Taming A Billionaire


Six : A Dangerous Woman

Chapter Six : A Dangerous Woman

Maya's POV

I was absolutely amazed after Nik consoled me. I thought he was going to wave me off as another girl trying to manipulate him emotionally into another relationship. Though I wasn't interested even if he offered me one. But it was just strange, him comforting me without trying anything stupid like you know kissing me with the excuse of trying to calm me down.

Players tend to do that a lot.

"Give me a sec," Nik said, picking up his ringing phone and excusing himself out of my sight.

I just stood staring at the dark sky void of stars, wondering if I was actually doing the right thing. It wasn't always a wise choice, revenge on an asshole called your ex, there's a ten percent chance it could backfire nevertheless it was worth trying.

I heard some noises and turned only to bump into his chest. Again. He stared at me with a strange amused look that sent a blush on my face.

" What?"I asked seriously, not liking the funny face he was giving me.

He just heaved heavily and said "There's been a big change of plans" he announced as I tried regulating my breathing.

uh-oh, this wasn't good.

"What?" I squealed, revealing the fact I was really nervous and uncomfortable.

Nik stared at me for a while before he sighed.

"Now you're totally freaking me out," I said aloud.

"You don't have to worry Maya " he replied.

That husky yet sexy voice trying to assure me everything was okay. I might not know everything about Nik but I surely know he protects his own or tries to protect them.

For some reason, whenever I'm near him I feel safe and protected like everything was okay.

"Alright" I breathed "what's the change?" josei

"Tina would be joining us shortly"

"What?!!!" I shrieked, gaining the attention of the guards stationed at the entrance of the house.

They looked away as if they never saw me while I focussed my attention back on Nik. "But yo-...how di-....you said she was not going to be here?"

"Apparently, she had a change of mind" came his replied and I stared at him disappointed

"Apparently, it seems I'm not needed anymore" I retorted, not believing I wasted all this time for nothing. I can't even believe I told him my secret minutes ago

"No," he said, earning a look from me.

Nik reached out and grabbed my arm while I eyed his movement wondering what he was up to this time.

"No what?" I questioned

"Your job isn't done yet"

"What job?" I questioned him suspiciously not getting what he intended to do.

"Is a job that doesn't require you lying about your name, job, and personality. You just have to be yourself until the client's satisfied " he explained. I arched a brow and he added "it isn't illegal"

I folded my arms across my chest and put on a stern face hoping I was going to squeeze the truth out of his lips "Seriously, what's the job Nik?"

He smiled mischievously "what's the fun if I tell you now?" He took my hand "I'll expose it after dinner with dad. Plus we have a party to go to, don't we?" He threw at me expecting an answer.

Great, I'm at his mercy again.

"Fine," I replied, finally giving in as he gave me a warm sheepish grin and my heart rate increased. "Stop that" I hissed biting down on my lips

"Stop what?" He asked giving me that million-dollar face that reads innocent. I looked away not liking the effect his voice and face were having on me.

"Don't deny it Nik, there's this thing you do with your face trying to make me fall for you " I accused not believing I just blurted those out. Now, what's wrong with my mouth?

"Really Maya?" He wet his lips and looked me straight in the eyes "So tell me, is it working?"

Shocked at his outrageous question, I stepped away from him.

But every step I took backward, he stepped forward covering it. I began to hasten my pace when out of nowhere I tripped and almost fell but someone's hand captured my waist midway falling to the ground.

I stared at him and discovered our lips were just an inch from meeting. I gulped nervously as if there was this huge lump in my throat when Nik began to lean in.

He was going to kiss me? Kiss me?! what the hell is going on?! . What if this is a test?! God! Maya, you're screwed

"Nik?" Someone called from behind and he let go of me, thankfully he was gentlemanly enough not to let me fall.

Sobered, I regained my straight posture while trying to hide the blush on my face as my cheek began to burn.

" Tina" Nik called casually and embraced her while I stared horror-stricken.

That was Tina? The girl who caught Nik on his way to claiming my lips? A wave of nausea swept over me and I felt sick. How could I have being so stupid?

I returned from the land of thoughts when I heard her ask "Who is she?"

My heart increased at the thought of Nik denying and abandoning me as Andrew did. What was I going to do? I contemplated coming up with a reasonable excuse when I heard Nik say

"She's my worker"

I stared at him dazzled, was he for real? How could he give such a reply to his girlfriend? Do you take a worker to a family dinner?

"What department?" Tina questioned further, it was obvious she didn't believe him. Even a blind man could tell Nik was lying.

I stared at Nik and couldn't believe the look on his face, he knew Tina didn't believe him too, he just didn't care. It was as if the kind, caring and thoughtful man I knew moments was just a figment of my imagination.

"Personal department" came Nik's reply and next I knew Tina cast a deadly glare at me while I stood short of words.

I'm innocent! I wanted to scream but it was obvious she wouldn't believe me. I couldn't blame her, who would believe such a thing after seeing another girl in the arms of your boyfriend inches away from kissing.

"Hi" Tina smiled at me out of nowhere totally startling me "I'm Tina and you are?"

I blinked my eyes severally trying to comprehend what just happened. Her fully charged glare has melted into a soul-warming smile.

Then I knew at once, She's dangerous. A woman who could mask her emotions this quickly and perfectly wasn't someone to be trifled with.

" Maya " I replied, accepting her hand for a handshake and flashing her a smile.

"You must be pretty close to Nik?" She asked, eyeing both Nik and me at the same time. uh-oh, danger. She's testing me.

"No" I smiled "We just met today and he happens to be in good company" I chuckled trying to ease the tension hanging around us.

" And you just became his worker automatically. A personal worker? " She pointed out earning a look from Nik.

I have to admit, Tina's pretty good at interrogation, she'll probably make a good officer of the law if she goes into that department in the future.

"Yeah" I murmured "Turned out that way" I replied looking her straight in the eye. Even though she was all smiles, I knew she didn't like me. It was obvious.

"Don't we have dinner to go to?" Nik said to Tina and she flashed him a grateful smile murmuring "shall we?"

Nik nodded and she grabbed onto his arm possessively intentionally announcing to the whole world or rather pathetic me "He's mine, go grab yours"

Well, I would've had one if only he didn't turn out to be a jerk who's been cheating on me all this time.

So I just tagged along like a third wheel, feeling more miserable than I've ever felt in my entire life.

Due to my miserable state, I wasn't looking where I was going and tripped. Again.

I waited for the heavy impact on the floor which never came but instead found out or rather felt someone's hands on my waist

"Whoa" I murmured, admiring the sexy god right in front of me.

He had the darkest of blue eyes, a well-straightened nose, and a perfectly sculpted jawline. His lips were full and inviting not to talk of his eyebrows, they were full and perfectly arched. Jealous me.

"You alright? You were about to fall and I caught you" He asked, dropping those gorgeous blue eyes on me while I stared at him like a moron.

"Urm...yeah... I'm fine" I chuckled trying hard to hide the blush creeping up my face. I was definitely crushing on this guy.

"By the way, I'm Maya," I said stretching out my hand for a handshake

"Eden," he said, enveloping my hands with his cute smile on his face, "You must be here for the family dinner?" He asked, withdrawing his hand and placing it inside the pocket of his jacket.

" Yep, I guess so" I answered nonchalantly, least interested in the dinner.

"With a date?" He breathed waiting expectantly for an answer

"Nope," I answered, earning a smile from him in the process.

Suddenly he announced "Then that leaves you as my date"


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