Taming A Billionaire


Seven : Why Bother Going To Hell when I can Bring It Down Here, Cousin ?"

Chapter Seven : Why Bother Going To Hell when I can Bring It Down Here, Cousin ?"

Nik's Pov

I definitely didn't expect things to get weird and heated, I was just teasing her, playing a prank on her, and not trying to kiss her. Well, it was a good thing Tina interrupted me, well us, else we would've done something we'll probably regret afterward.

I knew Tina had the right to be suspicious but our relationship wasn't based on trust, we don't account for each other so I couldn't get why she became all possessive and interrogative.

Our relationship was formed out of lust not love and I made it clear from the very beginning that I wasn't a faithful guy, more of the ladies men so she had every right to cheat on me which I know she's been doing lately. So that didn't give her the right to be furious over the fact that I was with another lady.

Well, I'll just play along with her for the night

But I couldn't understand why I felt bad when I saw the disappointment on Maya's face. After her breakup with Andrew, I wanted to make her feel special, accepted, and loved but I ended up screwing everything up. I ended up making her feel irrelevant and unwanted instead, good work Nik.

Just when I turned to leave, I saw Maya trip almost kissing the ground when someone's hand clasped her waist from behind. I sighed in relief, almost thanking whoever might have saved the clumsy girl from the fall with a smile on my face when it all disappeared into a scowl.

Eden? What was he doing here?

Before I could question my dear cousin, Tina had already dragged me away. Nothing made sense, the old man said it was just a small family dinner but he extended his invitation to my esteemed cousin and possibly many others. Well, it now makes sense, I fell into his trap.


"Nik Darling" My sister Emily sang, greeting me in the large living room warmly with a smile

"You came" She added, placing a peck on both sides of my cheek. Emily took after my mom, petite and beautiful with her brunette hair cascading down her shoulder in waves, dark blue eyes, and full lips.

Emily might look small but she's quite stubborn which kinda runs in the family, strong-willed, social, and energetic. I don't even remember seeing Emily for once depressed or sad, she's always happy and bubbling with life with no care in the world, probably why the old man loves her more than his own life.

My father is a complete definition of the dark gloomy sky, he's never happy and hardly smiles but that changes whenever Emily's around.

She's the sun that lights up his sky. Thanks to the obvious favoritism, Emily's requests are granted with immediate effect.

"And this must be Tina" She squealed like a five-year-old who just received candy from mommy while Tina stared at her awkwardly.

"Um, yeah?"Tina answered

"Welcome to the family," She said and tried hugging Tina but the person in question stepped back and instead propelled her hand forward for a handshake

"Nice to meet you," Tina said, her tone formal and businesslike while all smiles and excitement disappeared from Emily's face.

Great, Tina's done what she's good at

" Excuse us, Emily," I said trying to stop Tina from ruining the mood further "We have to meet the old man" I announced but Emily gave me a hard stare

"you mean our father?"


"Seriously Nik?" She questioned with her arms folded across her chest. Knowing what that stance means, I fled.

"We'll talk later," I said and dragged Tina away.

Walking hand in hand, I searched around for my father knowing he'll be in the company of a young damsel, probably his newest girlfriend.

"Your sister is weird," Tina said, probably tired of the silent treatment I was giving her. I was a bit angry at her judging from the way she treated my sister, couldn't she leave all the formalities at work?

??????"You're not talking to me, what's the problem?" She asked but I didn't reply, just kept on searching.

" Now we talk Nik," She said blocking my path and holding onto my arm to keep me from moving further

????"What now?"I breathed facing her.

?"You're ignoring me" she complained but I rolled my eyes saying

"Christ sake Nik ! she was about to hug me. That isn't common etiquette" She claimed, her chest heaving as she tried to regulate her breathing. She was angry but she knew it wouldn't do her any good creating a scene. At least, she's more than good at her so-called etiquette.

"This isn't some formal occasion, this is a family dinner "I hissed knowing I won't back down and make my sister the stupid one here.

I saw her take a calming breath, then she said

"I'm going for a drink, you can text me when you find your old man " and leave.

"Great," I sighed, running my hands through my hair. What was I expecting taking Tina to a place that reeks of a lack of common etiquette?

I heard a warm laugh and turned only to see Emily laughing happily with Maya. They seem to be discussing some stuff with Eden cause his hand was wrapped possessively around Maya's waist as if she was his already.

I felt a pang of jealousy hit me if only Tina could be like that.

Fortunately, Tina doesn't have to be like that if Maya is yours.

"No stop," I said inwardly, why was I having such outrageous thoughts.

Maya already has a relationship gone downhill, so dating her wouldn't and isn't going to be an assurance ours is going to be successful.

Moreover, Maya believes in love, I don't. My goal in a relationship is fun and lust, not fun and love, so I better kiss that thought goodbye.

"Nik boy" I heard a deep voice behind me and all the hairs on my back stood, he found me.

I turned with excruciating slowness murmuring "Father" and he raised a brow in silent acknowledgment josei

"I was searching for you but ironically you found me," I said coming up with the best smile I could summon on my face but I knew he wasn't fooled by it, I was just doing that for the pretty damsel beside him and it seems to have worked cause I saw her cheek turn red and my dad frowned.

"Careful Nik, you don't wanna cross that line" He hissed but I wasn't intimidated by that.

I smirked and stared at him in the face "We've both crossed that line numerous times, isn't that right father?"I threw at him and a scowl made itself known on his face

" I didn't call you here to fight son," he said, breaking eye contact when he couldn't stare me down.

He grabbed a drink from a passing waiter and glugged the whole content down. He really did put a lot of effort into this family reunion of a thing

"Is that why you tricked me into coming here?" I asked, grabbing two drinks from the tray of the same waiter and handed one to his girlfriend who flashed me a grateful smile.

I smiled inwardly as I sipped my drink, my father doesn't know how to treat his girlfriend well, so I'm doing him a favor.

By flirting with his girlfriend? Definitely. How could he grab a drink without getting one for her too?

"I knew you weren't going to come if I told you? your relations were here?" He said with a frown disapproving of my flirting with his girl.

"Especially Eden?"

"Yeah, especially Ede....you've seen him?" He asked confirming my suspicion he invited Eden over personally

"Good work" I complimented with heavy sarcasm earning a hearty laugh from my father.

" I thought it was high time you and Eden made-up"

"Probably in my next life." I murmured sipping my drink "The problem between Eden and I is complicated and can't be repaired"

I pointed out hoping the old man would give up this failed mission of his unfortunately the stubborn bull didn't listen cause he said

"Nik in life, there's no permanent enemy nor friend"

"Yeah, thanks for your wasted breath"

"You're welcome" The old man replied and I scoffed at his amateurish attempt to make me laugh which didn't succeed

"What have we here?" Someone drawled dramatically from behind and I didn't need a prophet to guess who.


"Isn't that the boy wonder, Nik?" he announced on purpose trying to irk me which was definitely working.

I turned to face him.

"Go to hell" I hissed at him praying he'll disappear from my sight but as usual the jerk didn't instead he moved towards me and whispered in my ears

"Why bother going to Hell when I can bring it down here, Cousin ?"



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