Taming the Queen of Beasts

Chapter 540 Not On My Watch

Chapter 540 Not On My Watch


Gahrye bristled, but pulled himself in and didn't bite back. He knew Reece, because Reece was just like he'd been as a young man: His temper flared hot and bright, then faded just as quickly. So instead of arguing, Gahrye just stood there, staring into his eyes, pleading silently for Reece to look past his fear and see that his father wanted what was best for him.

Reece, brittle and stubborn, cursed again, turning away. But moments later, while Gahrye patiently waited, his son turned back, closed his eyes, tipped his head back and inhaled deeply, obeying his father's nudge to read the winds—and clearly hating every word he heard.

Gahrye almost wept for him when Reece's face crumpled.

"What does he say?" he asked his son.

"He says… I'm needed here," he whispered.

Gahrye, tears blurring his vision, nodded and grabbed him in a hug again. "Yes,  you are. And I'm glad that you are."

Reece's eyes flew open. "You aren't surprised. You knew? For a while?"

Gahrye nodded sadly.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I also knew you weren't ready to see it yourself. I just knew I had to get you over here and leave the rest to Him. That's the thing, Reece. When he asks something of you, he doesn't leave you to fail. He holds your hand. Sometimes you see miles ahead, sometimes only the next step. But always… always step where he points for your feet. If you do,  he'll never let you fall."

Reece gaped. "You think losing my entire life isn't falling?"

"I think even if it feels like it at first, you'll discover that it's not. Just like I did."

But Reece scowled. "I don't think so. I don't think I can ever trust a Creator that would split our family like this."Â

Gahrye sighed heavily. "I hope you'll try. Because He's worth it."

They stood together for a long moment, then Gahrye said, "I'm going to have to leave soon. I don't want to spend my last hours with you arguing."josei

Reece began to cry.


Giving his son time to pull himself together, Gahrye let Reece run back to the cave while he started back down the trail, weeping.

But before long, he heard footsteps in the forest to his right and turned, only to find Elia and Reth also returning to the cave.

The three of them stood, staring at each other for a long moment.

Then Elia turned to Reth. "Can I have a minute along with Gahrye?" she asked gently. "You can wait for me at the Tree. I'll come get you so we can go in together."

Reth cut Gahrye a heated glare, but he leaned in to kiss Elia and whisper to her not to be long, but then he let her go and headed to their tree.

Elia stepped into him immediately and it was such a relief, such a joy to hold his best friend again.

"Thank you, Gahrye."

He snorted, but Elia wouldn't let him dismiss it. "Thank you for being so strong to tell us this. I don't think I could have done it. Thank you being willing to walk into this yourself, with Kalle. Thank you for everything! I wouldn't even be here if it weren't for you."

Gahrye sighed and stared at his oldest, dearest friend. They'd spent so many of their years apart, and yet every time they were together it was like this—as if no time had passed at all.

"Thank you, Elia, for seeing the truth about me that I couldn't even see myself. Thank you for being a friend when I so desperately needed one."

They stared at each other, then Elia was crying and shaking her head. "I can't believe it's come to this. Could you ever have imagined this 20 years ago?" Then she caught herself. "But maybe you did, with your gift?"

Gahrye shook his head. "I didn't know this for certain until yesterday. And I didn't even suspect about Kalle until just recent months. Prior to that, I believed you had both done your part. It was… a blow when this came."

Elia hugged him again. "I don't know how I'm going to do it," she admitted. "I can't believe Kalle has to do this over there, alone."

"We won't be alone. She'll have me, and I'll have her. And she's chosen two Protectors that are staying to help just in case." He squeezed her harder. "You're so brave, Elia. The rest of them never saw it early on, but I did. I always saw it. It inspired me."

"Stop!" Elia cried. "You inspired me!"

Gahrye forced himself to grin. "Then we're even."

Neither of them wanted to say goodbye. Gahrye took the time to tell her he believed Reece had accepted his fate and would stay. But they were both aware of time ticking away and the need for them to turn to the tasks they'd been given."

Their conversation ground to a halt and Elia ran a hand through her hair.

"I don't want to say goodbye," she whispered.

"I don't want to either, not like this. But I have to go soon, and so do you."

They embraced one more time, then Gahrye quoted from the histories. "The Creator says there is no greater love than this, that a man would lay down his life for his friends. You know, I always thought that was just an ideal, but…" he swallowed hard. "I lay down my life for you, Elia."

She sobbed. "I lay down my life for you, Gahrye."

"See you on the other side?"

Elia nodded, hugged him one more time, then turned and ran towards the cave and her Tree House.

Gahrye didn't wait to see her go inside. Later, he knew, they would both be at the cave. But this had been their real goodbye and he would cherish it. So, he turned and walked in the opposite direction, because he realized, it wasn't just people he needed to farewell… it was Anima.

So he set out to do that before his final goodbye to his son.

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