough, he was right. With my sense of sight cut off, my ears was vey?sensitive and heightened that I could even pick up the barest and?tiniest of sound.

My sense of touch wasn't left out either, it was so highly attuned that even the smallest touch would send a spasm throughout my body and Nik was probably knowledgeable of it cause he took advantage of that.

Since I woke I never realised I was in a bathrobe?thanks to his distraction and bickerings until it was loosened.

I shivered when the morning air blew past my body and knew at once I was completely exposed before him. I felt his?heated gaze upon my body , it was so strong that pretty soon if care was not?taken, he could bore a hole

And just like a lamb before a lion, I was left at the mercy?of this monster, defenceless and with my emotions in a turmoil.

I could feel his gaze upon my body, gleaming with excitement and desire. Just when I thought he was going to take me, I felt his weight shift before it disappeared thoroughly

My brows creased at once, where was he going to? I listened for the sound of his footsteps which grew increasingly distant with each passing moment.

Intrigued, ?I waited for a while to see what he was up to but when I waited for long with?no result?I decided to go discover what was going on eventhough?I was blind and my hands handicapped.

And just like that , I froze before gently lying on my back. Almost immediately I felt his weight as he pressed his body against mine.

letting out a sharp intake of breath, I felt his lips upon my neck and that was when I discovered he was a lot warmer than before. Right now, we were touching skin to skin and I realised he was shirtless.

Just when I was beginning to welcome this new development,?I felt something cold and slithery on my stomach and jerked up at once only?to have him press me back to the bed.

"What are you you doing? "

"Torturing you the same way you did last night" he used the same excuse again

"I don't remember using ice cubes in you?"

I felt him smirk " Well using your ass to wreck havoc on my little man last night while I had to grit my teeth and endure is not even equivalent to this torture so I need to step up my game" he subtly concluded and before I could guess his next plan ,?he gripped my breasts so firmly that they pained with the right pleasure.

I let out a low sound of pleasure as he kneaded the palpable flesh until I was delirious with pleasure and wanting for more.

"Please " I pleaded, my voice hoarse and unrecognisable.

"please? " he scoffed and let out a light chuckle " Come on love, it's revenge. No mercy until mission's complete "

I swallowed swiftly , my throat dry as I kept wondering why I got myself into this mess? josei

After his dry humour, he lowered his head and with his lips paid homage to my breast leaving me writhing and squirming.

Just when I thought I was going to go crazy from this torture, the sudden ringing of his cellphone interrupted the sexual atmosphere. At first , he ignored it but when it continued ringing consistently he let out a torrent of profanity and left to answer it.

After his departure, ?I couldn't tell if I was relieved or ?dissapointed. I was relieved that I was finally free from his crazed torture at the moment but I was so aroused that even moving my leg was torture , I was so ready and stiff .

The call took quite a while cause when he returned he was fully dressed and I?had already gotten a bit of my brain working.??But then, he tugged the blindfold off my face and ignited the fire all over again.

I was dazed for a while thanks to?the blindfold earlier , neither was the sun?friendly , it just blazed angrily at me while I had to contend with the ravaging beast that wasn't any where near the word 'stop'

His lips crushed mine, his tongue forcibly prying my teeth open?and twirling my tongue in a slow sensual dance . He almost sucked me dry as we were left heaving and wanting for more.

"I would've loved warming your bed for the rest of the day but then duty calls "

My brow raised at his choice of word "Warming my bed? " I snorted, ?he made it seem like I was the one asking for this.

I lifted my chin, ?glaring at him as this authoritative lewdster simply gave me an indifferent look.

Defeated, I sighed and looked away. What was I expecting anyway? This man was as stubborn as a bull,?arrogant as a peacock and as sly as a fox.

Placing a quick peck on?my lips,?he stood and straightened his tie. He looked so calm and collected that if not for the?fact I was lying half naked on his bed, one wouldn't even believe such steamy?scenario happened a while ago.

"Go through this " he commanded placing a bunch of binded documents by my side of the bed.

Curious, I raised a brow and adjusted my bathrobe?making sure I was covered fully before going through the document.

My eyes swiftly read through the relevant details and when I was immensely satisfied with the information I digested, I snorted mockingly.

"You want me to to sign into your agency? "

"Why,?Is there any problem with that? " He questioned solemnly

I scratched my scalp " Why do you think I would do that? "

"Because you own me one for last night " he concluded shamelessly.

Hurhur! What a man!

"Can't a simple thank you surface for that? "

He stepped closer to me, ?towering over with his mighty frame and reminding me of the fact he was a head taller than me.

"I'm a business man, I'm ?only interested in gains " He stated subtly staring me right in the eyes but I refused to be intimidated.

"Well you received your payment after you sexually harassed me, ?ring a bell? "

His eyes narrowed at once while his gaze darkened giving me a bit of a fright as I suspected my words?hit a sensitive spot.

He slowly raised my jaw to meet his gaze with the tip of his hand as he replied " Fine my love , let's call it a tie. "

I breathed a sigh of relief until I heard a ' but ' and felt a?storm looming ahead.

"You're forgetting the fact you own me money"

My heart dropped at once, how did I forget about that so?soon ? I tried to say a few things but I couldn't find the words,?my mouth just hung open helplessly.

He continued "Sweetheart, I can be sweet but trust me you don't want to know how scary I can be when pushed to the limit "

I shivered, feeling a cold chill on my spine where his other hand rested supportively.

Truth be told, maybe, because he's refused to reveal that apathetic side of his to me, I've totally forgotten the fact that this man was the coldblooded businessman who doesn't take No for an answer. His cold, aloof ,?solemn , apathetic attitude?has taken?the family business to where it was today.

Also someone with deep association?with the underworld needed not to be emotional considering the risks,?enemies and deaths involved in it. Such person had to have a cold and storny heart in order to?make tough decisions in some unfavourable situations.

"I'll be expecting an answer by the end of today so don't fall my hands " He instructed as I nodded obediently unconsciously.

Suddenly , the deadly aura he possessed moments ago that scared the shit out of me dissipated as he let out a smile.

He immediately grabbed my waist, pressing my body against his as he ravished my lips once more, only letting go when he came up for air and left elegantly as if his emotions wasn't at flustered as mine was.

I placed my hand over my heart that was drumming hard against my chest. I've just proven that this guy is?going to be the death of me.

I groaned frustrated pulling on my hair?for stupidly getting involved with the like of Nik Spencer.

I knew he has already marked me and wouldn't let go so signing as an artist into his agency was like moving from frying pan to fire.

I groaned, if only there was a way to get enough money to pay off the breech fine.

Suddenly?as if a flash bulb went off in my head, I thought of someone at once. I sat up scampering and searching for my cellphone in order to call someone.


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