Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 732 - Heaven

Chapter 732 - Heaven

Chapter 732: Heaven

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Ding dong... josei

As they spoke, the Skylink rang. A projection bloomed, and it was indeed Ai Xiaolu.

“Classmate Xiaolu, let me introduce you. This is Ye Zisu, designer of Wind God. Yan Xiaosu, my childhood friend.” Wang Zheng said.

“How do you do, beautiful? Wang Zheng and I grew up in the same pair of pants. We must talk more in the future.” Yan Xiaosu was panting up the pole seeing a babe.

Ai Xiaolu had seen many of his kind, and was well equipped to deal with those like Yan Xiaosu. But today, she was in no mood to joke.

“Wang Zheng, how did you get involved with him?”

“I didn’t get involved with him, he got involved with me. How did you find out who he was so fast?” Wang Zheng was shocked at Ai Xiaolu’s efficiency. Barely any time had passed.

Ai Xiaolu laughed bitterly. “It didn’t take much. This person is infamous in the underworld. His nickname is Heaven. A confirmed Earth Grade. And... can be regarded as a senior.

Wang Zheng was taken aback. “How could it be like this?”

“I don’t know the secret details, but you know that the X power leaderboards only details the rankings. This guy is in the top 1000, an elite that we completely cannot stand up against. No matter the reason, you had best stay far away from him!”

Ai Xiaolu had no intention of shaking Wang Zheng’s confidence. She had seen him in action before, but he was definitely not an equal for a pro of the Earth Grade.

“What’s his ability?”

“According to the data I have, it’s a rare form of the Wood affinity. He’s a high flier, and it’s unclear how many abilities he has derived. As a killer famous in the underworld, it’s camouflage and bone-eating poison. But you must know that as an Earth Grade expert, this is no small matter.”

“Thanks, I got it.”

“Wang Zheng, don’t be rash. I know you are confident, but you still have a few years to go before you are capable of fighting with the Earth Grade. You have a bright future ahead of you!”

Ai Xiaolu said seriously. Although she had not known Wang Zheng for too long, but she understood his personality all too well. Such characters were seen through easily.

“I know. If I really can’t beat him, I will definitely run. I’m no fool.” Wang Zheng smiled reassuringly.

Ai Xiaolu knew that such words were useless. “I’ll have the relevant data sent to you. You must be careful!”

Ai Xiaolu’s words had left the 3 of them looking at each other. The situation as worse than they had expected.

Who was it that had been so “thorough” in inviting such a big shot to Tita Star?

“Lan Ling can give up on checking the mech’s origin as well. It won’t be found.” Wang Zheng said.

Since he had come from Elite Academy, then most had access to space crystals. And no matter how strict the regulation was, Wang Zheng did not believe that none had leaked out, especially to the underworld.

Once the situation had been explained, Ye Zisu and Yan Xiaosu felt like they were living in a completely different world. Why did such a scary group actually exist in the world?

“Wang Zheng, speak up. What’s to be done?”

There was not the slightest shred of fear in Wang Zheng’s eyes, but instead a burning will for battle. What an opportunity!

But this was something that he could not accomplish alone. But if a certain somebody was willing to land a hand, this could be an interesting hunt.

As for who was hunter and hunted, that remained to be seen.

Seeing Wang Zheng’s strange smile, Yan Xiaosu knew that Wang Zheng was going to go crazy. Sigh, in the end, he was just a playmate. But Yan Xiaosu was also thinking. Since Wang Zheng was so confident, then there was nothing to be afraid of.

Ai Xiaolu and Wang Zheng lived in a different environment. Ai Xiaolu’s dictionary revolved around the safe and stable. Things that were too dangerous, and unassured gains, were things that Ai Xiaolu would definitely not do. She had been nurtured thus from young. But Wang Zheng had grown up on a completely different trajectory.

Achilles was surprised to hear this news. Wang Zheng had actually come to him?

In truth, the two had come a long way together from IG. Achilles really admired Wang Zheng, only that the Moon people were not too forward. They often cocooned themselves in an elegant shell. Therefore Moon people always kept to themselves.

But when Wang Zheng had taken the initiative, Achilles had felt surprised but pleased.

Titatitan Star, Earth Grade killer, Heaven.

‘Milo, check the data on the underworld. Someone called Heaven, should be Earth Grade.” Achilles called through to Milo’s Skylink. This matter roused his interest.

Wang Zheng had invited him to Tita Star for a thrill. A very fatal game.

And the word fatal deeply attracted Achilles. Spending his days holed up in the abyss did little to satisfy the pride in Achilles’ bones.

Earth Grade killer, an invitation from Wang Zheng. These things deeply interested him.

Milo sent the data over quickly.

Heaven, Earth Grade. Ability X ranking within the top 1000, and a A class criminal in the galaxy, with a bounty of 50 million.

Intergalactic criminals were divided into 5 tiers. A rank criminals were pretty much untouchable. These people were elite professionals cloistered in the darkness.

But Milo’s data was about the same as Ai Xiaolu’s, even slightly less comprehensive.

He had never been to Tita Star before, but he had heard endlessly about that mysterious planet. The energy was unstable, and many energy-type tools could not be used. As for mecha, wind affinity was strengthened, while the other affinities were suppressed.

And Achilles’ energy was forcefield control, part of the Major Cycle. Tita Star’s conditions might repel his ability, or become an extremely good match.

On this point Achilles was not too worried, because the Heavenly King Arts tended towards the Wind affinity. Training on the Moon was becoming stale. Since Wang Zheng had invited, why not go?

“Lie Xin, I’m borrowing the Mars VIP air route tomorrow. I’m going to Tita.” It would take a while for his own people to settle those affairs, but it would be too easy for Lie Xin to just gesture.

After Lie Guang had died, the world had not changed much for anyone else. It was like Lie Guang had never existed before. But to Lie Xin, it was an earth tilting change. The Sage had spoken to her at length before retreating into seclusion. Lie Guang had used his death to awaken Lie Xin’s last sense, and understand the true essence of fire. If Lie Xin crumbled, then Lie Guang would have died in vain.

It had to be said that these words had hit the nail on the head. If Lie Xin did not work hard, she would let Lie Guang down.

But Lie Xin was plagued with complex emotions. Logic was logic, but no one understood the feelings between her and Lie Guang. They could not understand her pain.

“Why Tita Star?” Lie Xin’s face was unsmiling, completely different from before. But Achilles did not mind her cold manner. He smiled slightly and explained.

Lie Xin was quiet for a while. “I’ll go with you.”

Achilles was taken aback. “That place is suited to Wind affinity. You...”

Regardless whether it was the Lie Flame Technique or fire ability X, it was not well suited to her.

“I’m going.”

“Keke, your wish. Leaving on the dot at 9am tomorrow. Arrange it.”

Lie Xin nodded silently. She was dying to leave Mars, to go to a foreign place.

Titatitan Star, Earth Grade killer. Sounded like heaven to her.

Tita Star, outside of the city, was a beautiful forest. There dwelled many beasts unique to Tita Star, and also all kinds of beautiful and interesting flora. Tita Star could support giant life without lacking for food. Some planets suffered from famine after the soil became impoverished, but this had never been a problem for Tita Star. It was a planet infused with life force.

Under the night sky, Tita Star looked even more unique. But presently, these woods housed a danger. A figure was idly watching the night sky, a straw in his mouth.

Who would have thought that this rural place could actually tamper with his ability? The so called titans were just some simple minded 4-limbed humanoids, and not worth attacking. But his mission this time was not to kill, but to terrorize. This left him less than satisfied, but if there was a pro around, then it was a different matter.

The black shadow flicked open the Skylink idly. A namelist appeared. Titan, Mu Sen, Lan Ling, Ye Zisu. Each of the 4 heads were worth 80 million. But now the price was about to increase.

The black shadow smiled, revealing a set of clean white teeth that were especially sinister. Suddenly a shadow appeared in mid air. This was one of the nocturnal predators on Tita Star, but the black shadow waved casually, splitting the beast in two without even a cry.

In the city, Tita Star’s curfew had been called off, and it was like nothing had happened.

Against such a pro, there was no need to make a fuss – after all they could not stop him. They must as well tighten defenses only on the crucial factors. Lan Ling was also hiring pros through the Lan family’s channels. They could not depend on Wang Zheng alone for these things.

Wang Zheng was not in the slightest bit nervous. It was rare that he had such free time to spend with Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu. Each day he had to help Rara Durai regulate the breath of his body. He had to admit that a titan’s body was strangely different. Logically, any normal life force suppressed by such energy for so long would take at least months to recover. But titans were in touch with nature. In 2 days he had more or less recovered. Rara Durai longed to go fight and rumble with Shan Meng. After lying for so long he felt like his body was rusting.

When teaching Tita people, words were useless. One had to directly build with them. The strange thing was that the same method was very difficult for humans, but considerably more successful for giants. At least, Rara Durai was quick on the uptake.

The technique unearthed one’s natural ability. Humans had traversed from natural ability to intellect, and then back to natural ability. A bit like seeing a mountain for a mountain, then as something else, then again as a mountain. But the Tita people accomplished it in a step.

This matter had roused in Wang Zheng a fierce desire to build a giant troop, so that Tita Star could at least defend itself in times like these.

Although the galaxy was full of pros, but they were the gems, the result of the accumulation of human civilization’s entire developmental process. The Tita people could not compete directly. But just in terms of body conditions, the Tita giants were very, very good.

“Rara, any feeling?” After soothing it once over, Wang Zheng was a little fatigued. It was quite draining.

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