Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 213 The Ball

Chapter 213 The Ball

With the help of Natalie, Nathan managed to safely dispel the fireball without damaging anything.

"Phew~ that scared me for a second there."

Said Nathan as he wipes the sweat that unknowingly appeared on his forehead.

Hearing his words, Natalie looked at him strangely and sighed.

Seeing that, Nathan curiously asked, "What are you acting like that for?"

Natalie thought for a while before saying, "How could it be possible that even a basic spell such as fireball will have such an abnormal reaction when it was casted by you?"

Without hiding anything, Nathan answered, "Maybe it's because of the way I casted it?"

"The way you casted it?"

"Well, didn't you notice?" Nathan asked, "The I casted the fireball spell was different from yours."

"How different is it?" Natalie tilted her head with a clueless look.

Staring at her for a while like he's looking at an idiot, Nathan explained to her the process of his 'spellcasting' with a few words.

"Ahh! So that's how you did it." Natalie said with a look of realization on her face.

"Yeah, but I did not expect it to turn out like that in the end." Nathan said, "Maybe it's because I'm not familiar with magic control yet so I wasn't able to minimize the output."

Nathan nodded in agreement at his words.

At this time, an old man dressed like a butler suddenly approached Natalie.

"My lady, it is already time to head to the palace."

Natalie smiled at the butler, "Alright, thank you, Dominic."

Then she turned to look at Nathan and said, "You heard that right, brother?"

Nathan nodded, "Yeah, so let's go on our way now."

With the butler Dominic at the lead, the three went outside the gates of the manor where a carriage with a book insignia is already waiting.

"My Lady, My Lord, please."

Dominic gestures for Natalie and Nathan to get inside the carriage.

After seeing the two are seated properly inside the carriage, Dominic closed the door before heading to the front to act as the coachman.

With just the two of them, Nathan suddenly said, "His name is Dominic, right?"

Natalie nodded, "Oum, why brother, is there something wrong?"

Nathan fell silent before he shook his head and answered with a smile, "Nothing, I was just curious about your butler."

After that, Nathan changed the topic and the two chatted for a while.

Then, after a while, Natalie seems to have suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, brother, next week is already the start of classes. You're going, right?"

Hearing the sudden question, Nathan didn't seem surprised.

He can understand why Natalie asked if he will go.

For some, school is a way to leap across the social status in society nowadays.

Money, status, power, respect, etc. all of that are what education promises the people.

Buti if you already have power, it is hard for one to consider education important.


For those with power, knowledge is just within arm's reach.

They could even get information that isn't taught in schools.

And Nathan now can be said to be someone with power.

Although in her heart she knows her brother well, there is still a scary feeling that Nathan might change in her head.

Knowing Natalie's thoughts, Nathan smiled and looked at her.

Calmly, he answered, "Of course, I would. I already told you, mom and dad's wish is for the two of us to graduate and finish school."

"No matter what happens, I will finish my studies and make our parents proud and happy even if they are not here now."

Hearing Nathan say all that, a relieved smile got onto Natalie's lips.

"That's good, brother."

Just in time, the carriage also stopped and Dominic opened the door for them.

When Nathan saw the scene on the other side of the door, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

'A castle, huh. From the looks of this place, it should be something like a high ranking noble or maybe even royalty.'

While thinking of such thoughts, Nathan got down from the carriage before assisting Natalie with great care.

Natalie looked at him and flashed a smile, "Thank you, brother."josei

Then she turned her eyes at Dominic and said, "To you too, Dominic, thank you."

"My pleasure, My Lady."

Natalie did not say anything more and just nodded.

She turned her eyes back to Nathan and said, "Let's go brother."

Nathan lent his arms for Natalie to hook her arms onto for support and the two headed to the venue with unhurried steps.

Along the way, many people greeted Natalie.

But Nathan noticed something from those people.

That is, be it a young teenage man, a young lady, or even a balding middle aged man, all of them have a respectful attitude towards Natalie.

And it was not just an ordinary respect but a respect that is just a thin line away from worshipping.

Seeing this, Nathan can't help but become more curious about Natalie's life here in the world of her own novel.

But Nathan did not linger on the thoughts for a long time before dismissing it.

Soon the two stepped into the castle and saw a lot of people chatting all over the place discussing various topics from politics, war, secret realm, dungeons, etc.

Nathan was able to hear it all.

However, Nathan didn't really care about any of that.

Today, his only duty is to accompany and protect her throughout the party.

Just when they got into the castle, a voice of a girl loudly shouted.


When Nathan turned his eyes in the direction where the sound came from, he saw a blond teenage girl with twin tails on as her hair, running towards them.

More specifically, at Natalie.

"Margaux, how many times have I told you, don't run inside the castle, you might end up tripping yourself!"

Natalie showed a strict look on her face as she reprimanded the little girl.

However, the little girl did not seem to take it seriously and playfully stuck out her tongue.


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