Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: Chip review

Chapter 89 Chip Review

In the afternoon of that day, the news that the island country Fuji Equipment Co., Ltd. went to Hantang Technology Company to forcibly dismantle the mobile phone production line equipment, and then thousands of Hantang workers came to protect the factory, instantly shocked Daxia.

At this time, whether it is Internet media or paper media, they have reported this matter in the form of news headlines, which has attracted the attention and discussion of countless people.

In this case, some people agreed with the workers' actions, while others opposed their actions, thinking that they were going to extremes.

Of course, some people also discussed the behavior of Fuji Equipment’s early dismantling of production line equipment, legal compliance and so on.

Among them, some people agree and some object, and those who oppose think that it is unreasonable for the Fuji equipment in the island country to do so.

Claiming that these guys did not abide by the spirit of the contract, the act of dismantling the equipment and returning it when the Fuji equipment contract time expired is very disgusting and illegal.

Those who agree with it think that the equipment is more than 90 million yuan. With such an expensive equipment, who knows if those workers will go to extremes because they can't afford wages.

After all, these equipments are very delicate. Any worker holding a hammer may destroy the production line equipment. These equipments cost more than 90 million yuan. Who can afford to lose them.

In this way, whether it is on the Internet or in the streets, people discuss and dispute this matter.

Under such circumstances, soon at noon the next day, both parties issued an announcement.

The announcement states that both Fuji Equipment and Ah SIR will send personnel to monitor and protect the assets of the production line equipment to prevent workers from damaging the equipment and so on.

Hantang Technology Co., Ltd. also defaults to their monitoring behavior. As long as the installation and debugging of the factory are not prevented, it is assumed that they will watch from the side, so that both parties can be regarded as taking a step back.

The mobile phone workers of Han and Tang Dynasties kept the equipment of the new factory, and they were able to continue the normal operation of the new factory installation and commissioning, so they all cheered.

At this time, Fuji Equipment didn't know about their behavior, which made Lin Xuan, who was far away in the cold country, feel quite contemptuous of their behavior.

It can be said that starting from their behavior, Hantang Company and Fuji Equipment, the second largest production line company in the island country, have entered a state of hostility.

It can be said that starting from this incident, Fuji and Hantang will not have any business contacts and cooperation in the future!

When the forced demolition of new factory equipment just came to an end,

Soon, on July 1st, that is, the morning of the second day of the forced demolition incident.

The reporters who went to Hanguo Sanxing Company to find Lin Xuan finally released the latest information about Lin Xuan.

They successfully met Lin Xuan in Sanxing Company, and even conducted a video interview with Lin Xuan!

So curious people clicked on the live interview video on the Internet.

Although it takes a few minutes to watch a video in this era, people still wait patiently for a few minutes to watch the interview video due to their curiosity.

"Mr. Lin, have you fled overseas?"

A reporter raised the microphone and asked Lin Xuan.

"Are you asking this sentence to be funny?"

Lin Xuan in the video asked back with a half-smile tone.josei

"Okay, may I ask you to come over and let the mobile phone chip flow out, is this true or false?"

Obviously the reporter who was questioned back was a little helpless, so he could only ask the purpose of coming here this time.

"That's right, we came here to tape out mobile phone chips. Our company has developed and designed the first chip of the Hantang Integrated Circuit Research Institute, the Hanfeng first-generation chip!"

In the video, Lin Xuan looks confident, and there is no sign of him lying at all.

But the reporter obviously didn't believe Lin Xuan's words, and he asked with burning eyes:

"Mr. Lin, are you sure you are not lying? As far as I know, it takes at least a year to develop a chip. You claim that you have developed a mobile phone chip in less than a month. Is this a bit too fake? Woolen cloth?"

"The real one can't be fake, and the fake one can't be real. At present, our Hanfeng first-generation chips are being taped out at the Sanxing chip factory behind me.

Among them, I and the technical backbone of the company are honored to be qualified to visit and study, so there is no need for Hantang Technology to deceive you! "

At this time, Lin Xuan looked at the reporter's half-belief, turned his head to look at a bald man beside him and said:

"Since you don't believe it, let the director of the chip factory of Sanxing Company tell you."

Seeing this, the bald man also replied in the language of the cold country, "Sanxing Electronics is indeed conducting chip tapeout for Mr. Lin Xuan!"

The words of this person were quickly translated by the translator beside him!

Getting the exact news from the person in charge of the chip factory of Sanxing Electronics, the reporter raised his eyes in horror and shock!

real or fake? Lin Xuan actually tapes out mobile phone chips? !

Doesn't this mean that Hantang Technology has successfully developed a mobile phone chip! !

Thinking of this, the reporter looked at Lin Xuan in shock.

At the same time, it wasn't just the reporter who showed a shocked expression. In fact, the audience on the Internet and even in front of the TV watched the words of the director of Sanxing's chip factory, and they all showed expressions of shock and horror!

Soon, their expressions of shock and horror turned into ecstasy and pride in an instant!

It turned out to be true! Is it possible that a domestic mobile phone chip will appear in Daxia, and will we break the monopoly of foreign mobile phone chips from now on?

People who thought of this place showed proud expressions, and then they were full of anticipation and curiosity.

Looking forward to and curiously waiting for the mobile phone chip called Hanfeng First Generation to come out quickly, and then check whether the chip is authentic or not.

At this time, many people have believed that Hantang Technology has indeed developed a mobile phone chip, and they have obtained definite information from the people at Sanxing Electronics, so people are very curious about the chip at this time.

Just like that, the news about Lin Xuan and the mobile phone chip has been soaring, even more enthusiastic than before!

People all over the country are discussing mobile phone chips, discussing the performance of Hantang Technology's mobile phone chips...

During this period, all the negative news about Lin Xuan disappeared in an instant, and Lin Xuan once again became the pride of the country, the pride of the country that all young people in Daxia admire!

Although the chip was "not" developed by Lin Xuan, it was developed by Academician Ni Guangnan of the Xia Ke Academy.

But the chip has a lot to do with Lin Xuan's Hantang Technology Company. Without Lin Xuan, this chip might not have been born.

So, all the negative news about Lin Xuan disappeared, and Lin Xuan became the pride of that country again.

Lin Xuan's name was once again mentioned in the streets, on the Internet, and in schools!

Under such circumstances, people are full of curiosity about the first-generation Hanfeng mobile phone chip developed by Ni Guangnan.

And Hantang Company is also very thieves. They did not announce the news of the chip all at once, but only announced a little news every day, maintaining the popularity of mobile phone chips and Hantang Technology Company.

Soon on July 4th, the photos of Lin Xuan and his secretary Chen He preparing to board the plane at Hanguo Airport spread rapidly through the Internet, and people began to look forward to it.

The chip came out, and it actually came out!

At this time, Lin Xuan was already on the plane with the chip and was preparing to return to Daxia, and they will know the result soon!

Under such circumstances, it seems that Xia Ke Academy is not to be outdone.

On the afternoon of July 5th, a message was released on the official website of Xia Ke Academy.

That is the news that Xia Ke Academy will form an expert jury to go to the headquarters of Hantang Technology Company in Rongcheng, Sichuan Province, and prepare to verify the authenticity of mobile phone chips on the spot!

As soon as this news came out, it immediately added fire to the "Hanfeng Generation" chip incident.

"Lin Xuan", "Hanfeng Generation", "Mobile Phone Chip", "Hantang Technology Company", "Hantang Integrated Circuit Research Institute" and other terms instantly became popular all over the country!

Countless Chinese people are waiting eagerly, waiting for the news of China's first mobile phone chip coming out!

Is the Hanfeng first-generation chip true or false? This chip will be personally verified by the jury of the Xia Ke Academy, so this is the result that everyone will know soon!

If this first-generation mobile phone chip of Hanfeng is really successfully developed, it means that our Daxia will break the long-term monopoly of foreign mobile phone chips from now on. This is a huge breakthrough.

In such a highly anticipated situation, on July 6, the reviewers of the Xia Ke Academy and Lin Xuan returned to Rongcheng, Sichuan Province.

On the afternoon of July 6th, in the Sichuan Provincial Third Gymnasium, a chip review and inspection conference was being held.

As soon as the news that the chip review and inspection was about to be held came out, the Internet became lively again.

If it weren't for the underdeveloped Internet speed, the webcasting technology is not perfect.

Then at this time, it is estimated that there will be a live broadcast on the Internet in real time, and the number of people watching the live broadcast may reach millions of people online at the same time!

Under such circumstances, with the announcement of the official start of the chip inspection, the hundreds of reporters in Rongcheng No. 3 Gymnasium, and those enthusiastic people who came here out of curiosity, waited anxiously, and time slowly began to flow.

Many people looked nervously at the jury members of the Xia Ke Academy who were holding the chips tested by various instruments in the center of the stage. Some people with poor psychological quality had already shed a drop of sweat because of their nervousness.

At this time, they seemed to be husbands who were nervously waiting for their wives to give birth, and they looked exactly the same.

At the same time, they were not the only ones who were nervous. At this time, besides the reporters, there were also many ordinary netizens from all over the country paying attention to the development of the situation in forums or groups.

Waiting for the big bosses in the forum to give specific news and information. For this kind of netizens who they call big shots, they may be called famous bloggers or UP masters in later generations.

At this time, because these netizens had published articles supporting Hantang Technology, many people were lucky enough to come in and watch the chip results inspection live through pictures and texts.

Under such circumstances, time passed slowly, but soon, one of the members of the Charcot jury, who had been quiet all along, let out an exclamation, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Here comes the third update.

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Thanks Li Tiange

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(end of this chapter)

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