Technological Empire Starts From Shanzhai System

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Hanfeng first-generation chip release!

Chapter 90 Hanfeng First Generation Chip Released!

When the press conference was being held, the headquarters of Bodao Mobile in Boning City.

"Boom boom boom."

There was a knock on the door in the general manager's office.

"Come in."

A frowning man in the office frowned and said something.


The person who came in called out his cousin, which instantly made the frowning man inside frowned even more.

"Didn't I say not to call my name in the company?"

The person who spoke slowly raised his head. This person was Xu Hua.

"No, I just thought that my cousin might be having a headache, so I came here to persuade you."

At this time, Xu Bo said softly.

At this time, he didn't come to Xu Hua from the standpoint of the company's top management, but came to Xu Hua from the relationship of relatives, to persuade Xu Hua not to think too much.

Although Hantang Technology may have developed a mobile phone chip, so what?

Can Lin Xuan's mobile phone in Han and Tang Dynasties fly to the sky? It should only have an advantage over the Bodao mobile phone in terms of price and cost.

It may only be 20 or 30 yuan cheaper than other mobile phone chips. Now is the era of mass production of mobile phone chips. The price of a mobile phone chip is generally between 40 and 80 yuan.

So, although Bodao mobile phones may have a headache because Hantang mobile phones have chips.

But it has not directly made Boshima mobile phone desperate. After all, our company does not use your mobile phone chip, so what can you do!

"I know, I just feel that this guy Lin Xuan should not be underestimated, and it will give me a headache in the future."

Xu Hua waved his hands helplessly, but his eyes were fixed on the news on a post on a certain Diya forum.

At this time, the Internet bandwidth is insufficient to perform live video live mode.

So many of the invited guests are also the great gods in the eyes of netizens. At this time, they can only use their mobile phones or laptops to use mobile browsers, and log in to to conduct live broadcasts in the form of live text and pictures.

Looking at Xu Hua who was concentrating at this time, Xu Bo slightly shook his head and asked:

"Can I come over and take a look?"


We are all cousins. Now that Xu Bo said so, then Xu Hua naturally has nothing to do with it.

So Xu Hua moved the stool slightly so that Xu Bo could clearly see the forum screen showing the distance.

"Is the inspection almost finished?"

Seeing the post revealing the performance data of the chip that the expert team of Xiake Academy was testing through the instrument, and some of them exclaimed, he couldn't help but concentrate.

On the stage, the exclamations of the expert team members who tested the chip data one after another really aroused the anxiety of the netizens on the scene and even anxiously waiting for the live broadcast of pictures and texts.

At this time, they seemed like fathers waiting for their children to be born. Every cry of pain in the delivery room made people feel tense, and every second was so difficult!

One point, two points and three points, the audience in the audience really lived like a year.

At this moment, they all anxiously looked at the members of the working group on the stage, eager to know what happened to the first chip with independent intellectual property rights in Daxia...

Finally, the difficult time passed slowly, and after more than half an hour, it seemed that everything had come to fruition!

On the stage in Rongcheng No. 3 Gymnasium, Lin Xuan accompanied a skinny old man to the middle of the stage, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone showed curious and expectant eyes.

At this time, the skinny old man slowly picked up the microphone, and then announced in public:

"After nearly an hour of inspection by our expert group of the Xia Ke Academy, we can announce in the name of the Xia Ke Academy:

This chip Hantang Technology Company does own all intellectual property rights!

And this is a brand new chip designed from scratch, with all independent intellectual property instruction sets and architectures!

A mobile phone chip with powerful performance and functions that has reached the world's leading level! "


Heard a solid conclusion from the leader of the review and inspection team of the Xia Ke Academy.

Many reporters, invited guests and representatives of other companies at the scene were shocked in an uproar!

It’s okay that Hantang Technology Company successfully designed and developed a mobile phone chip. After all, as long as they are willing to spend money, they can definitely design and develop a mobile phone chip. At most, it will take a year or two.

But Hantang Technology Company actually designed and developed a mobile phone chip with all independent intellectual property instruction sets and architectures?!!

What does this mean? !

This most represents that from now on, in the mobile phone industry, in addition to the ARM instruction in the mobile phone market.

Another brand-new mobile processor instruction set was born in this world. The name of this instruction set is Hantang instruction set!

The audience at the scene were so excited that it was hard to calm down, and their hearts were full of pride!

Because they broke the monopoly of foreign mobile phone chips in Daxia!

When the crowd at the scene was too excited to calm down, a reporter slowly raised his hand and asked:

"Mr. Lin, can you tell us about the various parameters and performance of this mobile phone chip?"

The reporter who raised his hand to ask a question showed an excited expression in his eyes.

At this time, after the inspection by the expert group of the Xia Science Institute, it was proved that this mobile phone chip called Hanfeng I has independent intellectual property rights, which means that Huaxia has broken the monopoly of foreign mobile phone chips!

This is big news.

Now is the time for these reporters to take the next step. They now need to know the performance parameters of this chip and how it compares with foreign mobile phone chips...

Under the curious eyes of the reporters, the skinny old man nodded slightly, and then asked for the middle seat to Lin Xuan.

Seeing this, Lin Xuan also came to the middle of the stage with a smile, then looked at the guests, reporters and representatives from other companies and said slowly:

"I know that everyone has been curious for a long time, so I will announce the performance parameters of the first mobile phone chip developed by our Hantang Integrated Circuit Research Institute!"

Under people's curious eyes, Lin Xuan pressed the remote control in his hand.

Soon, the screen of the projection screen behind him changed instantly, and a new projection appeared, and the detailed data of the chip was written next to the chip!

"this is…"

At this time, many reporters who have paid special attention to foreign technology companies looked at the product launch scene and felt that this scene was somewhat familiar.

Because when the Pingguo company on the other side of the ocean released new products, they liked this mode of press conference.

"Han style generation?!"

Looking at the top title in the text next to the chip, a reporter whispered the name.

They were not surprised that Lin Xuan would name this chip with keywords such as Han or Tang.

Under such circumstances, they looked at the detailed data of this chip.

"As you can see, this chip uses the most advanced 65nm process technology in the world!

It can be said that starting from the process technology, it has crushed the 130nm industry of Lianfa's mt6218. "

Looking at the excited crowd below, Lin Xuan announced the architecture parameters of this chip.

"The first generation of Hanfeng adopts the Hantang simplified instruction set with full independent intellectual property rights. It can be said that from the beginning of the chip design, we have directly got rid of the shackles of the instruction set of other chips!

We are a simplified instruction set with full independent intellectual property rights built from scratch, and it can be said that it has no connection with other instruction sets.

In the future, we can also further develop other product-specific chips based on some computing instructions of the Han and Tang SIIS, such as computers, such as handhelds, such as single-chip microcomputers...

Hantang RISC is a RISC with high performance, as a chip designed in this era.

We avoid and give up many unnecessary burdens, and go directly to the design and development goal of high efficiency and low energy consumption.

It may be that from the beginning of the design, the instruction set of Han and Tang Dynasties has far surpassed those who have been developed for more than ten or even decades, and thus become very bloated and inefficient.

His performance, high efficiency and low power consumption are beyond doubt! "

But at this time, a young man with a bald head suddenly raised his hand and asked:

"Mr. Lin, if you use the autonomous knowledge instruction set in this way, will it conflict with the existing programming language and make it unusable?!"

Computer, in the final analysis, is a product that brings together hardware and software.

There is no problem for someone like Lin Xuan to put aside all the burdens of the past and directly focus on high efficiency, high performance and low power consumption, but the fact that there is no problem with the hardware does not mean that there is no problem with the software!

Because it is a brand-new instruction set and a brand-new architecture, I am afraid that there is no programming language to support this processor at the software level.

Without the support of programming language, the Hanfeng first-generation chip developed by Hantang Technology Company is a lonely research and development, and it is useless at all!

Shaking his head slightly, Lin Xuan couldn't think of this question that outsiders can think of. He has been working **** it for a long time.

He didn’t do nothing in the research and development of chips before, except that he learned Sanxing’s chip production experience in the Sanxing chip factory “uprightly”.

He is also preparing for the software level at the same time, preparing for the support of the software level after the birth of future chips!

So listening to the man's question, Lin Xuan replied with a smile:

"You don't have to worry about this, because we have the Hantang mobile phone operating system!

We can establish a perfect support for the first generation of Hanfeng chips from the system level.

In addition, our Hanfeng first-generation chips already support the J language. After this press conference, we will release and download the Hantang J language for free on our Hantang company's official website.

In addition, we will soon launch the C language and C++ language Hantang version of the programming language, and it will be released for free at that time. "

At present, Hantang Technology Co., Ltd. has not reached a cooperation with the owner of the J language programming language, Sunsoft Corporation of the United States.

Because they will not spend a lot of money to invest a large number of scientific researchers to support the development of the Hanfeng version of the J language for the Hanfeng first-generation chip.

In this case, it is natural to rely on Hantang Technology to solve the problem of making the J language support the Hanfeng first-generation chip like Lin Xuan did when he developed Super Penguin Chat.

First, let’s talk about the existing facts, and then talk to Sunsoft. Let’s talk about whether Hantang Technology has any infringement.

Anyway, the J language is a free language, and Lin Xuan did not use this language for commercial purposes, so let's create a fait accompli first and then talk about it.

The first update is presented, and the second update time is 17.5 minutes. If there is no unexpected stimulus today, there will be a total of 6,000 words in two updates today.

Thanks also to Super Invincible Handsome Dog Meat

Purple gold tassel

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(end of this chapter)

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