Taming A Billionaire

Twenty - Eight

Twenty - Eight : Damn you Niklaus.

Chapter Twenty - Eight : Damn you Niklaus.

Maya's Pov

It felt good having an agenda in mind,?it gave?me hope and so I freshened up knowing all hope was just not lost.

I changed into a sunny scoop neck floral printed shift dress that was provided to me upon Nik's request. Even though I had a grudge against him, I had no choice than to accept it since I couldn't go out naked.

I ran my hands through the dress admiring its softness, it was obvious this dress cost a fortune. The man never uses nor gives out anything that wouldn't cost a lot , at least??he had a good sense of fashion.

As if complimenting my complexion, the dress seem?to have a Invigorateing?effect cause it made me feel relaxed and excited. Well yellow has always being associated with happiness and?positive energy .Perhaps, my mission today would actually be a great success.

But all those excitement were dashed the moment I discovered my cellphone was missing. That was when I realised I had lost my clutch purse after the incident last night.

I gritted and tugged?the root of my hair frustrated...ahh! How was I supposed to call Eden in this situation, even if I do call from another's phone, there was a ninety percent chance he wouldn't pick up.

Just like Nik, Eden's a World class and busy business man that wouldn't just pick up an unknown call moreover his telephone line is so strict and regulated that his number of contacts were limited. I was only privileged to be on his contact list and now?lost that Opportunity just like that.

I groaned falling face first on my bed. I was frustrated, with no clue what to do next . Not only was my phone missing, my clutch purse contained my cash and credit card and Mr Heartless hadleft without even giving me a ride home or some cash.

Ugh, am I going to turn into a beggar real soon. I was still engrossed in my thinking when a certain knock on my door startled me.

"Come in" I opened the door hastily?recomposing my ladylike manner . I lifted my chin high with pride, all traces of anxiety vanishing without a trace.

A middle aged man with a buzz haircut looking sleek and professional in his black suit stepped in leaving me stunned.He didn't look like a bellboy,?valet nor doorman cause his aura was imposing neither would any of the above dress in a suit.

Cautiously, I scrutinized him and reflexively stepped back. The memories of last night sending warning bells in my head, ?I couldn't just leave myself vulnerable to this unknown stranger. My hands were about to search for a weapon when a sudden comment halted my progress

"Morning Ma'am " he greeted bowing respectfully leaving me awed. What is?this? What is?happening? Is Nik?playing a prank on me?

"Excuse me? Do I know you? " I asked, confusing dots appearing above my head.

"Ah.. right. Sorry for my lack of manners "He apologized leaving me all the more confused. "I'm Ryan meander, the manager of Royal Paradise "

I was dumbstruck, what?is a manager doing in front of my room? Moreover why is?he so meek towards me?

Ryan meander stared?at the lady standing before him. With his good insight, he could tell this lady was going to be his ladyboss in the future.

Having known his boss Nik Spencer for a long time, he had never seen him taking?a lady to his family's hotel not even his so called girlfriend have being taken here for a meal?. All his lustful deeds and shenanigans were always done in the comfort of his private hotels and villas .

Women naturally are jealous, crafty and deceitful creatures when vying for a man's heart and a man like Nik was an exceptional catch. Judging from his hedonistic tendencies he would rather keep his family strictly away from the manipulation of his harems.

Aside from that, Ryan saw the bloodlust on the man's face when he saw his woman in another?man's arm. Even though no one told him what happened he could already deduct from the after scene what transpired.

As an upper-class family with a lot of resources and influences in major countries of the World, it was not surprising they were always a target for kidnap and setups. Infact yesterday's incident didn't marvel him but what really shocked him was the look on his boss face.

His boss that was hardly moved by anything talk more a woman was scared out of his wits by same women he despised.

He was just strucked dumb as he watched his boss hurl profanity upon profanity as he requested for medical assistance. Thankfully a drug was provided on time else their head would be displayed on a tray by now.

Ryan heaved slowly, so he had to be on the safe side by aligning himself?with this?lady to avoid trouble in the future.

Carefully he handed over her purse which every worker had to spend the night searching for upon Nik's request.

His boss was really kind to his lady that he would even give her the whole world upon her request.

My eyes widen at once when I sighted the clutch purse in his grip. Excitedly I snatched the purse before realizing my manners

"Sorry, I'm ?just too excited. I thought I had lost it" I apologized giving him my most sorry look but he waved it away nonchalantly.

"Don't worry, it's our responsibility and duty to serve our?lady... you " he answered leaving me confused on what he was about to say earlier.

I waved it off as nothing until I thought of something and my brows furrowed at once.

"Excuse me but you could have sent this through one of your staffs why deliver it personally? "

"Sir Nik's order" He replied subtly but unknown to me he had another thought ?.

"Sir Nik his butt"

Ryan thought silently. How could he miss this chance to serve his ladyboss properly and be favored in the future

With a serious look, I went through my list of contacts until I stopped at the beginning of letter 'E' and my brows narrowed at once.

"Sorry to ask this " I started staring at him suscipiously "Aside from you, who else handled my cellphone?"

Ryan looked serious in his thought, his face was all scrunched up in deep contemplation.

"None ma'am ....well save sir Nik"

My eyes widen at once.I rolled my eyes towards heaven scoffing in disbelief. Could this man get any shameless than this?

"Thanks for the services "I thanked flashing him one of my sincere smiles leaving him utterly?speechless

Ryan was truly amazed with his ladyboss, she wasn't like other ladies who acted high and Haughty?especially?when they catch a man like Nik.

She wasn't rude, pride nor sophicated, she just looked simple and contented and that was the supposed attitude of the future mistress of the Spencer clan.

"It's my honour and this.. " Ryan said handing out a card to me.

"This is my contact, I will be happy to help you out when needed and a special delivery would be sent to you right after I leave " The magnanimous Ryan meander said and left right away.

It still felt surreal, well it was definitely expected of a high class hotel. Their services were definitely top notch. Without putting much thought into the special treatment, I went back to the task at hand.

Calling Eden

I frowned once much remembering the missing contact, it was definitely a la Nik to be this childish, crafty and deceitfully domineering.

But unfortunately for him and fortunate for me that I didn't expose the fact to him that I had quite a good retentive memory.

So I quickly dialled his number and called Eden right away .My call was picked right immediately as if he's been waiting for my call all this time.


"You found me at last" Came his welcome speech and it left me confused inwardly. josei

Was he missing before?

"I don't get you"

"Never mind " he changed the subject right away. "Meet?me at Mic Jamie's in the next thirty minutes " He ordered and hanged up without even asking why I suddenly wanted to meet up.

Breathing in, I took my belongings and opened the door almost bumping into one of the staff who was bringing a delivery to me and I suddenly remembered Ryan meander.

Muttering a thank you, I picked the exquisitely wrapped package and walked out. I didn't check it out intending to do that and a special thanks to Ryan later , I had to leave now if I would want?my appointment on time.

It was rush hour and during such time, traffic tend to be slow to the extent a thirty minutes journey would sometimes become a two hours drive if the gods are not on your side .

Thankfully ladyluck?was on my side so I ended up being only fifteen minutes late.

Mic?Jamie's is a popular and expensive cafe that even getting a common coffee is always done with reservation prior to the D-day . Even though the place's always buzzing with people, it was a quiet and peaceful place suitable for discussion.

But surprisingly enough when I stepped in there wasn't a single customer save the staffs who immediately recognized my presence?.

I walked behind the waiter who was directing me to my seat while I stared curiously at the empty seats wondering why they were not resuming business today.

"We're here " The waiter announced and I was momentarily stunned when I saw we just stumbled upon a garden.

It was obviously expensive getting a seat reservation talk more getting an outdoor reservation in Mic Jamie's. Was this guy truly ignorant of the expenses or was he simply squandering?his money?

Even though I wasn't comfortable with this unmerited luxury but I had to appreciate it. The flowers was so beautiful that I thought I had stepped into another world all together.?The alluring and intoxicating scent from the flowers calmed my nerves at once,?what sort?of garden is this?

I immediately wanted to inquire from the waiter only to discover he was already gone during my appreciation of nature session. I groaned, was this some sort of hide and seek game?

The flower garden was designed like some sort of maze so I was momentarily dazzled and confused where to start until I heard an instrument?playing in?the background.

I followed the direction of the sound only to?find myself staring at Eden who was immersed in his music.

With his back turned to me I decided to remain mum and watch him play effortlessly on his violin.

Every movement of his was careful, skillful and?a masterpiece, his music?was calm, gentle but there was a hint of sorrow in it as if mourning for a loss. The bow glided over the string?skillfully creating a heart wrenching note that made my heart quiver.

So bewitched was I with this scene that my heart skipped a beat when he suddenly turned only for our eyes to lock. His gaze was so dark and haunting that I felt like I was being sucked into an endless abyss.

He pinned me with a fierce gaze?that made me feel stripped of my clothing and thoroughly exposed before him.

My heart picked up speed when he suddenly dropped his instrument on the table and pranced over to me while I stood stuck to the ground.

He stopped right of me, his gaze unwavering while I had?no chance than to stare back. He slowly lifted his hand and placed them both on my cheeks sending static shocks to my body.

"You're late" he murmured, his voice low and breathless.

Now talk about me

His hands seem to scald my skin cause I felt incredibly hot.

"Traffic " Came the only reasonable excuse??I could come up with?. I felt like I've being charmed by this eye candy in front of me.

Truly?the handsomeness gene runs strongly in the Spencer family but when it comes to comparing Eden and Nik?in terms of look, the difference was truly clear.

Nik would be termed God's perfect creation, there was?hardly a flaw on the man. His beauty's manly, rugged with?the right hint? of attractiveness?infact the man exudes dominance and sexual masculinity?wherever he goes. He's the perfect Mr tall, dark and handsome and a born leader.

Unlike Eden's attractive look which would be regarded as effeminate. Though he had an attractive built but it was second to Nik so?he often had to make it up with his dressing.

Today he's wearing a blue?button down long sleeve floral shirt that had a standout floral design on the shirt front matched with a perfect white slack with his?hair?a messy spiky quiff that made him exceptional stand out today creating a cool and serene look on him.

His hands on my cheek were smooth and void of callouses unlike Nik who wasn't lacking rings on his fingers infact the guy seems to have a variety of rings for each moods and occassions.

Please don't ask me their symbolics.

He slowly let go of my cheeks as if whatever charm I had on him was gone leaving me a teeny bit dissapointed.

"You were running late so I had to keep myself busy" He said and I had to guess he was taking about the instrument.

"Oh " Was all I could mutter as he offered me a seat.

Hardly sitted, a steaming cup of coffee was placed in front of me and the rich scent waft?through my nose leaving my tongue salivating for a taste.

Strange enough, I've always kept my guard on around Eden for unknown reasons, maybe because the guy's crafty as a fox unlike Nik who would rather go head-on than using 'underhanded tricks', so he calls them.

In summary, Nik could be called Thor while his cousin?would be the mischevious Loki. The other strong and independent while the other foxy and manipulative.

A slow chuckle startled me leaving me with no choice than to focus my attention back on him

"What's Funny? "

"I like you " he confessed without blinking an eye leaving me stunned until my eyes narrowed at once.

Is he playing mind games with me?

"You can read me very well. You might not say it but I can see it in your eyes "

"Is that a good thing? "

"Depends " he blurted out

"On what? " I asked curiously

"If you're mine"

His blunt confession stunned me and in a haste to escape this heavy and awkward atmosphere . I rushed?my cup of coffee and not only scalded but choked on my drink.

I spouted and coughed uncontrollably until I felt a hand on my back soothing but not exactly comforting me, well you could say?criticizing me.

"This is what happens when your emotions get the best of you " he lectured staring at me eyeball to eyeball.

He smirked slightly when I looked away but inwardly I was exasperated. Now with my tongue burned, I could no longer enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity of tasting the Mic Jamie's Coffee.

Just the little sip?I took left me speechless, it was so rich and tasteful that I felt like I was sipping sunshine.

I frowned, feeling so aggrieved.

I looked up when I felt a hand slowly lift my chin only to meet a pair of blue eyes.

I hardly registered what was going on until I felt a soft flesh press against my lips. As if that wasn't enough, my lips were pried open as a lukewarm liquid went down my throat some sipping down my chin.

My eyes widened when his tongue slid into my mouth?forcefully as I struggled against his grip but it seem the more I struggled the more excited he became.

His grip on my waist tightened while I was pressed against my seat with hardly any space to retaliate.

When nothing seemed to work, I decided to shut down so I stopped struggling and remained limp allowing him to ravish me, until he couldn't sense any response in me did he let go.

He snorted wiping his lips with the back of his hand as he asked??"So how was the coffee??"

The question?hardly escaped his mouth when I drew back my arm and gave him a sucker punch.

He staggered backward for a while, disbelief written all over his face until a smirk curled on his lips once again.

"Smart woman" he murmured before he spat "You've got quite a punch there "

I glared at him but it seem he took delight in my misery and distress. He chuckled applauding me for my bravery.

"it's being long since someone made my day and because of that consider your debt fully paid with interest "

And as a matter of fact, my phone rang and I opened the incoming message only to receive an alert that my account has?being credited with fifty million dollars.

Being shocked was an understatement, I was numb of all feelings. I stared at Eden who was delirious with laughter, ?was the rich really this wasteful?

"Now sweetheart , make a rich?man happy and you've got all the money in the bank. " He said and stood up placing a peck on my cheek and murmured

"See you when I see you" and left humming a tone.

I didn't know how long I was in a trance ?but my numb and stiff neck definitely told the tale.

Thankfully a waiter was present to lead me back else I would've gotten lost in this maze.

I've always tried to imagine how?I would feel?if I?had such money in my account ??but now I have it, ?it felt like nothing. It left me thinking if he could blindly give away fifty million dollars without blinking an eye, then how rich was the Spencer clan?

Snapping out of my thought, I immediately forwarded fourty million dollars to Nik's account just to make sure I was?free from his clutches.

Atlest, I'm now free from his authoritative?rule and a remaining ten million to do whatever I want.

Call me stupid for accepting Eden's money but I knew he wanted me out of Nik's clutches so using his money at the moment was harmless.

Besides, I don't know any of Nik's secrets to be used against him incase Eden wants me to work for him in the future contrary to Nik's fear.

Though Nik and I shared a bit of something together, I wasn't stupid enough to be swept away by such fleeting emotions.

Nik is a playboy, an internationally recognised Casanova and I'm just something that piqued his interest at the moment. If he could easily cast Tina aside, who am I then ?

Sure, I'm grateful to him for saving me last night but I'm trying to think about my future here. I don't know when he would cast me away like the other girls so I had to pave my ways now.

So once I received alert of the transfer?I breathed in relief, muttering only one word


I headed to my apartment hoping to get a good sleep. Even though it was?still morning ?but I was so emotionally and mentally drained that I wanted nothing than to close my eyes and stretch out my body on my bed.

I had hardly placed my head on the bed when a knock on my door surfaced. I ignored it and tried to continue my sleep but the knock came again.

Groaning, I lifted my sorry ass off the bed and headed for the door.

"Who the he... " The rest of the word immediately died off when two men in suit stood before me

"F.B.I" the both said flashing me their IDs leaving me the more confused.

"Excuse me officers but how can?I help you? "

"You're Maya , right? " The Older officer asked and I nodded obediently but cowered when I saw him bring forth a handcuff

"y-yes " I stammered

"You're under arrest for fraudulent activities "

"You're being arrested for duping Mr Nik Spencer of fourty million dollars "

My brows furrowed, eyes twitched and my mouth hung open shocked to the core.

Damn you Niklaus.

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