Tap Tycoon System!

Chapter 214 The Lionheart Royal Family

Chapter 214 The Lionheart Royal Family

Natalie can only sigh helplessly at Margaux's behavior.

Watching this from the side, Nathan can't help but find it funny seeing Natalie acting like a big sister that can't do anything to Margaux.

As if she heard his thoughts, Natalie looked at Nathan with a deadpan look on her face before sadly shaking her head.

At this time, Margaux has also noticed Nathan who is standing beside Natalie.

Tilting her head, she said, "Hello? Are you Natalie's brother?"

Nathan smiled at her and greeted back, "Hello, yes, how did you know?"

Margaux immediately became excited at Nathan's confirmation,

"Natalie always tells me stories about you. It is to the point that I already seem to know you even if this is the first time that we are meeting!"

"Oh, is that so?"

Nathan glanced at Natalie and smiled.

"My brother is super great, why wouldn't I flaunt him everywhere?" Said Natalie in a 'matter of fact' tone.

Nathan can only chuckle lightly at that.

Then he turned his eyes back at Margaux and said,

"Since you know me so well already, may I ask for your name?"

"Ah! I apologize for my late introduction, I am Margaux Blanche Lionheart, 2nd Princess of the Leonel Kingdom."

Margaux introduced herself like a proper lady with elegance and etiquette.

In response, Nathan slightly bowed his head and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess."

While Nathan acted normally outside, he is actually thinking about what kind of things Natalie is doing in this world to become this close with a princess.

But after thinking about it more, Nathan realized that there is actually nothing surprising about this.

That is because,

This is a novel world made by Natalie!

She knows every character, how things will progress, the very plot of the story, everything!

Natalie is literally omniscient in this world!

Because of that, being friends with a princess is nothing surprising.

Heck, being friends with the characters here might not even be the limit of what Natalie can act in here!

With a clearer image of everything, Nathan no longer thinks about it.

After chatting for a while, Nathan and the other two proceeded inside, at the main hall.

There, a lot of people are already inside, chatting with one another.

But even though there's a lot of people that are talking at the same time, the place is actually not chaotic, it is more harmonious.

"Maybe this is what proper manners and etiquette do." Nathan murmured.

With such thoughts in mind, Nathan observed with keen eyes everything that is going on in all corners of the hall.

What he immediately noticed is that, the moment they entered, the eyes of everyone immediately turned to the two girls, Natalie and Margaux.

And from those people, he saw three different kinds of reactions that are dominant within the main hall.

Amiability, Respect, and Hostility.

When Nathan saw those people looking at Natalie with hostility, Nathan's eyes turned cold for a second before going back to normal.

Even though his eyes have recovered to normal, Nathan has already marked their faces in his head.

Those few people who looked at the two with eyes full of hostility suddenly felt chills down their spine.

"What the hell was that…"

"I suddenly feel cold in my back."

"Did you also feel that?"


As those people gathered together, asking the unknown chill that they experienced, Nathan, Natalie, and Margaux had already finished greeting people and found their own seat.

"Sigh, that was tiring." Margaux said as she sat down.

Nathan looked at her, he smiled and said, "From the look on your face, it seems like you don't like talking to them, huh."

"Of course, I hate it! I have to pay attention to etiquette all the time, I have to watch out for my words and I even have to carefully read their mood!" Margaux said with a vexed look.

Seeing her reaction, Nathan found it funny.

Then he said, "But you still did it, right?"

"That's just what I should do as the princess of Leonel Kingdom, I have the obligation to keep our relationship with other nobles in check."

When she said those words, the vex look on Margaux's face was immediately replaced by a proud expression.

Nathan slowly nodded his head in understanding.

He warmly smiled and said, "You're doing great."

Nathan stretched out his hand and suddenly patted Margaux in her head.

Feeling the warm hand on her head, Margaux was stunned for a few seconds before a blush suddenly covered her whole face.

She hurriedly lowered her head and became silent.

After a while, Nathan withdrew his hand and started looking around.

Clink! Clink! Clink!

At this time, someone tapped a glass, gathering everyone's attention.

Standing at the center of the hall, a handsome man that looks to be 30 to 40 years old is looking at all the eyes looking at him with satisfaction.

He has a chiseled jaw, well-groomed beard, and clear eyes that seem to give light to those in the dark.

On that man's body, there is a very dignified aura that gives people the feeling that they should obey him.

It is as if he's the authority himself.

Natalie sitting beside Nathan saw the curious look that he's giving the man.

She approached Nathan a little and whispered, "That's Margaux's father, the King of this country, Alexander Lionheart."

Hearing that, understanding immediately dawned on Nathan.

"Oh~ So that's why he has that kind of feeling surrounding him." He said,

At this time, Nathan also paid attention to every guest in the hall and saw that everyone was looking at the king with respectful eyes.

Even those people who dared to look at the two girls with hostility didn't dare to show a bit of their hostility and smiled with ugly faces.

Seeing that, a light flashed in Nathan's eyes.

"Hmm, interesting."

He turned his eyes back at the kind standing at the center of the hall at this time.

With a slight smile, he said in a low voice that only he could hear, "I should make some time to visit this king someday."

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