Ten Years of Yearning. My Love, Let Me Protect You.

Chapter 140 - 140 Given A Makeover And Redesign...

Chapter 140 - 140 Given A Makeover And Redesign...

Without reacting to her reaction, Sheng Ruming successfully bound her seatbelt. Afterwards, the car started to drive towards its destination at full speed.

In the car, both of them were silent. Luo Lixi was looking outside as she gripped her purse tightly.  The car slowly left the main road and went towards a sideroad.

After twenty minutes, the car had finally stopped before a two-storeyed building. Luo Lixi glanced around the deserted road and couldn't help but ask, "This area is so…" 

"Yeah. The person who will shoot our photos is a renowned photographer. This building is her."

Luo Lixi stared at the building before her and saw that the first floor is a salon while the second floor didn't have any sign. Both of them walked inside the building. A teenage girl walked up to them.

"Hello, are you Mr. Sheng?"


"Please come inside with me. Madam is waiting for you two."

Then, three of them followed the girl and arrived on the second floor. Then, as soon as they entered the apartment, all kinds of digital equipment came before their eyes which were used for photoshoot.

A lady in modeling clothes was seated on a nearby leather chair. When the three people entered, she bent down the magazine she was reading and raised her shades to peek at them.

Luo Lixi didn't mind her as she saw a woman with blonde hair talking with a man at the corner of the room. When she heard the sounds of footsteps, the woman turned around and looked towards them.

Afterwards,  she worked towards the main large steps.

"Mr. Sheng Ruming it's been a while." Both of them did a handshake. Then she turned towards Luo Lixi and asked playfully, "Ahh, is this your little girlfriend."

Both the woman and Sheng Ruming smiled when she asked this. Then the woman reached out for Luo Lixi's hand and shook it while saying, "Hello, miss. I am Clara and the owner of this little building as well as a little photographer."

"Hello, I am Luo Lixi…"

Immediately after the words flowed out of her lips, she paused and then hurriedly turned at Sheng Ruming. The words had just unconsciously left her lips and she forgot to tell the other alias instead.

Even though Sheng Ruming didn't expect Luo Lixi to blurt out her name, he thought it was okay. Thus he snaked his arm around her waist and replied, "Not my little girlfriend but my fiancée."

"Aww! It's good to be in a serious relationship." Clara nodded her head and then said, "I have already prepared the equipment for the photo shoot. So, we can start after you get ready." Then Clara turned towards the woman who had already stood up and walked towards them.

"Miss, Lixi, this is Kesi, my friend. The manager of my salon and the best stylist we have here. She will take you to the salon downstairs and give you a makeover, as well as redesign your image for a perfect photoshoot…"

Luo Lixi intervened, "Miss, Clara, I think I don't need to get any makeover or redesigning of my image. I think this dress and look is good."

This time, Kesi spoke up,  "How can this be enough! Our Clara has never shooted other people's photos in a plain makeover.  Do you know who she is…" When Kesi was given a glare by Clara, she immediately stopped talking and put on her shades from her head.

"Cough, Miss Lixi, before we can take the photos of you two, we have to redesign your image, and that will take up a lot of time and effort. Moreover, Mr. Sheng will also have to get a retouch." 

Clara gave Sheng Ruming's business suit a single look and knew that the price of it was the combined price of the business suits she had in her studio for the purpose of shooting. She nodded her head in satisfaction and thought today's photo's she would take will definitely be a masterpiece .

"Huh? I will also have to get a retouch?My image? What do you mean?" He asked with confusion. Never had anyone in Sheng Ruming's told him that he also needed to get such things done.

"You will understand when we do."

Then, Kesi took hold of Luo Lixi's hand and said, " let's go, Miss Lixi." Not sparing the awkward lady another glance, Keth decided not to waste her breath on saying anything further and directly let her follow her. Luo Lixi glanced at Sheng Ruming for the last time and followed Kesi without making any sound.

Luo Lixi really could not fathom why Sheng Ruming had chosen this little studio in the first place. The ignorant Luo Lixi didn't know that if he could he would have gone for a big one but that now was not the time. He just wanted some pictures of them together. Not so glamorous or classy photos, those famous photographers take.

Luo Lixi had been trying to understand what Clara meant by 'give you a makeover, as well as redesign your image' the whole way as she had followed Kesi. 

The lady had the hunch that this must be related to her makeup. Her dress was very good and she didn't have any doubt about it. But Luo Lixi was unsure if they would make her wear other pieces of dresses as well.

In two minutes, they arrived in front of the extremely fashionable salon. She curiously stared at the glamorous entrance before her. Only then she realized that her thinking was too limited!

Before she had once accompanied Kong Pipi in a salon but that was too simple and very few people could afford to attend. Even then, she was forced to use a facial by Kong Pipi.

The result?! The next day, her whole face got filled with little pimples like things. Later, when she went to the doctor, he told her that the thing she had used didn't suit her sensitive skin and in the future, she should avoid it.

But from that day, Luo Lixi didn't even go to a salon and Kong Pipi even didn't know this.

Only after Luo Lixi was ready that she understood the full meaning of this image redesigning and complete makeover meant...

As the two ladies entered, Kesi guided her to the innermost part of the salon, she guided her past many stylish people who were also in the midst of their makeup.

'It's so different from that salon…' She thought as she saw many other ladies. Then, she was brought into a brightly lit empty room.

The room was spacious and had extravagant furnishings. Its design was beyond modern and… seriously her eyes hurt. Many white, light bulbs illuminated the spacious room. Although it wasn't necessary and a waste of electricity, every light bulb was lit up even before they came, making the room exceptionally bright to the naked human eyes.

It was so bright that any skin flaws would be visible to one's eyes. She thought she could even see her skin pores in the mirror.

"Sit down here." With a smile, Kesi pushed Luo Lixi on the leather chair, who was feeling somewhat uneasy due to the brightness of the room, going as far as that she had to blink her eyes to get adapted to the light.

"Miss Luo, even though your facial features are good, look, your face is so dry and your hair needs some care. You are a young woman and have such a good fiance. At least, you should take care of your beauty or you will get aged soon..."

While Kesi was talking, she caressed Luo Lixi's skin and felt the dryness. "Does your fiance make you work a lot in bed?! Look, your face is so pale and your skin is so dreary..." Luo Lixi was struck dumb by the stylist, who had asked such a conservative question to her, standing beside her.

'Seriously?! Is talking about such sensitive matters normal now-a-days?! What the hell is up with this stylist?!' Luo Lixi coughed and answered, "It's not like that. I woke up from a coma some months ago…"

The woman stopped smiling when she heard her. "I am sorry, dear. I joked earlier."

"It's alright."

Then Kesi started to get in work. She took out many makeup materials from the various compartments of the room. After a while,  Clara entered the room with two other young girls. Then she came beside Luo Lixi and examined her face clearly. 

"I'll just leave this little beauty to you, Kesi honey. You should work quickly on her since we can't afford to delay or it will turn midnight by the time we finish." Clara chuckled as she signaled the other two girls to go and help Kesi. 

"Don't worry. I will definitely finish the task on time. After all, Mr. Sheng has given us that offer. If we can't satisfy him, we will be the ones who will lose out on the free bucks..." Kesi gave Clara a playful wink. Her sweet voice reverberated in the room..josei

Luo Lixi was puzzled by their conversation as she didn't have any clue about this. Thus she asked, "Excuse me. Can you tell me what the offer is?"

"…Ahahaha. I still have something on, so I will take my leave now." Clara gave an awkward smile and then resolutely left Luo Lixi in the salon with the other three women. Before going out, she told them.

"Mr. Sheng will come after an hour. Clear the whole salon in the meantime."

"The others will be done in thirty minutes. No problem." One of the young girls who had come with her earlier replied. 

Then, Clara went out and walked up to the second floor.

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