Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 139 - 139 Ji Yanli's Outcry!!!

Chapter 139 - 139 Ji Yanli's Outcry!!!

Luo Lixi immediately broke away from Sheng Ruming's embrace. She didn't have any intention to eavesdrop anymore when she guessed it was his father. Sheng Ruming coughed and then replied, "Father, that man has committed some crimes. Don't worry. I will handle it and later I will send a report about this matter."

Sheng Haotin spoke in his deep voice that could make other people break out in cold sweat, "Good that you know. Handle this as fast as possible."

"I will." Then, both of them hung up at the same time. 

Afterwards, Sheng Haotin handed the phone back to Ji Yanli. The latter received and stood up. Then, she nodded her head and walked away from the room. Sheng Haotin kept seated there alone; thinking about this matter deeply. 

*** ***

After Ji Yanli had exited the room, she opened her chatting app and sent Sheng Ruming a message.

[Boss, please come back! I can't take this anymore.  Never in my life had I given my phone to others. Yet in the past few months, uncle Haotin has taken my phone more than five times and each time, you are the reason. Also  I feel like I will break down if I have to work under him. Please come back or let me go to your place…]

Ji Yanli spent a lot of her time typing those words. Recently, she felt that her hands would shake whenever she saw Sheng Haotin. Also, she was in constant fear that given at any moment, Sheng Haotin would call her in his office and scold her for a reason.

The lady was already scolded by Sheng Haotin many times already. Sometimes due to her mistakes, other times for matters related to employees. Even Wang Haoxiao wasn't scolded that much. She was in utter despair and sometimes she even had the thought to tell her father that she wanted to work in their own company.

But in the end, her mind didn't do it and held the hope that Sheng Ruming would return soon.


In a few seconds, a reply came.

[You will learn a lot under father. A good opportunity for you. Work hard and... good luck.]

Ji Yanli became enraged when she had read the text of the reply. She went back to her office chamber which was shared by four people. Then she took some files from a nearby shelf and then went back to her desk. The next second, she placed the files heavily on top of her desk while fuming in anger. 

"Good luck my foot! Work hard my ass!"

The nearby three men turned at her at the same time.

"What? Did you get scolded again?" There was a packet of roasted peanuts on top of his desk. Wang Haixiao threw a peanut in his mouth as he asked, making the angry lady angrier.

"Don't talk! Or I might send you some punches! Have you already forgotten the taste of my fist?!" Ji Yanli showed the man her fist as she glared at him.josei

Another man spoke up this time, "Yanli, calm down. An elegant lady like you shouldn't utter such foul words. You are hurting our hearts. Only by going through many hardships will you become a talent like us. Be confident!" The man fisted his hand as he was speaking.

Then, suddenly all the men in the room broke out in laughter. Wang Haixiao even did a high-five with him.

"You all are the same. I won't forget this. Just wait for the boss to come.  I will complain about all of you. Humph!" Ji Yanli flapped her hair and mocked them. All the men in the room were familiar with her so they knew, she was just bluffing and that she wouldn't do anything like that.

So, the others didn't hold back and laughed till tears came into their eyes. Afterwards, Wang Haoxiao threw the packet of peanuts towards her. 

"Eat some. It will help your hot brain to gain some energy." Afterwards, all the men regained doing what they were working on earlier.

"Who wants energy?!" Even though Ji Yanli mumbled this, she put the packet beside her files and began to work.

*** ***

Sheng Ruming stood up from the bed and told Luo Lixi, "Hurry up and get ready. We will set out in one hour."

"Alright." Luo Lixi picked a random dress and got up to get ready. On the other hand, Sheng Ruming also wore a specially tailor-made business suit especially for the photoshoot.

Afterwards, he began to wait in the living room. In twenty minutes, Luo Lixi walked out from the bedroom.

Sheng Ruming noticed, she had worn a black coloured dress. Even though it was expensive and a trending fashion style, in his eyes it looked lame considering what he had worn.

Also, Luo Lixi only applied a light cream on her face and a simple lipstick. Moreover, her hair wasn't tied by anything.

"You are ready?" Just to confirm his guess, he asked. Luo Lixi nodded her head and went to stand up before him.

"Let's go. I have even gotten ready in less time possible for you." Luo Lixi hooked her arm around his arm as they started to walk towards the main door of the penthouse.

"Don't you think, this dress is very simple." Sheng Ruming asked as they had already walked out from the penthouse and entered the lift.

"No. I think it's the best dress I have. Also, I think simplicity is good." Luo Lixi replied as she clicked the lift button for the ground floor. How could she tell him, she was so nervous that in the end, she had only put light touches on her face. 

Sheng Ruming stared at the reflection of his in the mirror and thought in remorse, 'What is this! In the past, all the women I have met have come to my date in beautiful dresses and excellent makeup. Yet she is telling me simplicity is good?! We are going for a photoshoot!'

His thoughts were unheard by her as they were only in his head. After they had got out from the lift, both of them walked towards the building entrance.

"Hello." This time, the receptionist was the same woman who had to carry a lot of bags last time she wanted to curry favour with Sheng Ruming. She stated at the man's moving silhouette while she greeted but Sheng Ruming didn't reply as his mind was somewhere else.

"Hello." Luo Lixi replied but the woman didn't turn at her. The receptionist knew they were a couple yet when she saw their joined arms, she felt horrible for some reason.

Luo Lixi's eyes turned cold when she detected the desire in the receptionist's face. She turned at Sheng Ruming and felt stifled. She had noticed that many women seemed to have the intention to hook up with him. This thought made her displeased.

After they had walked out, the ground was a little low ahead. Sheng Ruming was absent-minded and thus didn't notice it. When Luo Lixi saw he was going to trip over, she tugged at his arm and shouted, "Ruming."

Sheng Ruming got back his sense at her sudden outcry. When he heaved a sigh and turned at her, he saw the woman was angry. She even pinched at his arm as she spoke, "What is in your mind that you won't even look on the ground while walking. Do you want to die?!" 

Luo Lixi snorted and turned her sight ahead. They had started to walk towards the parking lot now.

Sheng Ruming retorted right away, "How can I die before I marry you?! I have yet to make babies with you…"

"You! You stop speaking about this kind of matter outside!" 

"What's wrong with this? Look around. Can you see anybody staring at us?!" 

At his reminder, she remembered that they were talking in Chinese and the other people on the streets probably couldn't have known this language. Even though she told him, "Even then, be mindful of your image. The most unexpected things happen when you put down your guards.."

"Yes. Just like I have found you back then in the river…" He stopped right away when he felt her stiffening at the topic. 'Didn't you find another time to bring up this matter?!' Sheng Ruming coughed as he intended to say something to make her relax.

"Just like floating on the surface of the water like plastic craps…" Luo Lixi stopped when he said that. Her face distorted when he compared her with trash.

"What did you say? Plastic craps?!" Sheng Ruming realised he was bullshiting now. He had wanted to make her forget the topic yet on the contrary he had made her angry.

"Nothing. Let's not talk about this matter." They had finally arrived before their car. Sheng Ruming took out the car key from his pocket and unlocked the car door. Then, he shoved her in the front seat and he sat on the driver seat.

"Ruming, you are a bad person."

"I am aware of this matter." Sheng Ruming showed her a hollow laugh. Luo Lixi had the illusion that she was talking about one matter while he answered about another, which made her very uncomfortable.

When he suddenly leaned towards her, her breaths stopped for a few seconds. At that  proximity, she could see his facial features very clearly.

Sheng Ruming wanted to help her to put on the seatbelt. But he stopped when he saw her staring at him with her lovely black eyes. Even he could feel the woman stopped breathing.

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